Entity: etx_core


AW DW PW RFAW ID nreset clk tx_rd_wait tx_wr_wait txrd_access [PW-1:0] txrd_packet txrd_full txrr_access [PW-1:0] txrr_packet txrr_full txwr_access [PW-1:0] txwr_packet txwr_full etx_cfg_wait [63:0] tx_data_slow [3:0] tx_frame_slow txrd_wait txrr_wait txwr_wait etx_cfg_access [PW-1:0] etx_cfg_packet


Generic name Type Value Description
AW 32
DW 32
PW 104
ID 12'h999


Port name Direction Type Description
nreset input Clocks,reset,config
clk input
tx_data_slow output [63:0] IO interface
tx_frame_slow output [3:0]
tx_rd_wait input
tx_wr_wait input
txrd_access input TXRD
txrd_packet input [PW-1:0]
txrd_wait output
txrd_full input sysclk domain
txrr_access input TXRR
txrr_packet input [PW-1:0]
txrr_wait output
txrr_full input sysclk domain
txwr_access input TXWR
txwr_packet input [PW-1:0]
txwr_wait output
txwr_full input sysclk domain
etx_cfg_access output Configuration Interface (for ERX)
etx_cfg_packet output [PW-1:0]
etx_cfg_wait input


Name Type Description
tx_status wire [15:0] for status?
burst_enable wire From etx_cfg of etx_cfg.v
cfg_access wire From etx_arbiter of etx_arbiter.v
cfg_mmu_access wire From etx_cfg of etx_cfg.v
ctrlmode wire [3:0] From etx_cfg of etx_cfg.v
ctrlmode_bypass wire From etx_cfg of etx_cfg.v
emmu_access wire From etx_mmu of emmu.v
emmu_packet wire [PW-1:0] From etx_mmu of emmu.v
etx_access wire From etx_arbiter of etx_arbiter.v
etx_packet wire [PW-1:0] From etx_arbiter of etx_arbiter.v
etx_rd_wait wire From etx_protocol of etx_protocol.v
etx_remap_access wire From etx_remap of etx_remap.v
etx_remap_packet wire [PW-1:0] From etx_remap of etx_remap.v
etx_wait wire From etx_protocol of etx_protocol.v
etx_wr_wait wire From etx_protocol of etx_protocol.v
gpio_data wire [8:0] From etx_cfg of etx_cfg.v
gpio_enable wire From etx_cfg of etx_cfg.v
mmu_enable wire From etx_cfg of etx_cfg.v
remap_enable wire From etx_cfg of etx_cfg.v
tx_access wire From etx_protocol of etx_protocol.v
tx_burst wire From etx_protocol of etx_protocol.v
tx_enable wire From etx_cfg of etx_cfg.v