Entity: etx_protocol


PW AW DW ID nreset clk etx_access [PW-1:0] etx_packet tx_enable burst_enable [8:0] gpio_data gpio_enable ctrlmode_bypass [3:0] ctrlmode tx_rd_wait tx_wr_wait etx_rd_wait etx_wr_wait etx_wait tx_burst tx_access [63:0] tx_data_slow [3:0] tx_frame_slow



This module converts the packet interface to a 64bit wide format

suitable for sending out to a parallel to serial shift register.

The frame signal is sent along together with the data making.

The goal is to minimize the amount of logic done on the high speed




Generic name Type Value Description
PW 104
AW 32
DW 32
ID 12'h000


Port name Direction Type Description
nreset input Clock/reset
clk input
etx_access input System side
etx_packet input [PW-1:0]
etx_rd_wait output Pushback signals
etx_wr_wait output
etx_wait output
tx_enable input transmit enable
burst_enable input Enables bursting
gpio_data input [8:0] TODO
gpio_enable input TODO
tx_burst output for TXSTATUS
tx_access output for TXMON
ctrlmode_bypass input ctrlmode for rd/wr transactions
ctrlmode input [3:0]
tx_data_slow output [63:0] Interface to IO
tx_frame_slow output [3:0]
tx_rd_wait input
tx_wr_wait input


Name Type Description
tx_state reg [2:0] ################################################################ # Local regs & wires ################################################################
tx_packet reg [PW-1:0]
tx_burst_reg reg
etx_datamode wire [1:0]
etx_ctrlmode wire [4:0]
etx_dstaddr wire [AW-1:0]
etx_data wire [DW-1:0]
tx_datamode wire [1:0]
tx_ctrlmode wire [4:0]
tx_dstaddr wire [AW-1:0]
tx_data wire [DW-1:0]
tx_srcaddr wire [AW-1:0]
ctrlmode_mux wire [3:0]
tx_cycle1 wire [63:0] ####################################### # Wait propagation circuit backwards ########################################
tx_cycle2 wire [63:0]


Type: always

Hold transaction while waiting

Type: always

Type: always

State machines
