Entity: gpio
- File: gpio.v
Function: General Purpose Software Programmable IO
(See README.md for complete documentation)
Author: Andreas Olofsson
License: MIT (see LICENSE file in this repository) #
Generic name | Type | Value | Description |
N | integer | 24 | number of gpio pins |
AW | integer | 32 | architecture address width |
PW | integer | 104 | packet width |
Port name | Direction | Type | Description |
nreset | input | asynchronous active low reset | |
clk | input | clock | |
access_in | input | register access | |
packet_in | input | [PW-1:0] | data/address |
wait_out | output | pushback from mesh | |
access_out | output | register access | |
packet_out | output | [PW-1:0] | data/address |
wait_in | input | pushback from mesh | |
gpio_out | output | [N-1:0] | data to drive to IO pins |
gpio_dir | output | [N-1:0] | gpio direction(0=input) |
gpio_in | input | [N-1:0] | data from IO pins |
gpio_irq | output | OR of GPIO_ILAT register |
Name | Type | Description |
gpio_imask | reg [N-1:0] | ################################ # wires/regs/ params ################################ registers |
gpio_itype | reg [N-1:0] | |
gpio_ipol | reg [N-1:0] | |
gpio_ilat | reg [N-1:0] | |
read_data | reg [N-1:0] | |
gpio_in_sync | wire [N-1:0] | |
data_old | reg [N-1:0] | shadow |
ilat_clr | wire [N-1:0] | |
reg_wdata | wire [N-1:0] | |
out_dmux | wire [N-1:0] | |
rising_edge | wire [N-1:0] | |
falling_edge | wire [N-1:0] | |
irq_event | wire [N-1:0] | |
reg_write | wire | |
reg_read | wire | |
reg_double | wire | |
dir_write | wire | |
imask_write | wire | |
itype_write | wire | |
ipol_write | wire | |
ilatclr_write | wire | |
out_write | wire | |
outset_write | wire | |
outclr_write | wire | |
outxor_write | wire | |
outreg_write | wire | |
ctrlmode_in | wire [4:0] | From p2e of packet2emesh.v |
data_in | wire [AW-1:0] | From p2e of packet2emesh.v |
datamode_in | wire [1:0] | From p2e of packet2emesh.v |
dstaddr_in | wire [AW-1:0] | From p2e of packet2emesh.v |
srcaddr_in | wire [AW-1:0] | From p2e of packet2emesh.v |
write_in | wire | From p2e of packet2emesh.v |
- unnamed: ( @ (posedge clk or negedge nreset) )
Type: always
################################ # GPIO_DIR ################################ 0=input 1=output
- unnamed: ( @ (posedge clk) )
Type: always
- unnamed: ( @ (posedge clk or negedge nreset) )
Type: always
- unnamed: ( @ (posedge clk or negedge nreset) )
Type: always
################################ # GPIO_IMASK ################################
- unnamed: ( @ (posedge clk) )
Type: always
################################ # GPIO_ITYPE ################################
- unnamed: ( @ (posedge clk) )
Type: always
################################ # GPIO_IPOL ################################
- unnamed: ( @ (posedge clk or negedge nreset) )
Type: always
- unnamed: ( @ (posedge clk) )
Type: always
################################ # READBACK ################################