Entity: mio_dp


PW NMIO TARGET clk io_clk nreset [7:0] datasize ddr_mode lsbfirst framepol tx_en rx_en tx_wait rx_clk rx_access [NMIO-1:0] rx_packet access_in [PW-1:0] packet_in wait_in tx_full tx_prog_full tx_empty rx_full rx_prog_full rx_empty tx_access [NMIO-1:0] tx_packet rx_wait wait_out access_out [PW-1:0] packet_out


Generic name Type Value Description
PW 104 data width (core)
NMIO 8 Mini IO width


Port name Direction Type Description
clk input main core clock
io_clk input clock for TX
nreset input async active low reset
datasize input [7:0] size of data transmitted
ddr_mode input dual data rate mode
lsbfirst input send data lsbfirst
framepol input polarity of frame signal
tx_en input enable transmit
rx_en input enable receive
tx_full output status
tx_prog_full output
tx_empty output
rx_full output
rx_prog_full output
rx_empty output
tx_access output access signal for IO
tx_packet output [NMIO-1:0] packet for IO
tx_wait input pushback from IO
rx_clk input rx clock
rx_access input rx access
rx_packet input [NMIO-1:0] rx packet
rx_wait output pushback from IO
access_in input fifo data valid
packet_in input [PW-1:0] fifo packet
wait_out output wait pushback for fifo
access_out output fifo data valid
packet_out output [PW-1:0] fifo packet
wait_in input wait pushback for fifo