Entity: mio_regs


N AW PW DEF_CFG DEF_CLK clk nreset access_in [PW-1:0] packet_in wait_in tx_full tx_prog_full tx_empty rx_full rx_prog_full rx_empty wait_out access_out [PW-1:0] packet_out tx_en rx_en ddr_mode emode amode dmode [1:0] datamode [1:0] iowidth lsbfirst framepol [4:0] ctrlmode [AW-1:0] dstaddr clkchange [7:0] clkdiv [15:0] clkphase0 [15:0] clkphase1



Function: MIO Configuration Registers

(See README.md for complete documentation)


Author: Andreas Olofsson

License: MIT (see LICENSE file in this repository) #



Generic name Type Value Description
N 8 number of I/O pins
AW 32 address width
PW 104 packet width
DEF_CFG 18'h1070 default config
DEF_CLK 7 clock divider


Port name Direction Type Description
clk input clk,reset
nreset input
access_in input incoming access
packet_in input [PW-1:0] incoming packet
wait_out output
access_out output outgoing read packet
packet_out output [PW-1:0] outgoing read packet
wait_in input
tx_en output enable tx
rx_en output enable rx
ddr_mode output ddr mode for mio
emode output epiphany packet mode
amode output mio packet mode
dmode output mio packet mode
datamode output [1:0] mio datasize
iowidth output [1:0] mio io width
lsbfirst output lsb shift first
framepol output framepolarity (0=actrive high)
ctrlmode output [4:0] emode ctrlmode
dstaddr output [AW-1:0] destination address for RX dmode
clkchange output indicates a clock change
clkdiv output [7:0] mio clk clock setting
clkphase0 output [15:0] [7:0]=rising,[15:8]=falling
clkphase1 output [15:0] [7:0]=rising,[15:8]=falling
tx_full input tx fifo is full (should not happen!)
tx_prog_full input tx fifo is nearing full
tx_empty input tx fifo is empty
rx_full input rx fifo is full (should not happen!)
rx_prog_full input rx fifo is nearing full
rx_empty input rx fifo is empty


Name Type Description
status_reg reg [15:0]
clkdiv_reg reg [31:0]
addr_reg reg [63:0]
clkphase_reg reg [31:0]
status_in wire [7:0]
reg_write wire
config_write wire
status_write wire
clkdiv_write wire
clkphase_write wire
idelay_write wire
odelay_write wire
addr0_write wire
addr1_write wire
ctrlmode_in wire [4:0] From p2e of packet2emesh.v
data_in wire [AW-1:0] From p2e of packet2emesh.v
datamode_in wire [1:0] From p2e of packet2emesh.v
dstaddr_in wire [AW-1:0] From p2e of packet2emesh.v
srcaddr_in wire [AW-1:0] From p2e of packet2emesh.v
write_in wire From p2e of packet2emesh.v


Name Type Value Description
DEF_RISE0 0 0 degrees
DEF_FALL0 undefined 180 degrees
DEF_RISE1 undefined 90 degrees


Type: always

################################ # CONFIG ################################

Type: always

Type: always

immediate bits ############################### # CLKDIV ################################

Type: always

############################### # CLKPHASE ################################

Type: always

############################### # RX DESTINATION ADDR ("AMODE") ################################