Entity: oh_fifo_sync
- File: oh_fifo_sync.v
Function: Synchronous FIFO
Author: Andreas Olofsson
License: MIT (see LICENSE file in OH! repository)
Generic name | Type | Value | Description |
N | 32 | FIFO width | |
DEPTH | 32 | FIFO depth | |
REG | 1 | Register fifo output | |
SYNCPIPE | 2 | depth of synchronization pipeline | |
SYN | "TRUE" | synthesizable | |
TYPE | "DEFAULT" | implementation type | |
SHAPE | "SQUARE" | hard macro shape (square, tall, wide), | |
PROGFULL | DEPTH-1 | programmable almost full level | |
AW | $clog2(DEPTH) | count width (derived) |
Port name | Direction | Type | Description |
clk | input | clock | |
nreset | input | async reset | |
clear | input | clear fifo (synchronous) | |
wr_clk | input | write port | |
wr_din | input | [N-1:0] | data to write |
wr_en | input | write fifo | |
wr_full | output | fifo full | |
wr_almost_full | output | one entry left | |
wr_prog_full | output | programmable full level | |
wr_count | output | [AW-1:0] | pessimistic report of entries from wr side |
rd_clk | input | read port | |
rd_dout | output | [N-1:0] | output data (next cycle) |
rd_en | input | read fifo | |
rd_empty | output | fifo is empty | |
bist_en | input | bist enable | |
bist_we | input | write enable global signal | |
bist_wem | input | [N-1:0] | write enable vector |
bist_addr | input | [AW-1:0] | address |
bist_din | input | [N-1:0] | data input |
bist_dout | input | [N-1:0] | data input |
shutdown | input | shutdown signal | |
vss | input | ground signal | |
vdd | input | memory array power | |
vddio | input | periphery/io power | |
memconfig | input | [7:0] | generic memory config |
memrepair | input | [7:0] | repair vector |
Name | Type | Description |
wr_addr | reg [AW:0] | ############################ local wires ############################ |
rd_addr | reg [AW:0] | |
empty_reg | reg | |
fifo_read | wire | |
fifo_write | wire | |
ptr_match | wire | |
fifo_empty | wire |
- unnamed: ( @ (posedge clk or negedge nreset) )
Type: always
- unnamed: ( @ (posedge clk) )
Type: always
Pipeline register to account for RAM output register