Entity: spi_master_fifo


DEPTH AW PW SW clk nreset spi_en access_in [PW-1:0] packet_in fifo_read fifo_prog_full wait_out fifo_empty [SW-1:0] fifo_dout



Purpose: SPI Master Transmit Fifo


Author: Andreas Olofsson

License: MIT (see LICENSE file in OH! repository) #



Generic name Type Value Description
DEPTH 16 fifo entries
AW 32 address width
PW 104 input packet width
SW 8 io packet width


Port name Direction Type Description
clk input clk
nreset input async active low reset
spi_en input spi enable
fifo_prog_full output fifo full indicator for status
access_in input access by core
packet_in input [PW-1:0] packet from core
wait_out output pushback to core
fifo_read input pull a byte to IO
fifo_empty output fifo is empty
fifo_dout output [SW-1:0] byte for IO


Name Type Description
datasize wire [7:0] ############### # LOCAL WIRES ###############
tx_data wire [PW-1:0]
fifo_din wire [SW-1:0]
tx_write wire
fifo_wait wire
fifo_wr wire
fifo_full wire
ctrlmode_in wire [4:0] From p2e of packet2emesh.v
data_in wire [AW-1:0] From p2e of packet2emesh.v
datamode_in wire [1:0] From p2e of packet2emesh.v
dstaddr_in wire [AW-1:0] From p2e of packet2emesh.v
srcaddr_in wire [AW-1:0] From p2e of packet2emesh.v
write_in wire From p2e of packet2emesh.v


Name Type Value Description
FAW $clog2(DEPTH) fifo address width
SRW $clog2(PW/SW) serialization factor



