Entity: spi_slave_regs


UREGS SREGS AW PW clk nreset hw_en spi_clk [7:0] spi_wdata spi_write [5:0] spi_addr access_out access_in [PW-1:0] packet_in [7:0] spi_rdata spi_en cpol cpha lsbfirst irq_en [511:0] spi_regs wait_out



Purpose: SPI slave register file


Author: Andreas Olofsson

License: MIT (see LICENSE file in OH! repository) #



Generic name Type Value Description
UREGS 13 # of user regs (max 48)
SREGS UREGS+32 total regs
AW 32 address width
PW 104 packet width


Port name Direction Type Description
clk input core clock
nreset input asych active low
hw_en input block enable pin
spi_clk input slave clock
spi_wdata input [7:0] slave write data in (for write)
spi_write input slave write
spi_addr input [5:0] slave write addr (64 regs)
spi_rdata output [7:0] slave read data
spi_en output enable spi
cpol output clk polarity (default is 0)
cpha output clk phase shift (default is 0)
lsbfirst output send lsbfirst
irq_en output interrupt enable
spi_regs output [511:0] all regs concatenated for easy read
access_out input signal used to clear status
access_in input
packet_in input [PW-1:0] writeback data
wait_out output


Name Type Description
spi_config reg [7:0] ############### # LOCAL WIRES ###############
spi_status reg [7:0]
spi_cmd reg [7:0]
spi_psize reg [7:0]
core_regs reg [63:0]
user_regs reg [7:0]
core_data wire [63:0]
config_write wire
user_write wire
status_write wire
valid wire
i integer
ctrlmode_in wire [4:0] From pe2 of packet2emesh.v
data_in wire [AW-1:0] From pe2 of packet2emesh.v
datamode_in wire [1:0] From pe2 of packet2emesh.v
dstaddr_in wire [AW-1:0] From pe2 of packet2emesh.v
srcaddr_in wire [AW-1:0] From pe2 of packet2emesh.v
write_in wire From pe2 of packet2emesh.v


Type: always

##################################### # CONFIG [0] #####################################

Type: always

user regs enable ##################################### # USER SPACE REGISTERS #####################################

Type: always

##################################### # STATUS [1] #####################################

Type: always

data ready ##################################### # RX DATA FOR FETCH ##################################### Data to sample

Type: always

##################################### # REGISTER VECTOR (FOR FLEXIBILITY) #####################################