Entity: aes_cipher_control


bit Masking sbox_impl_e SBoxImpl clk_i rst_ni sp2v_e in_valid_i sp2v_e out_ready_i cfg_valid_i ciph_op_e op_i key_len_e key_len_i sp2v_e crypt_i sp2v_e dec_key_gen_i key_clear_i data_out_clear_i mux_sel_err_i sp_enc_err_i prng_reseed_ack_i sp2v_e sub_bytes_out_req_i sp2v_e key_expand_out_req_i sp2v_e in_ready_o sp2v_e out_valid_o sp2v_e crypt_o sp2v_e dec_key_gen_o key_clear_o data_out_clear_o alert_o prng_update_o prng_reseed_req_o state_sel_e state_sel_o sp2v_e state_we_o sp2v_e sub_bytes_en_o sp2v_e sub_bytes_out_ack_o add_rk_sel_e add_rk_sel_o ciph_op_e key_expand_op_o key_full_sel_e key_full_sel_o sp2v_e key_full_we_o key_dec_sel_e key_dec_sel_o sp2v_e key_dec_we_o sp2v_e key_expand_en_o sp2v_e key_expand_out_ack_o key_expand_clear_o [3:0] key_expand_round_o key_words_sel_e key_words_sel_o round_key_sel_e round_key_sel_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

AES cipher core control

This module controls the AES cipher core including the key expand module.


Generic name Type Value Description
Masking bit 0
SBoxImpl sbox_impl_e SBoxImplLut


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
in_valid_i input sp2v_e Input handshake signals
in_ready_o output sp2v_e
out_valid_o output sp2v_e Output handshake signals
out_ready_i input sp2v_e
cfg_valid_i input Control and sync signals
op_i input ciph_op_e
key_len_i input key_len_e
crypt_i input sp2v_e
crypt_o output sp2v_e
dec_key_gen_i input sp2v_e
dec_key_gen_o output sp2v_e
key_clear_i input
key_clear_o output
data_out_clear_i input
data_out_clear_o output
mux_sel_err_i input
sp_enc_err_i input
alert_o output
prng_update_o output Control signals for masking PRNG
prng_reseed_req_o output
prng_reseed_ack_i input
state_sel_o output state_sel_e Control and sync signals for cipher data path
state_we_o output sp2v_e
sub_bytes_en_o output sp2v_e
sub_bytes_out_req_i input sp2v_e
sub_bytes_out_ack_o output sp2v_e
add_rk_sel_o output add_rk_sel_e
key_expand_op_o output ciph_op_e Control and sync signals for key expand data path
key_full_sel_o output key_full_sel_e
key_full_we_o output sp2v_e
key_dec_sel_o output key_dec_sel_e
key_dec_we_o output sp2v_e
key_expand_en_o output sp2v_e
key_expand_out_req_i input sp2v_e
key_expand_out_ack_o output sp2v_e
key_expand_clear_o output
key_expand_round_o output [3:0]
key_words_sel_o output key_words_sel_e
round_key_sel_o output round_key_sel_e


Name Type Description
aes_cipher_ctrl_ns aes_cipher_ctrl_e
aes_cipher_ctrl_cs aes_cipher_ctrl_e
rnd_ctr_d logic [3:0] Signals
rnd_ctr_q logic [3:0] Signals
rnd_ctr_rem_d logic [3:0]
rnd_ctr_rem_q logic [3:0]
rnd_ctr_sum logic [3:0]
num_rounds_d logic [3:0]
num_rounds_q logic [3:0]
num_rounds_regular logic [3:0]
rnd_ctr_parity logic
rnd_ctr_parity_d logic
rnd_ctr_parity_q logic
rnd_ctr_err logic
rnd_ctr_err_sum logic
rnd_ctr_err_parity logic
crypt_d sp2v_e
crypt_q sp2v_e
dec_key_gen_d sp2v_e
dec_key_gen_q sp2v_e
key_clear_d logic
key_clear_q logic
data_out_clear_d logic
data_out_clear_q logic
prng_reseed_done_d logic
prng_reseed_done_q logic
sub_bytes_out_req sp2v_e
key_expand_out_req sp2v_e
advance sp2v_e
advance_chk sp2v_e
in_valid sp2v_e
out_ready sp2v_e
crypt sp2v_e
dec_key_gen sp2v_e
sp_enc_err logic
unused_cfg_valid logic cfg_valid_i is used for gating assertions only.
aes_cipher_ctrl_cs_raw logic [StateWidth-1:0] This primitive is used to place a size-only constraint on the flops in order to prevent FSM state encoding optimizations.
crypt_q_raw logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] //////////////////////////// Sparsely Encoded Signals // //////////////////////////// We use sparse encodings for various critical signals and must ensure that: 1. The synthesis tool doesn't optimize away the sparse encoding. 2. The sparsely encoded signal is always valid. More precisely, an alert or SVA is triggered if a sparse signal takes on an invalid value. 3. The alert signal remains asserted until reset even if the sparse signal becomes valid again This is achieved by driving the control FSM into the terminal error state whenever any sparsely encoded signal becomes invalid.
If any sparsely encoded signal becomes invalid, the cipher core further immediately de-asserts the out_valid_o signal to prevent any data from being released. The following primitives are used to place a size-only constraint on the flops in order to prevent optimizations on these status signals.
dec_key_gen_q_raw logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0]
sp2v_sig sp2v_e [NumSp2VSig-1:0]
sp2v_sig_chk sp2v_e [NumSp2VSig-1:0]
sp2v_sig_chk_raw logic [NumSp2VSig-1:0][Sp2VWidth-1:0]
sp2v_sig_err logic [NumSp2VSig-1:0]


Name Type Value Description
StateWidth int 6 Types $ ./sparse-fsm-encode.py -d 3 -m 7 -n 6 \ -s 31468618 --language=sv
Hamming distance histogram:
0: -- 1: -- 2: -- 3:
NumSp2VSig int unsigned 9 We use vectors of sparsely encoded signals to reduce code duplication.


Name Type Description
aes_cipher_ctrl_e enum logic [StateWidth-1:0] {
IDLE = 6'b111100,
INIT = 6'b101001,
ROUND = 6'b010000,
FINISH = 6'b100010,
CLEAR_S = 6'b011011,
CLEAR_KD = 6'b110111,
ERROR = 6'b001110 }


Type: always_comb


Type: always_ff


Round Counter Protection //
To protect the round counter against fault injection, we use two counters:

  • rnd_ctr_d/q counts the executed rounds. It is initialized to 0 and counts up.

  • rnd_ctr_rem_d/q counts the remaining rounds. It is initialized to num_rounds_q and counts
    In addition, we use one parity bit for the rnd_ctr_d/q counter.

    An alert is signaled and the FSM goes into the terminal error state if
    i) the sum of the counters doesn't add up, i.e. rnd_ctr_q + rnd_ctr_rem_q != num_rounds_q, or
    ii) the parity information is incorrect.
    The following primitives are used to place size-only constraints on the
    flops in order to prevent optimizations on the protected round counter.