Entity: aes_core
- File: aes_core.sv
Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
AES core implementation
Generic name | Type | Value | Description |
AES192Enable | bit | 1 | |
Masking | bit | 1 | |
SBoxImpl | sbox_impl_e | SBoxImplDom | |
SecStartTriggerDelay | int unsigned | 0 | |
SecAllowForcingMasks | bit | 0 | |
SecSkipPRNGReseeding | bit | 0 | |
EntropyWidth | int unsigned | edn_pkg::ENDPOINT_BUS_WIDTH | |
NumShares | int | Masking ? 2 : 1 | derived parameter |
RndCnstClearingLfsrSeed | clearing_lfsr_seed_t | RndCnstClearingLfsrSeedDefault | |
RndCnstClearingLfsrPerm | clearing_lfsr_perm_t | RndCnstClearingLfsrPermDefault | |
RndCnstClearingSharePerm | clearing_lfsr_perm_t | RndCnstClearingSharePermDefault | |
RndCnstMaskingLfsrSeed | masking_lfsr_seed_t | RndCnstMaskingLfsrSeedDefault | |
RndCnstMskgChunkLfsrPerm | mskg_chunk_lfsr_perm_t | RndCnstMskgChunkLfsrPermDefault |
Port name | Direction | Type | Description |
clk_i | input | ||
rst_ni | input | ||
rst_shadowed_ni | input | ||
entropy_clearing_req_o | output | Entropy request interfaces for clearing and masking PRNGs | |
entropy_clearing_ack_i | input | ||
entropy_clearing_i | input | [EntropyWidth-1:0] | |
entropy_masking_req_o | output | ||
entropy_masking_ack_i | input | ||
entropy_masking_i | input | [EntropyWidth-1:0] | |
lc_escalate_en_i | input | Life cycle | |
intg_err_alert_i | input | Alerts | |
alert_recov_o | output | ||
alert_fatal_o | output | ||
reg2hw | input | aes_reg2hw_t | Bus Interface |
hw2reg | output | aes_hw2reg_t |
Name | Type | Description |
ctrl_qe | logic | Signals |
ctrl_we | logic | |
aes_op_q | aes_op_e | |
aes_mode_q | aes_mode_e | |
cipher_op | ciph_op_e | |
key_len_q | key_len_e | |
manual_operation_q | logic | |
force_zero_masks_q | logic | |
ctrl_err_update | logic | |
ctrl_err_storage | logic | |
ctrl_err_storage_d | logic | |
ctrl_err_storage_q | logic | |
ctrl_alert | logic | |
mux_sel_err | logic | |
sp_enc_err_d | logic | |
sp_enc_err_q | logic | |
state_in | logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] | |
state_in_sel_raw | logic [SISelWidth-1:0] | |
state_in_sel_ctrl | si_sel_e | |
state_in_sel | si_sel_e | |
state_in_sel_err | logic | |
add_state_in | logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] | |
add_state_in_sel_raw | logic [AddSISelWidth-1:0] | |
add_state_in_sel_ctrl | add_si_sel_e | |
add_state_in_sel | add_si_sel_e | |
add_state_in_sel_err | logic | |
state_mask | logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] | |
state_init | logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] | |
state_done | logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] | |
state_out | logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] | |
key_init | logic [NumRegsKey-1:0][31:0] | |
key_init_qe | logic [NumRegsKey-1:0] | |
key_init_d | logic [NumRegsKey-1:0][31:0] | |
key_init_q | logic [NumRegsKey-1:0][31:0] | |
key_init_cipher | logic [NumRegsKey-1:0][31:0] | |
key_init_we_ctrl | sp2v_e [NumRegsKey-1:0] | |
key_init_we | sp2v_e [NumRegsKey-1:0] | |
key_init_sel_raw | logic [KeyInitSelWidth-1:0] | |
key_init_sel_ctrl | key_init_sel_e | |
key_init_sel | key_init_sel_e | |
key_init_sel_err | logic | |
iv | logic [NumRegsIv-1:0][31:0] | |
iv_qe | logic [NumRegsIv-1:0] | |
iv_d | logic [NumSlicesCtr-1:0][SliceSizeCtr-1:0] | |
iv_q | logic [NumSlicesCtr-1:0][SliceSizeCtr-1:0] | |
iv_we_ctrl | sp2v_e [NumSlicesCtr-1:0] | |
iv_we | sp2v_e [NumSlicesCtr-1:0] | |
iv_sel_raw | logic [IVSelWidth-1:0] | |
iv_sel_ctrl | iv_sel_e | |
iv_sel | iv_sel_e | |
iv_sel_err | logic | |
ctr | logic [NumSlicesCtr-1:0][SliceSizeCtr-1:0] | |
ctr_we | sp2v_e [NumSlicesCtr-1:0] | |
ctr_incr | sp2v_e | |
ctr_ready | sp2v_e | |
ctr_alert | logic | |
data_in_prev_d | logic [NumRegsData-1:0][31:0] | |
data_in_prev_q | logic [NumRegsData-1:0][31:0] | |
data_in_prev_we_ctrl | sp2v_e | |
data_in_prev_we | sp2v_e | |
data_in_prev_sel_raw | logic [DIPSelWidth-1:0] | |
data_in_prev_sel_ctrl | dip_sel_e | |
data_in_prev_sel | dip_sel_e | |
data_in_prev_sel_err | logic | |
data_in | logic [NumRegsData-1:0][31:0] | |
data_in_qe | logic [NumRegsData-1:0] | |
data_in_we | logic | |
add_state_out | logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] | |
add_state_out_sel_raw | logic [AddSOSelWidth-1:0] | |
add_state_out_sel_ctrl | add_so_sel_e | |
add_state_out_sel | add_so_sel_e | |
add_state_out_sel_err | logic | |
data_out_d | logic [NumRegsData-1:0][31:0] | |
data_out_q | logic [NumRegsData-1:0][31:0] | |
data_out_we_ctrl | sp2v_e | |
data_out_we | sp2v_e | |
data_out_re | logic [NumRegsData-1:0] | |
cipher_in_valid | sp2v_e | |
cipher_in_ready | sp2v_e | |
cipher_out_valid | sp2v_e | |
cipher_out_ready | sp2v_e | |
cipher_crypt | sp2v_e | |
cipher_crypt_busy | sp2v_e | |
cipher_dec_key_gen | sp2v_e | |
cipher_dec_key_gen_busy | sp2v_e | |
cipher_key_clear | logic | |
cipher_key_clear_busy | logic | |
cipher_data_out_clear | logic | |
cipher_data_out_clear_busy | logic | |
cipher_alert | logic | |
cipher_prd_clearing | logic [WidthPRDClearing-1:0] | Pseudo-random data for clearing purposes |
prd_clearing | logic [WidthPRDClearing-1:0] | |
prd_clearing_upd_req | logic | |
prd_clearing_upd_ack | logic | |
prd_clearing_rsd_req | logic | |
prd_clearing_rsd_ack | logic | |
prd_clearing_128 | logic [127:0] | |
prd_clearing_256 | logic [255:0] | |
unused_data_out_q | logic [NumRegsData-1:0][31:0] | Unused signals |
sp2v_sig | sp2v_e [NumSp2VSig-1:0] | |
sp2v_sig_chk | sp2v_e [NumSp2VSig-1:0] | |
sp2v_sig_chk_raw | logic [NumSp2VSig-1:0][Sp2VWidth-1:0] | |
sp2v_sig_err | logic [NumSp2VSig-1:0] | |
unused_alert_signals | logic | Unused alert signals |
Name | Type | Value | Description |
NumShares | int | Masking ? 2 : 1 | derived parameter |
NumSp2VSig | int unsigned | NumSharesKey * NumRegsKey + NumSlicesCtr + 2 | //////////////////////////// Sparsely Encoded Signals // //////////////////////////// We use sparse encodings for various critical signals and must ensure that: 1. The synthesis tool doesn't optimize away the sparse encoding. 2. The sparsely encoded signal is always valid. More precisely, an alert or SVA is triggered if a sparse signal takes on an invalid value. 3. The alert signal remains asserted until reset even if the sparse signal becomes valid again This is achieved by driving the control FSM into the terminal error state whenever any sparsely encoded signal becomes invalid. If any sparsely encoded signal becomes invalid, the core controller further immediately de-asserts the data_out_we_o signal to prevent any data from being released. We use vectors of sparsely encoded signals to reduce code duplication. |
- key_init_get: ( )
Type: always_comb
////////// Inputs // //////////
- iv_get: ( )
Type: always_comb
- data_in_get: ( )
Type: always_comb
- data_out_get: ( )
Type: always_comb
- key_init_mux: ( )
Type: always_comb
//////////////////// Key, IV and Data // //////////////////// Initial Key registers
- key_init_reg: ( @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) )
Type: always_ff
- iv_mux: ( )
Type: always_comb
IV registers
- iv_reg: ( @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) )
Type: always_ff
- data_in_prev_mux: ( )
Type: always_comb
Previous input data register
- data_in_prev_reg: ( @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) )
Type: always_ff
- state_in_mux: ( )
Type: always_comb
Convert input data/IV to state format (every word corresponds to one state column). Mux for state input
- add_state_in_mux: ( )
Type: always_comb
Mux for addition to state input
- add_state_out_mux: ( )
Type: always_comb
Mux for addition to state output
- data_in_reg_clear: ( )
Type: always_comb
Input data register clear
- reg_sp_enc_err: ( @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) )
Type: always_ff
We need to register the collected error signal to avoid circular loops in the core controller related to iv_we and data_out_we.
- data_out_reg: ( @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) )
Type: always_ff
/////////// Outputs // ///////////
- key_reg_put: ( )
Type: always_comb
- iv_reg_put: ( )
Type: always_comb
- data_out_put: ( )
Type: always_comb
- ctrl_err_storage_reg: ( @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) )
Type: always_ff
Fatal alert conditions need to remain asserted until reset.
- u_aes_prng_clearing: aes_prng_clearing
The clearing PRNG provides pseudo-random data for register clearing purposes.
- u_aes_ctr: aes_ctr
Counter //
- u_aes_cipher_core: aes_cipher_core
Cipher core
- u_ctrl_reg_shadowed: aes_ctrl_reg_shadowed
Control Register //
Shadowed register primitve
- u_aes_control: aes_control
Control //
- u_aes_data_in_prev_sel_buf_chk: aes_sel_buf_chk
Selectors //
We use sparse encodings for these mux selector signals and must ensure that:
The synthesis tool doesn't optimize away the sparse encoding.
The selector signal is always valid. More precisely, an alert or SVA is triggered if a
selector signal takes on an invalid value.The alert signal remains asserted until reset even if the selector signal becomes valid
again. This is achieved by driving the control FSM into the terminal error state whenever
any mux selector signal becomes invalid.If any mux selector signal becomes invalid, the control FSM further prevents any data from
being released from the cipher core by de-asserting the write enable of the output data
- u_aes_state_in_sel_buf_chk: aes_sel_buf_chk
- u_aes_add_state_in_sel_buf_chk: aes_sel_buf_chk
- u_aes_add_state_out_sel_buf_chk: aes_sel_buf_chk
- u_aes_key_init_sel_buf_chk: aes_sel_buf_chk
- u_aes_iv_sel_buf_chk: aes_sel_buf_chk