Entity: aes_ctrl_reg_shadowed


bit AES192Enable bit SecAllowForcingMasks clk_i rst_ni rst_shadowed_ni we_i aes_reg2hw_ctrl_shadowed_reg_t reg2hw_ctrl_i qe_o aes_op_e operation_o aes_mode_e mode_o key_len_e key_len_o manual_operation_o force_zero_masks_o err_update_o err_storage_o aes_hw2reg_ctrl_shadowed_reg_t hw2reg_ctrl_o


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AES shadowed control register

This module implements the AES shadowed control register. The main differences compared to implementing the register as part of the auto-generated aes_reg_top.sv are:

  1. The hardware can block updates to the control register from software. Whenever the module is busy, control register writes are ignored.
  2. Invalid values written by software are resolved to valid configurations.


Generic name Type Value Description
AES192Enable bit 1
SecAllowForcingMasks bit 0


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
rst_shadowed_ni input
qe_o output software wants to write
we_i input hardware grants software write
operation_o output aes_op_e
mode_o output aes_mode_e
key_len_o output key_len_e
manual_operation_o output
force_zero_masks_o output
err_update_o output Alerts
err_storage_o output
reg2hw_ctrl_i input aes_reg2hw_ctrl_shadowed_reg_t Bus interface
hw2reg_ctrl_o output aes_hw2reg_ctrl_shadowed_reg_t


Name Type Description
ctrl_wd ctrl_reg_t
mode aes_mode_e
key_len key_len_e
err_update_operation logic
err_update_mode logic
err_update_key_len logic
err_update_manual_operation logic
err_update_force_zero_masks logic
err_storage_operation logic
err_storage_mode logic
err_storage_key_len logic
err_storage_manual_operation logic
err_storage_force_zero_masks logic
unused_force_zero_masks logic Unused signals


Type: always_comb

Type: always_comb
