Package: aes_pkg
- File:
Copyright lowRISC contributors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
AES package
Name | Type | Value | Description |
NumSharesKey | int unsigned | 2 | |
SliceSizeCtr | int unsigned | 16 | Software updates IV in chunks of 32 bits, the counter updates 16 bits at a time. |
NumSlicesCtr | int unsigned | aes_reg_pkg::NumRegsIv * 32 / SliceSizeCtr | |
WidthPRDClearing | int unsigned | 64 | Widths of signals carrying pseudo-random data for clearing |
NumChunksPRDClearing128 | int unsigned | 128/WidthPRDClearing | |
NumChunksPRDClearing256 | int unsigned | 256/WidthPRDClearing | |
WidthPRDSBox | int unsigned | 8 | Number PRD bits per S-Box. This includes the |
WidthPRDData | int unsigned | 16*WidthPRDSBox | 16 S-Boxes for the data path |
WidthPRDKey | int unsigned | 4*WidthPRDSBox | 4 S-Boxes for the key expand |
WidthPRDMasking | int unsigned | WidthPRDData + WidthPRDKey | |
ChunkSizePRDMasking | int unsigned | WidthPRDMasking/5 | |
ClearingLfsrWidth | int | 64 | Clearing PRNG default LFSR seed and permutation These LFSR parameters have been generated with $ util/design/ --width 64 --seed 31468618 --prefix "Clearing" |
clearing_lfsr_seed_t | clearing_lfsr_seed_t | 64'hc32d580f74f1713a | |
clearing_lfsr_perm_t | clearing_lfsr_perm_t | ||
clearing_lfsr_perm_t | clearing_lfsr_perm_t | A second permutation is needed for the second share. | |
MaskingLfsrWidth | int | 160 | = WidthPRDMasking = WidthPRDSBox * (16 + 4) |
masking_lfsr_seed_t | masking_lfsr_seed_t | 160'hc132b5723c5a4cf4743b3c7c32d580f74f1713a | |
MskgChunkLfsrWidth | int | 32 | = ChunkSizePRDMasking = WidthPRDMasking/5 |
mskg_chunk_lfsr_perm_t | mskg_chunk_lfsr_perm_t | 160'heb3749dc187e7434d7f62a3d251e1c5b8cd10491 | |
AES_MODE_WIDTH | int | 6 | Parameters used for controlgroups in the coverage |
AES_KEYLEN_WIDTH | int | 3 | |
Mux2SelWidth | int | 3 | Generic, sparse mux selector encodings Encoding generated with: $ ./util/design/ -d 3 -m 2 -n 3 \ -s 31468618 --language=sv Hamming distance histogram: 0: -- 1: -- 2: -- 3: |
Mux3SelWidth | int | 5 | Encoding generated with: $ ./ -d 3 -m 3 -n 5 \ -s 31468618 --language=sv Hamming distance histogram: 0: -- 1: -- 2: -- 3: |
Mux4SelWidth | int | 5 | Encoding generated with: $ ./ -d 3 -m 4 -n 5 \ -s 31468618 --language=sv Hamming distance histogram: 0: -- 1: -- 2: -- 3: |
Mux6SelWidth | int | 6 | $ ./ -d 3 -m 6 -n 6 \ -s 31468618 --language=sv Hamming distance histogram: 0: -- 1: -- 2: -- 3: |
DIPSelNum | int | 2 | Mux selector signal types. These use the generic types defined above. |
DIPSelWidth | int | Mux2SelWidth | |
SISelNum | int | 2 | |
SISelWidth | int | Mux2SelWidth | |
AddSISelNum | int | 2 | |
AddSISelWidth | int | Mux2SelWidth | |
StateSelNum | int | 3 | |
StateSelWidth | int | Mux3SelWidth | |
AddRKSelNum | int | 3 | |
AddRKSelWidth | int | Mux3SelWidth | |
KeyInitSelNum | int | 2 | |
KeyInitSelWidth | int | Mux2SelWidth | |
IVSelNum | int | 6 | |
IVSelWidth | int | Mux6SelWidth | |
KeyFullSelNum | int | 4 | |
KeyFullSelWidth | int | Mux4SelWidth | |
KeyDecSelNum | int | 2 | |
KeyDecSelWidth | int | Mux2SelWidth | |
KeyWordsSelNum | int | 4 | |
KeyWordsSelWidth | int | Mux4SelWidth | |
RoundKeySelNum | int | 2 | |
RoundKeySelWidth | int | Mux2SelWidth | |
AddSOSelNum | int | 3 | |
AddSOSelWidth | int | Mux3SelWidth | |
Sp2VNum | int | 2 | Sparse two-value signal type sp2v_e |
Sp2VWidth | int | Mux2SelWidth |
Name | Type | Description |
clearing_lfsr_seed_t | logic [ClearingLfsrWidth-1:0] | |
clearing_lfsr_perm_t | logic [ClearingLfsrWidth-1:0][$clog2(ClearingLfsrWidth)-1:0] | |
masking_lfsr_seed_t | logic [MaskingLfsrWidth-1:0] | |
mskg_chunk_lfsr_perm_t | logic [MskgChunkLfsrWidth-1:0][$clog2(MskgChunkLfsrWidth)-1:0] | |
sbox_impl_e | enum integer { SBoxImplLut, SBoxImplCanright, SBoxImplCanrightMasked, SBoxImplCanrightMaskedNoreuse, SBoxImplDom } |
aes_op_e | enum logic { AES_ENC = 1'b0, AES_DEC = 1'b1 } |
aes_mode_e | enum logic [AES_MODE_WIDTH-1:0] { AES_ECB = 6'b00_0001, AES_CBC = 6'b00_0010, AES_CFB = 6'b00_0100, AES_OFB = 6'b00_1000, AES_CTR = 6'b01_0000, AES_NONE = 6'b10_0000 } |
ciph_op_e | enum logic { CIPH_FWD = 1'b0, CIPH_INV = 1'b1 } |
key_len_e | enum logic [AES_KEYLEN_WIDTH-1:0] { AES_128 = 3'b001, AES_192 = 3'b010, AES_256 = 3'b100 } |
status_t | struct packed { logic [31:7] unused; logic alert_fatal_fault; logic alert_recov_ctrl_update_err; logic input_ready; logic output_valid; logic output_lost; logic stall; logic idle; } |
alert_test_t | struct packed { logic recov_ctrl_update_err; logic fatal_fault; } |
mux2_sel_e | enum logic [Mux2SelWidth-1:0] { MUX2_SEL_0 = 3'b011, MUX2_SEL_1 = 3'b100 } |
mux3_sel_e | enum logic [Mux3SelWidth-1:0] { MUX3_SEL_0 = 5'b01110, MUX3_SEL_1 = 5'b11000, MUX3_SEL_2 = 5'b00001 } |
mux4_sel_e | enum logic [Mux4SelWidth-1:0] { MUX4_SEL_0 = 5'b01110, MUX4_SEL_1 = 5'b11000, MUX4_SEL_2 = 5'b00001, MUX4_SEL_3 = 5'b10111 } |
mux6_sel_e | enum logic [Mux6SelWidth-1:0] { MUX6_SEL_0 = 6'b011101, MUX6_SEL_1 = 6'b110000, MUX6_SEL_2 = 6'b001000, MUX6_SEL_3 = 6'b000011, MUX6_SEL_4 = 6'b111110, MUX6_SEL_5 = 6'b100101 } |
dip_sel_e | enum logic [DIPSelWidth-1:0] { DIP_DATA_IN = MUX2_SEL_0, DIP_CLEAR = MUX2_SEL_1 } |
si_sel_e | enum logic [SISelWidth-1:0] { SI_ZERO = MUX2_SEL_0, SI_DATA = MUX2_SEL_1 } |
add_si_sel_e | enum logic [AddSISelWidth-1:0] { ADD_SI_ZERO = MUX2_SEL_0, ADD_SI_IV = MUX2_SEL_1 } |
state_sel_e | enum logic [StateSelWidth-1:0] { STATE_INIT = MUX3_SEL_0, STATE_ROUND = MUX3_SEL_1, STATE_CLEAR = MUX3_SEL_2 } |
add_rk_sel_e | enum logic [AddRKSelWidth-1:0] { ADD_RK_INIT = MUX3_SEL_0, ADD_RK_ROUND = MUX3_SEL_1, ADD_RK_FINAL = MUX3_SEL_2 } |
key_init_sel_e | enum logic [KeyInitSelWidth-1:0] { KEY_INIT_INPUT = MUX2_SEL_0, KEY_INIT_CLEAR = MUX2_SEL_1 } |
iv_sel_e | enum logic [IVSelWidth-1:0] { IV_INPUT = MUX6_SEL_0, IV_DATA_OUT = MUX6_SEL_1, IV_DATA_OUT_RAW = MUX6_SEL_2, IV_DATA_IN_PREV = MUX6_SEL_3, IV_CTR = MUX6_SEL_4, IV_CLEAR = MUX6_SEL_5 } |
key_full_sel_e | enum logic [KeyFullSelWidth-1:0] { KEY_FULL_ENC_INIT = MUX4_SEL_0, KEY_FULL_DEC_INIT = MUX4_SEL_1, KEY_FULL_ROUND = MUX4_SEL_2, KEY_FULL_CLEAR = MUX4_SEL_3 } |
key_dec_sel_e | enum logic [KeyDecSelWidth-1:0] { KEY_DEC_EXPAND = MUX2_SEL_0, KEY_DEC_CLEAR = MUX2_SEL_1 } |
key_words_sel_e | enum logic [KeyWordsSelWidth-1:0] { KEY_WORDS_0123 = MUX4_SEL_0, KEY_WORDS_2345 = MUX4_SEL_1, KEY_WORDS_4567 = MUX4_SEL_2, KEY_WORDS_ZERO = MUX4_SEL_3 } |
round_key_sel_e | enum logic [RoundKeySelWidth-1:0] { ROUND_KEY_DIRECT = MUX2_SEL_0, ROUND_KEY_MIXED = MUX2_SEL_1 } |
add_so_sel_e | enum logic [AddSOSelWidth-1:0] { ADD_SO_ZERO = MUX3_SEL_0, ADD_SO_IV = MUX3_SEL_1, ADD_SO_DIP = MUX3_SEL_2 } |
sp2v_e | enum logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] { SP2V_HIGH = MUX2_SEL_0, SP2V_LOW = MUX2_SEL_1 } |
ctrl_reg_t | struct packed { logic force_zero_masks; logic manual_operation; key_len_e key_len; aes_mode_e mode; aes_op_e operation; } |
Control register type |
- aes_mul2 (logic [7:0]) return (logic [7:0])
Multiplication by {02} (i.e. x) on GF(2^8)
with field generating polynomial {01}{1b} (9'h11b)
Sometimes also denoted by xtime().
- aes_mul4 (logic [7:0]) return (logic [7:0])
Multiplication by {04} (i.e. x^2) on GF(2^8)
with field generating polynomial {01}{1b} (9'h11b)
- aes_div2 (logic [7:0]) return (logic [7:0])
Division by {02} (i.e. x) on GF(2^8)
with field generating polynomial {01}{1b} (9'h11b)
This is the inverse of aes_mul2() or xtime().
- aes_circ_byte_shift (logic [31:0] in,
logic [1:0]) return (logic [31:0])
Circular byte shift to the left
- aes_transpose (logic [3:0][3:0][7:0]) return (logic [3:0][3:0][7:0])
Transpose state matrix
- aes_col_get (logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] in,
logic [1:0]) return (logic [3:0][7:0])
Extract single column from state matrix
- aes_mvm (logic [7:0] vec_b,
) return (logic [7:0])
Matrix-vector multiplication in GF(2^8): c = A * b
- aes_prd_get_lsbs (logic [(4*WidthPRDSBox)-1:0]) return (logic [3:0][7:0])
Function for extracting LSBs of the per-S-Box pseudo-random data (PRD) from the output of the
masking PRNG.
The masking PRNG is used for generating both the PRD for the S-Boxes/SubBytes operation as
well as for the input data masks. When using any of the masked Canright S-Box implementations,
it is important that the SubBytes input masks (generated by the PRNG in Round X-1) and the
SubBytes output masks (generated by the PRNG in Round X) are independent. Inside the PRNG,
this is achieved by using multiple, separately re-seeded LFSR chunks and by selecting the
separate LFSR chunks in alternating fashion. Since the input data masks become the SubBytes
input masks in the first round, we select the same 8 bit lanes for the input data masks which
are also used to form the SubBytes output mask for the masked Canright S-Box implementations,
i.e., the 8 LSBs of the per S-Box PRD. In particular, we have:
prng_output = { prd_key_expand, … , sb_prd[4], sb_out_mask[4], sb_prd[0], sb_out_mask[0] }
Where sb_out_mask[x] contains the SubBytes output mask for byte x (when using a masked
Canright S-Box implementation) and sb_prd[x] contains additional PRD consumed by SubBytes for
byte x.
When using a masked S-Box implementation other than Canright, we still select the 8 LSBs of
the per-S-Box PRD to form the input data mask of the corresponding byte. We do this to
distribute the input data masks over all LFSR chunks of the masking PRNG.
For one row of the state matrix, extract the 8 LSBs of the per-S-Box PRD from the PRNG output.
These bits are used as:
- input data masks, and
- SubBytes output mask when using a masked Canright S-Box implementation.