Entity: aes_dom_indep_mul_gf2pn


int unsigned NPower bit Pipeline clk_i rst_ni we_i [NPower-1:0] a_x [NPower-1:0] a_y [NPower-1:0] b_x [NPower-1:0] b_y [NPower-1:0] z_0 [NPower-1:0] a_q [NPower-1:0] b_q


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AES S-Box with First-Order Domain-Oriented Masking

This is the unpipelined version using DOM-dep multipliers. It has a latency of 5 clock cycles and requires 28 bits of pseudo-random data per evaluation. Pipelining would only be beneficial when using

  • either a cipher core architecture with a data path smaller than 128 bit, i.e., where the individual S-Boxes are evaluated more than once per round, or
  • a fully unrolled cipher core architecture for maximum throughput.

Note: The DOM AES S-Box is built on top of the Canright masked S-Box without mask re-use.

For details, see the following papers and reports: [1] Gross, "Domain-Oriented Masking: Compact Masked Hardware Implementations with Arbitrary Protection Order" available at https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/486.pdf [2] Canright, "A very compact 'perfectly masked' S-box for AES (corrected)" available at https://eprint.iacr.org/2009/011.pdf [3] Canright, "A very compact Rijndael S-box" available at https://hdl.handle.net/10945/25608

Using the Coco-Alma tool in transient mode, this implementation has been formally verified to be secure against first-order side-channel analysis (SCA). For more information on the tool, refer to the following papers: [4] Gigerl, "COCO: Co-design and co-verification of masked software implementations on CPUs" available at https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/1294.pdf [5] Bloem, "Formal verification of masked hardware implementations in the presence of glitches" available at https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/897.pdf ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IMPORTANT NOTE: // DO NOT USE THIS FOR SYNTHESIS BLINDLY! // // This implementation relies on primitive cells like prim_buf/flop_en containing tool-specific // synthesis attributes to prevent the synthesis tool from optimizing away/re-ordering registers // and to enforce the correct ordering of operations. Without the proper primitives, synthesis // tools might heavily optimize the design. The result is likely insecure. Use with care. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Packed struct for pseudo-random data (PRD) distribution. Stages 1, 3 and 4 require 8 bits each. Stage 2 requires just 4 bits. DOM-indep GF(2^N) multiplier, first-order masked. Computes (a_q ^ b_q) = (a_x ^ b_x) * (a_y ^ b_y), i.e. q = x * y using first-order domain-oriented masking. The sharings of x and y are required to be uniformly random and independent from each other. See Fig. 2 in [1].


Generic name Type Value Description
NPower int unsigned 4
Pipeline bit 1'b0


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
we_i input
a_x input [NPower-1:0] Share a of x
a_y input [NPower-1:0] Share a of y
b_x input [NPower-1:0] Share b of x
b_y input [NPower-1:0] Share b of y
z_0 input [NPower-1:0] Randomness for resharing
a_q output [NPower-1:0] Share a of q
b_q output [NPower-1:0] Share b of q


Name Type Description
mul_ax_ay_d logic [NPower-1:0] /////////////// Calculation // /////////////// Inner-domain terms
mul_bx_by_d logic [NPower-1:0] /////////////// Calculation // /////////////// Inner-domain terms
mul_ax_by logic [NPower-1:0] Cross-domain terms
mul_ay_bx logic [NPower-1:0] Cross-domain terms
aq_z0_d logic [NPower-1:0] ///////////// Resharing // ///////////// Resharing of cross-domain terms
bq_z0_d logic [NPower-1:0] ///////////// Resharing // ///////////// Resharing of cross-domain terms
aq_z0_q logic [NPower-1:0]
bq_z0_q logic [NPower-1:0]
mul_ax_ay logic [NPower-1:0] /////////////////////// Optional Pipelining // ///////////////////////
mul_bx_by logic [NPower-1:0] /////////////////////// Optional Pipelining // ///////////////////////

