Entity: aes_sel_buf_chk


int Num int Width clk_i rst_ni [Width-1:0] sel_i [Width-1:0] sel_o err_o


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AES mux selector buffer and checker

When using sparse encodings for mux selector signals, this module can be used to:

  1. Prevent aggressive synthesis optimizations on the selector signal, and
  2. to check that the selector signal is valid, i.e., doesn't take on invalid values. Whenever the selector signal takes on an invalid value, an error is signaled.


Generic name Type Value Description
Num int 2
Width int 1


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input Used for assertions only.
rst_ni input Used for assertions only.
sel_i input [Width-1:0]
sel_o output [Width-1:0]
err_o output


Name Type Description
unused_clk logic Tie off unused inputs.
unused_rst logic