Entity: alert_handler_class


[NAlerts-1:0] alert_trig_i [N_LOC_ALERT-1:0] loc_alert_trig_i [NAlerts-1:0] alert_en_i [N_LOC_ALERT-1:0] loc_alert_en_i [NAlerts-1:0] [CLASS_DW-1:0] alert_class_i [N_LOC_ALERT-1:0][CLASS_DW-1:0] loc_alert_class_i [NAlerts-1:0] alert_cause_o [N_LOC_ALERT-1:0] loc_alert_cause_o [N_CLASSES-1:0] class_trig_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

This module gates the alert triggers with their enable bits, and correctly bins the enabled alerts into the class that they have been assigned to. The module produces the alert cause and class trigger signals.


Port name Direction Type Description
alert_trig_i input [NAlerts-1:0] alert trigger
loc_alert_trig_i input [N_LOC_ALERT-1:0] alert trigger
alert_en_i input [NAlerts-1:0] alert enable
loc_alert_en_i input [N_LOC_ALERT-1:0] alert enable
alert_class_i input [NAlerts-1:0] [CLASS_DW-1:0] class assignment
loc_alert_class_i input [N_LOC_ALERT-1:0][CLASS_DW-1:0] class assignment
alert_cause_o output [NAlerts-1:0] alert cause
loc_alert_cause_o output [N_LOC_ALERT-1:0] alert cause
class_trig_o output [N_CLASSES-1:0] class triggered


Name Type Description
class_masks logic [N_CLASSES-1:0][NAlerts-1:0] classification mapping
loc_class_masks logic [N_CLASSES-1:0][N_LOC_ALERT-1:0]


Type: always_comb

this is basically an address to onehot0 decoder