Entity: alert_handler_ping_timer
- File: alert_handler_ping_timer.sv
Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
This module implements the ping mechanism. Once enabled, this module uses an LFSR-based PRNG to
a) determine the next peripheral index to be pinged (can be an alert receiver or an escalation sender). it it is detected that this particular peripheral is disabled, another index will be drawn from the PRNG.
b) determine the amount of pause cycles to wait before pinging the peripheral selected in a).
Once the ping timer waited for the amount of pause cycles determined in b), it asserts the ping enable signal of the peripheral determined in a). If that peripheral does not respond within the ping timeout window, an internal alert will be raised.
Further, if a spurious ping_ok signal is detected (i.e., a ping ok that has not been requested), the ping timer will also raise an internal alert.
Generic name | Type | Value | Description |
RndCnstLfsrSeed | lfsr_seed_t | RndCnstLfsrSeedDefault | Compile time random constants, to be overriden by topgen. |
RndCnstLfsrPerm | lfsr_perm_t | RndCnstLfsrPermDefault | |
MaxLenSVA | bit | 1'b1 | Enable this for DV, disable this for long LFSRs in FPV |
LockupSVA | bit | 1'b1 | Can be disabled in cases where entropy inputs are unused in order to not distort coverage (the SVA will be unreachable in such cases) |
Port name | Direction | Type | Description |
clk_i | input | ||
rst_ni | input | ||
edn_req_o | output | request to EDN | |
edn_ack_i | input | ack from EDN | |
edn_data_i | input | [LfsrWidth-1:0] | from EDN |
en_i | input | enable ping testing | |
alert_ping_en_i | input | [NAlerts-1:0] | determines which alerts to ping |
ping_timeout_cyc_i | input | [PING_CNT_DW-1:0] | timeout in cycles |
wait_cyc_mask_i | input | [PING_CNT_DW-1:0] | mask to shorten the counters in DV / FPV |
alert_ping_req_o | output | [NAlerts-1:0] | request to alert receivers |
esc_ping_req_o | output | [N_ESC_SEV-1:0] | enable to esc senders |
alert_ping_ok_i | input | [NAlerts-1:0] | response from alert receivers |
esc_ping_ok_i | input | [N_ESC_SEV-1:0] | response from esc senders |
alert_ping_fail_o | output | any of the alert receivers failed | |
esc_ping_fail_o | output | any of the esc senders failed |
Name | Type | Description |
reseed_en | logic | ////////////////// Reseed counter // ////////////////// |
reseed_timer_d | logic [ReseedLfsrWidth-1:0] | |
reseed_timer_q | logic [ReseedLfsrWidth-1:0] | |
lfsr_en | logic | ///////////////////////// Tandem LFSR Instances // ///////////////////////// |
lfsr_en_unbuf | logic | ///////////////////////// Tandem LFSR Instances // ///////////////////////// |
entropy_unbuf | logic [LfsrWidth-1:0] | |
lfsr_state | logic [1:0][LfsrWidth-1:0] | |
id_to_ping | logic [IdDw-1:0] | |
enable_mask | logic [2**IdDw-1:0] | align the enable mask with powers of two for the indexing operation below. |
id_vld | logic | check if the randomly drawn alert ID is actually valid and the alert is enabled |
esc_cnt_en | logic | //////////////////////////////// Escalation Counter Instances // //////////////////////////////// As opposed to the alert ID, the escalation sender ID to be pinged is not drawn at random. Rather, we cycle through the escalation senders one by one in a deterministic fashion. This allows us to provide guarantees needed for the ping timeout / auto escalation feature implemented at the escalation receiver side. In particular, with N_ESC_SEV escalation senders in the design, we can guarantee that each escalation channel will be pinged at least once every N_ESC_SEV x (NUM_WAIT_COUNT + NUM_TIMEOUT_COUNT) x 2PING_CNT_DW cycles - independently of the reseeding operation. - N_ESC_SEV: # escalation channels to ping. - NUM_WAIT_COUNT: # wait counts between subsequent escalation channel pings. - NUM_TIMEOUT_COUNT: # timeout counts between subsequent escalation channel pings. - 2PING_CNT_DW: # maximum counter value. This guarantee is used inside the escalation receivers to monitor the pings sent out by the alert handler. I.e., once the alert handler has started to send out pings, each escalation receiver employs a timeout window within which it expects the next ping to arrive. If escalation pings cease to arrive at an escalation receiver for any reason, this will automatically trigger the associated escalation countermeasure. In order to have enough margin, the escalation receiver timeout counters use a threshold that is 4x higher than the value calculated above. With N_ESC_SEV = 4, PING_CNT_DW = 16 and NUM_WAIT_COUNT = NUM_TIMEOUT_COUNT = 2 this amounts to a 22bit timeout threshold. |
esc_cnt_q | logic [1:0][PING_CNT_DW-1:0] | |
cnt_q | logic [1:0][PING_CNT_DW-1:0] | /////////////////////////// Timer Counter Instances // /////////////////////////// |
wait_cnt_load | logic | |
timeout_cnt_load | logic | |
timer_expired | logic | |
alert_ping_en | logic | ////////////////////////// Ping and Timeout Logic // ////////////////////////// |
esc_ping_en | logic | ////////////////////////// Ping and Timeout Logic // ////////////////////////// |
spurious_alert_ping | logic | |
spurious_esc_ping | logic | |
state_d | state_e | |
state_q | state_e | |
state_raw_q | logic [StateWidth-1:0] | ///////////////// FSM Registers // ///////////////// This primitive is used to place a size-only constraint on the flops in order to prevent FSM state encoding optimizations. |
Name | Type | Value | Description |
IdDw | int unsigned | $clog2(NAlerts) | |
ReseedLfsrExtraBits | int unsigned | 3 | Entropy reseeding is triggered every time this counter expires. The expected wait time between pings is 2**(PING_CNT_DW-1) on average. We do not need to reseed the LFSR very often, and the constant below is chosen such that on average the LFSR is reseeded every 16th ping. |
ReseedLfsrWidth | int unsigned | PING_CNT_DW + ReseedLfsrExtraBits | |
StateWidth | int | 9 | Encoding generated with: $ ./util/design/sparse-fsm-encode.py -d 5 -m 6 -n 9 \ -s 728582219 --language=sv Hamming distance histogram: 0: -- 1: -- 2: -- 3: -- 4: -- 5: |
Name | Type | Description |
state_e | enum logic [StateWidth-1:0] { InitSt = 9'b000101100, AlertWaitSt = 9'b011001011, AlertPingSt = 9'b110000000, EscWaitSt = 9'b101110001, EscPingSt = 9'b011110110, FsmErrorSt = 9'b100011111 } |
- p_regs: ( @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) )
Type: always_ff
- p_fsm: ( )
Type: always_comb
- u_prim_buf_spurious_alert_ping: prim_buf
under normal operation, these signals should never be asserted.
we place hand instantiated buffers here such that these signals are not
optimized away during synthesis (these buffers will receive a keep or size_only
attribute in our Vivado and DC synthesis flows).
- u_prim_buf_spurious_esc_ping: prim_buf
- u_state_regs: prim_flop