Entity: csrng_ctr_drbg_cmd


int Cmd int StateId int BlkLen int KeyLen int SeedLen int CtrLen clk_i rst_ni ctr_drbg_cmd_enable_i ctr_drbg_cmd_req_i [Cmd-1:0] ctr_drbg_cmd_ccmd_i [StateId-1:0] ctr_drbg_cmd_inst_id_i ctr_drbg_cmd_glast_i [SeedLen-1:0] ctr_drbg_cmd_entropy_i ctr_drbg_cmd_entropy_fips_i [SeedLen-1:0] ctr_drbg_cmd_adata_i [KeyLen-1:0] ctr_drbg_cmd_key_i [BlkLen-1:0] ctr_drbg_cmd_v_i [CtrLen-1:0] ctr_drbg_cmd_rc_i ctr_drbg_cmd_fips_i ctr_drbg_cmd_rdy_i upd_cmd_rdy_i upd_cmd_ack_i [Cmd-1:0] upd_cmd_ccmd_i [StateId-1:0] upd_cmd_inst_id_i [KeyLen-1:0] upd_cmd_key_i [BlkLen-1:0] upd_cmd_v_i ctr_drbg_cmd_rdy_o ctr_drbg_cmd_ack_o ctr_drbg_cmd_sts_o [Cmd-1:0] ctr_drbg_cmd_ccmd_o [StateId-1:0] ctr_drbg_cmd_inst_id_o ctr_drbg_cmd_glast_o ctr_drbg_cmd_fips_o [SeedLen-1:0] ctr_drbg_cmd_adata_o [KeyLen-1:0] ctr_drbg_cmd_key_o [BlkLen-1:0] ctr_drbg_cmd_v_o [CtrLen-1:0] ctr_drbg_cmd_rc_o cmd_upd_req_o [Cmd-1:0] cmd_upd_ccmd_o [StateId-1:0] cmd_upd_inst_id_o [SeedLen-1:0] cmd_upd_pdata_o [KeyLen-1:0] cmd_upd_key_o [BlkLen-1:0] cmd_upd_v_o cmd_upd_rdy_o [2:0] ctr_drbg_cmd_sfifo_cmdreq_err_o [2:0] ctr_drbg_cmd_sfifo_rcstage_err_o [2:0] ctr_drbg_cmd_sfifo_keyvrc_err_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Description: csrng ctr_drbg commands module

Accepts all csrng commands


Generic name Type Value Description
Cmd int 3
StateId int 4
BlkLen int 128
KeyLen int 256
SeedLen int 384
CtrLen int 32


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
ctr_drbg_cmd_enable_i input command interface
ctr_drbg_cmd_req_i input
ctr_drbg_cmd_rdy_o output ready to process the req above
ctr_drbg_cmd_ccmd_i input [Cmd-1:0] current command
ctr_drbg_cmd_inst_id_i input [StateId-1:0] instantance id
ctr_drbg_cmd_glast_i input gen cmd last beat
ctr_drbg_cmd_entropy_i input [SeedLen-1:0] es entropy
ctr_drbg_cmd_entropy_fips_i input es entropy)fips
ctr_drbg_cmd_adata_i input [SeedLen-1:0] additional data
ctr_drbg_cmd_key_i input [KeyLen-1:0]
ctr_drbg_cmd_v_i input [BlkLen-1:0]
ctr_drbg_cmd_rc_i input [CtrLen-1:0]
ctr_drbg_cmd_fips_i input
ctr_drbg_cmd_ack_o output final ack when update process has been completed
ctr_drbg_cmd_sts_o output final ack status
ctr_drbg_cmd_rdy_i input ready to process the ack above
ctr_drbg_cmd_ccmd_o output [Cmd-1:0]
ctr_drbg_cmd_inst_id_o output [StateId-1:0]
ctr_drbg_cmd_glast_o output
ctr_drbg_cmd_fips_o output
ctr_drbg_cmd_adata_o output [SeedLen-1:0]
ctr_drbg_cmd_key_o output [KeyLen-1:0]
ctr_drbg_cmd_v_o output [BlkLen-1:0]
ctr_drbg_cmd_rc_o output [CtrLen-1:0]
cmd_upd_req_o output update interface
upd_cmd_rdy_i input
cmd_upd_ccmd_o output [Cmd-1:0]
cmd_upd_inst_id_o output [StateId-1:0]
cmd_upd_pdata_o output [SeedLen-1:0]
cmd_upd_key_o output [KeyLen-1:0]
cmd_upd_v_o output [BlkLen-1:0]
upd_cmd_ack_i input
cmd_upd_rdy_o output
upd_cmd_ccmd_i input [Cmd-1:0]
upd_cmd_inst_id_i input [StateId-1:0]
upd_cmd_key_i input [KeyLen-1:0]
upd_cmd_v_i input [BlkLen-1:0]
ctr_drbg_cmd_sfifo_cmdreq_err_o output [2:0] misc
ctr_drbg_cmd_sfifo_rcstage_err_o output [2:0]
ctr_drbg_cmd_sfifo_keyvrc_err_o output [2:0]


Name Type Description
cmdreq_ccmd logic [Cmd-1:0] signals
cmdreq_id logic [StateId-1:0]
cmdreq_glast logic
cmdreq_entropy logic [SeedLen-1:0]
cmdreq_entropy_fips logic
cmdreq_adata logic [SeedLen-1:0]
cmdreq_key logic [KeyLen-1:0]
cmdreq_v logic [BlkLen-1:0]
cmdreq_rc logic [CtrLen-1:0]
prep_seed_material logic [SeedLen-1:0]
prep_key logic [KeyLen-1:0]
prep_v logic [BlkLen-1:0]
prep_rc logic [CtrLen-1:0]
prep_gen_adata_null logic
rcstage_key logic [KeyLen-1:0]
rcstage_v logic [BlkLen-1:0]
rcstage_id logic [StateId-1:0]
rcstage_rc logic [CtrLen-1:0]
rcstage_ccmd logic [Cmd-1:0]
rcstage_glast logic
rcstage_adata logic [SeedLen-1:0]
rcstage_fips logic
fips_modified logic
sfifo_cmdreq_rdata logic [CmdreqFifoWidth-1:0] cmdreq fifo
sfifo_cmdreq_push logic
sfifo_cmdreq_wdata logic [CmdreqFifoWidth-1:0]
sfifo_cmdreq_pop logic
sfifo_cmdreq_full logic
sfifo_cmdreq_not_empty logic
sfifo_rcstage_rdata logic [RCStageFifoWidth-1:0] rcstage fifo
sfifo_rcstage_push logic
sfifo_rcstage_wdata logic [RCStageFifoWidth-1:0]
sfifo_rcstage_pop logic
sfifo_rcstage_full logic
sfifo_rcstage_not_empty logic
sfifo_keyvrc_rdata logic [KeyVRCFifoWidth-1:0] keyvrc fifo
sfifo_keyvrc_push logic
sfifo_keyvrc_wdata logic [KeyVRCFifoWidth-1:0]
sfifo_keyvrc_pop logic
sfifo_keyvrc_full logic
sfifo_keyvrc_not_empty logic
gen_adata_null_q logic flops
gen_adata_null_d logic flops


Name Type Value Description
CmdreqFifoDepth int 1
CmdreqFifoWidth int KeyLen+BlkLen+CtrLen+1+2*SeedLen+1+StateId+Cmd
RCStageFifoDepth int 1
RCStageFifoWidth int KeyLen+BlkLen+StateId+CtrLen+1+SeedLen+1+Cmd
KeyVRCFifoDepth int 1
KeyVRCFifoWidth int KeyLen+BlkLen+CtrLen+1+SeedLen+1+StateId+Cmd


Type: always_ff



input request fifo for staging cmd request


fifo to stage rc and command, waiting for update block to ack


final cmd block processing