Package: flash_ctrl_env_pkg
- File:
Copyright lowRISC contributors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Name | Type | Value | Description |
LIST_OF_ALERTS | string | parameters | |
uint | uint | 4 | |
FlashNumPages | uint | flash_ctrl_pkg::NumBanks * flash_ctrl_pkg::PagesPerBank | |
FlashSizeBytes | uint | FlashNumPages * flash_ctrl_pk | |
BytesPerPage | uint | FlashSizeBytes / FlashNumPages | Number of bytes in each of the flash pages. |
BytesPerBank | uint | FlashSizeBytes / flash_ctrl_pkg::NumBanks | Num of bytes in each of the flash banks for each of the flash partitions. |
InfoTypeBytes | uint | undefined | |
FlashNumBusWords | uint | FlashSizeBytes / top_pkg::TL_DBW | |
FlashNumBusWordsPerBank | uint | FlashNumBusWords / flash_ctrl_pkg::NumBanks | |
FlashNumBusWordsPerPage | uint | FlashNumBusWordsPerBank / flash_ctrl_pkg::PagesPerBank | |
FlashBankBytesPerWord | uint | flash_ctrl_pkg::DataWidth / 8 | |
uint | uint | $clog2(FlashBankBytesPerWord) | |
uint | uint | $clog2(flash_ctrl_pkg::WordsPerPage) | |
uint | uint | $clog2(flash_ctrl_pkg::PagesPerBank) | |
uint | uint | $clog2(flash_ctrl_pkg::NumBanks) | |
uint | uint | flash_ctrl_pkg::BusPgmRes | |
uint | uint | $clog2(FlashPgmRes) | |
FlashMemAddrWordMsbBit | uint | FlashDataByteWidth - 1 | |
FlashMemAddrLineMsbBit | uint | FlashDataByteWidth + FlashWordLineWidth - 1 | |
FlashMemAddrPageMsbBit | uint | FlashDataByteWidth | |
FlashMemAddrBankMsbBit | uint | FlashDataByteWidth + FlashWordLineW |
Name | Type | Description |
flash_ctrl_intr_e | enum int { FlashCtrlIntrProgEmpty = 0, FlashCtrlIntrProgLvl = 1, FlashCtrlIntrRdFull = 2, FlashCtrlIntrRdLvl = 3, FlashCtrlIntrOpDone = 4, FlashCtrlIntrErr = 5, NumFlashCtrlIntr = 6 } |
types |
flash_mem_init_e | enum { FlashMemInitCustom, FlashMemInitSet, FlashMemInitClear, FlashMemInitRandomize, FlashMemInitInvalidate } |
flash_dv_part_e | enum logic [flash_ctrl_pkg::InfoTypes:0] { FlashPartData = 0, FlashPartInfo = 1, FlashPartInfo1 = 2, FlashPartRedundancy = 4 } |
Data partition and all info partitions |
flash_mp_region_cfg_t | struct packed { bit en; bit read_en; bit program_en; bit erase_en; uint num_pages; uint start_page; } |
flash_bank_mp_info_page_cfg_t | struct packed { bit en; bit read_en; bit program_en; bit erase_en; } |
flash_op_t | struct packed { flash_dv_part_e partition; flash_erase_e erase_type; flash_op_e op; uint num_words; bit [TL_AW-1:0] addr; } |
data_q_t | logic [TL_DW-1:0] | Data queue for flash transactions |