Entity: flash_ctrl_rd


clk_i rst_ni op_start_i [11:0] op_num_words_i [BusAddrW-1:0] op_addr_i op_addr_oob_i data_rdy_i [BusWidth-1:0] flash_data_i flash_done_i flash_error_i op_done_o op_err_o [BusWidth-1:0] data_o data_wr_o flash_req_o [BusAddrW-1:0] flash_addr_o flash_ovfl_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Faux Flash Read Control


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
op_start_i input Software Interface
op_num_words_i input [11:0]
op_done_o output
op_err_o output
op_addr_i input [BusAddrW-1:0]
op_addr_oob_i input
data_rdy_i input FIFO Interface
data_o output [BusWidth-1:0]
data_wr_o output
flash_req_o output Flash Macro Interface
flash_addr_o output [BusAddrW-1:0]
flash_ovfl_o output
flash_data_i input [BusWidth-1:0]
flash_done_i input
flash_error_i input


Name Type Description
st state_e
st_nxt state_e
cnt logic [11:0]
cnt_nxt logic [11:0]
cnt_hit logic
int_addr logic [BusAddrW:0]
txn_done logic
err_sel logic 1 selects error data, 0 selects normal data


Name Type Description
state_e enum logic [1:0] {
StErr }


Type: always_ff

Type: always_comb

when error'd, continue to complete existing read transaction but fill in with all 1's if this is not done, software may continue to attempt to read out of the fifo and eventually cause a bus deadlock as the fifo would be empty This scheme is similar to burst completion up an error