Entity: flash_phy


clk_i rst_ni host_req_i host_intg_err_i host_req_type_i [BusAddrW-1:0] host_addr_i flash_req_t flash_ctrl_i tl_i scanmode_i scan_en_i scan_rst_ni flash_power_ready_h_i flash_power_down_h_i flash_bist_enable_i lc_nvm_debug_en_i host_req_rdy_o host_req_done_o [BusWidth-1:0] host_rdata_o host_rderr_o flash_rsp_t flash_ctrl_o tl_o [1:0] flash_test_mode_a_io flash_test_voltage_h_io flash_alert_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Flash Phy Module

Flash phy represents the top level open source wrapper for a proprietary flash module. The top level flash_phy is only responsible for dispatching transactions and correctly collecting the responses in order.


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
host_req_i input
host_intg_err_i input
host_req_type_i input
host_addr_i input [BusAddrW-1:0]
host_req_rdy_o output
host_req_done_o output
host_rdata_o output [BusWidth-1:0]
host_rderr_o output
flash_ctrl_i input flash_req_t
flash_ctrl_o output flash_rsp_t
tl_i input
tl_o output
scanmode_i input
scan_en_i input
scan_rst_ni input
flash_power_ready_h_i input
flash_power_down_h_i input
flash_test_mode_a_io inout [1:0]
flash_test_voltage_h_io inout
flash_bist_enable_i input
lc_nvm_debug_en_i input
flash_alert_o output


Name Type Description
host_bank_sel logic [BankW-1:0] flash_phy forwards incoming host transactions to the appropriate bank. However, depending on the transaction type, the completion times may differ (for example, a transaction requiring de-scramble will take significantly longer than one that hits in the read buffers). This implies that it is possible for flash_phy to forward one transaction to bank N and another to bank N+1 only for bank N+1 to finish its transaction first.
This suggests that even though transactions are received in-order, they can complete out of order. Thus it is the responsibility of the flash_phy to sequence the responses correctly. For banks that have finished ahead of time, it is also important to hold their output until consumption by the host.
The sequence fifo below holds the correct response order, while each flash_phy_core is paired with a small passthrough response FIFO to hold the data if necessary. If one bank finishes "ahead" of schedule, the response FIFO will hold the response, and no new transactions will be issued to that bank until the response is consumed by the host. host to flash_phy interface
rsp_bank_sel logic [BankW-1:0]
host_req_rdy logic [NumBanks-1:0]
host_req_done logic [NumBanks-1:0]
host_rsp_avail logic [NumBanks-1:0]
host_rsp_vld logic [NumBanks-1:0]
host_rsp_ack logic [NumBanks-1:0]
host_rsp_data logic [BusWidth-1:0]
host_rsp_err logic [NumBanks-1:0]
seq_fifo_rdy logic
seq_fifo_pending logic
ctrl_bank_sel logic [BankW-1:0] flash_ctrl to flash_phy interface
rd_done logic [NumBanks-1:0]
prog_done logic [NumBanks-1:0]
erase_done logic [NumBanks-1:0]
init_busy logic
prog_type_avail logic [ProgTypes-1:0]
rd_data logic [BusWidth-1:0] common interface
rd_err logic [NumBanks-1:0]
host_scramble_en logic
host_ecc_en logic
region_attrs data_region_attr_t
region_cfg mp_region_cfg_t
unused_cfg mp_region_cfg_t
prim_flash_req flash_phy_pkg::flash_phy_prim_flash_req_t [NumBanks-1:0] Prim flash to flash_phy_core connections
prim_flash_rsp flash_phy_pkg::flash_phy_prim_flash_rsp_t [NumBanks-1:0]
ecc_single_err logic [NumBanks-1:0]
ecc_multi_err logic [NumBanks-1:0]
ecc_addr logic [NumBanks-1:0][BusAddrW-1:0]
flash_disable lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t [NumBanks-1:0]
tdo logic block: gen_flash_banks life cycle handling
lc_nvm_debug_en lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t [FlashLcDftLast-1:0]
bist_enable_qual lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t
unused_alert logic
unused_trst_n logic


Name Type Value Description
FlashMacroOustanding int 1 Flash macro outstanding refers to how many reads we allow a macro to move ahead of an in order blocking read. Since the data cannot be returned out of order, this simply does the reads in advance and store them in a FIFO
SeqFifoDepth int FlashMacroOustanding * NumBanks
TotalRegions int MpRegions + 1 Generate host scramble_en indication, broadcasted to all banks


This fifo holds the expected return order

the region decode only accepts page address