Entity: flash_phy_core


int unsigned ArbCnt clk_i rst_ni intg_err_i host_req_i host_req_type_i host_scramble_en_i host_ecc_en_i [BusBankAddrW-1:0] host_addr_i req_i scramble_en_i ecc_en_i he_en_i ecc_multi_err_en_i rd_i prog_i pg_erase_i bk_erase_i erase_suspend_req_i part_i [InfoTypesWidth-1:0] info_sel_i [BusBankAddrW-1:0] addr_i [BusWidth-1:0] prog_data_i prog_last_i prog_type_i [KeySize-1:0] addr_key_i [KeySize-1:0] data_key_i [KeySize-1:0] rand_addr_key_i [KeySize-1:0] rand_data_key_i rd_buf_en_i flash_disable_i flash_phy_prim_flash_rsp_t prim_flash_rsp_i flash_phy_prim_flash_req_t prim_flash_req_o host_req_rdy_o host_req_done_o rd_done_o prog_done_o erase_done_o [BusWidth-1:0] rd_data_o rd_err_o ecc_single_err_o ecc_multi_err_o [BusBankAddrW-1:0] ecc_addr_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Flash Phy Core Module

This module wraps every single flash bank and contains most of the region attribute, scramble, ECC, security and arbitration logic. Most of the items are TODO, at the moment only arbitration logic exists.


Generic name Type Value Description
ArbCnt int unsigned 4


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
intg_err_i input
host_req_i input host request - read only
host_req_type_i input
host_scramble_en_i input
host_ecc_en_i input
host_addr_i input [BusBankAddrW-1:0]
req_i input controller request
scramble_en_i input
ecc_en_i input
he_en_i input
ecc_multi_err_en_i input
rd_i input
prog_i input
pg_erase_i input
bk_erase_i input
erase_suspend_req_i input
part_i input
info_sel_i input [InfoTypesWidth-1:0]
addr_i input [BusBankAddrW-1:0]
prog_data_i input [BusWidth-1:0]
prog_last_i input
prog_type_i input
addr_key_i input [KeySize-1:0]
data_key_i input [KeySize-1:0]
rand_addr_key_i input [KeySize-1:0]
rand_data_key_i input [KeySize-1:0]
rd_buf_en_i input
flash_disable_i input
prim_flash_rsp_i input flash_phy_prim_flash_rsp_t
prim_flash_req_o output flash_phy_prim_flash_req_t
host_req_rdy_o output
host_req_done_o output
rd_done_o output
prog_done_o output
erase_done_o output
rd_data_o output [BusWidth-1:0]
rd_err_o output
ecc_single_err_o output
ecc_multi_err_o output
ecc_addr_o output [BusBankAddrW-1:0]


Name Type Description
state_q arb_state_e
state_d arb_state_e
reqs logic [PhyOps-1:0] request signals to flash macro
muxed_req_type tlul_pkg::tl_type_e the type of transaction to flash macro
host_sel logic host select for address
host_rsp logic qualifier for host responses
ctrl_rsp_vld logic controller response valid
ack logic ack to phy operations from flash macro
done logic done to phy operations from flash macro
prog_ack logic ack from flash_phy_prog to controller
erase_ack logic ack from flash_phy_erase to controller
muxed_addr logic [BusBankAddrW-1:0] interface with flash macro
muxed_part flash_ctrl_pkg::flash_part_e
muxed_scramble_en logic
muxed_ecc_en logic
rd_stage_idle logic entire read stage is idle, inclusive of all stages
rd_stage_rdy logic the read stage is ready to accept a new transaction
rd_stage_data_valid logic the read stage has valid response
arb_cnt logic [CntWidth-1:0] arbitration counter If controller side has lost arbitration ArbCnt times, favor it once
inc_arb_cnt logic
clr_arb_cnt logic
host_req_masked logic
calc_ack logic scramble / de-scramble connections
op_ack logic
scramble_mask logic [DataWidth-1:0]
flash_rd_req logic ////////////////////// read pipeline //////////////////////
flash_rdata logic [FullDataWidth-1:0]
rd_calc_req logic
rd_calc_addr logic [BankAddrW-1:0]
rd_op_req logic
rd_scrambled_data logic [DataWidth-1:0]
rd_descrambled_data logic [DataWidth-1:0]
prog_full_data logic [FullDataWidth-1:0] ////////////////////// program pipeline //////////////////////
prog_scrambled_data logic [DataWidth-1:0]
prog_data logic [DataWidth-1:0]
prog_last logic
flash_prog_req logic
prog_calc_req logic
prog_op_req logic
flash_pg_erase_req logic ////////////////////// erase pipeline //////////////////////
flash_bk_erase_req logic
scramble_muxed_addr logic [BankAddrW-1:0] ////////////////////// scrambling / de-scrambling primitive //////////////////////


Name Type Value Description
CntWidth int $clog2(ArbCnt + 1)


Name Type Description
arb_state_e enum logic [2:0] {
StDisable }


Type: always_ff

Type: always_ff

Type: always_comb
