Entity: flash_phy_rd


clk_i rst_ni buf_en_i ecc_multi_err_en_i req_i req_type_i descramble_i ecc_i prog_i pg_erase_i bk_erase_i [BusBankAddrW-1:0] addr_i part_i [InfoTypesWidth-1:0] info_sel_i calc_ack_i descramble_ack_i [DataWidth-1:0] mask_i [DataWidth-1:0] descrambled_data_i ack_i done_i [FullDataWidth-1:0] data_i rdy_o data_valid_o data_err_o [BusWidth-1:0] data_o idle_o calc_req_o descramble_req_o [BankAddrW-1:0] calc_addr_o [DataWidth-1:0] scrambled_data_o req_o ecc_single_err_o ecc_multi_err_o [BusBankAddrW-1:0] ecc_addr_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Flash Phy Read Module

This module implements the flash phy read pipeline. The read pipeline consists of read buffers, the actual flash read stage, the descrambling stage, and finally the response.

Note this module backpressures the front end, but cannot handle any back end back pressuring at the response stage. It is thus assumed it will tell the upstream to stop issuing instructions, however once issued, the upstream will always accept the response.

Support for descramble stage The allocate and descramble indication received at read stage are saved. When the read completes, depending on the 'descramble' indication saved, the data is either stored into FIFO (reg + skid) between read and descramble stage, or forwarded directly to the buffer (no de-scramble)

If the storage element between read and de-scramble stages are completely full for any reason, then the read stage cannot start.

When the read stage begins, the galois multiply portion of the de-scramble is also kicked off. When the galois multiply stage AND read stage completes, the de-scramble is then kicked off.


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
buf_en_i input configuration interface from flash controller
ecc_multi_err_en_i input
req_i input interface with arbitration unit
req_type_i input
descramble_i input
ecc_i input
prog_i input
pg_erase_i input
bk_erase_i input
addr_i input [BusBankAddrW-1:0]
part_i input
info_sel_i input [InfoTypesWidth-1:0]
rdy_o output
data_valid_o output
data_err_o output
data_o output [BusWidth-1:0]
idle_o output the entire read pipeline is idle
calc_req_o output interface with scramble unit
descramble_req_o output
calc_addr_o output [BankAddrW-1:0]
scrambled_data_o output [DataWidth-1:0]
calc_ack_i input
descramble_ack_i input
mask_i input [DataWidth-1:0]
descrambled_data_i input [DataWidth-1:0]
req_o output interface to actual flash primitive
ack_i input request has been accepted
done_i input actual data return
data_i input [FullDataWidth-1:0]
ecc_single_err_o output error status reporting
ecc_multi_err_o output
ecc_addr_o output [BusBankAddrW-1:0]


Name Type Description
buf_en_q logic /////////////////////////////// Read buffers /////////////////////////////// internal buffer enable
muxed_data logic [DataWidth-1:0] muxed de-scrambled and plain-data
muxed_err logic
data_valid logic muxed data valid signal that takes scrambling into consideration
alloc logic [NumBuf-1:0] A buffer allocate is invoked when a new transaction arrives. Alloc only happens if the new transaction does not match an existing entry.
update logic [NumBuf-1:0] A buffer update is invoked after the completion of the de-scramble stage. This updates the buffer that was allocated when a new transaction was initiated.
read_buf rd_buf_t
buf_invalid logic [NumBuf-1:0]
buf_valid logic [NumBuf-1:0]
buf_wip logic [NumBuf-1:0]
buf_match logic [NumBuf-1:0] The new transaction matches an already allocated buffer. The buffer may be valid or work in progress.
no_match logic
data_hazard logic [NumBuf-1:0] There is a stateful operation aimed at valid buffer, that buffer must be flushed
buf_invalid_alloc logic [NumBuf-1:0] The next buffer allocated is determined in the following way: If there is an invalid buffer, use that lowest one If there are no invalid buffers, pick a valid buffer Work in progress buffer is NEVER replaced. There should only be one work in progress buffer at a time
buf_valid_alloc logic [NumBuf-1:0]
buf_alloc logic [NumBuf-1:0]
flash_word_addr logic [BankAddrW-1:0] flash word address
dummy_data logic [1:0] a prim arbiter is used to somewhat fairly select among the valid buffers
rsp_fifo_wdata rsp_fifo_entry_t
rsp_fifo_rdata rsp_fifo_entry_t
rsp_fifo_rdy logic
rsp_fifo_vld logic
alloc_q logic [NumBuf-1:0] saved attributes on flash read
rd_attrs rd_attr_t
rd_busy logic read complete since done is broadcast to all the modules, need to know we are actually active
rd_done logic
scramble_stage_rdy logic scramble stage ready
flash_rdy logic Consider converting this to a FIFO for better matching The rd_busy flag is effectively a "full" flag anyways of a single entry.
rd_stages_rdy logic read stages are ready when both the response fifo and the data / mask fifos have space for new entries
data_err logic /////////////////////////////// Handling ECC /////////////////////////////// only uncorrectable errors are passed on to the fabric
valid_ecc logic scrambled data must pass through ECC first
ecc_multi_err logic
ecc_single_err logic
data_ecc_chk logic [DataWidth-1:0]
data_int logic [DataWidth-1:0]
data_erased logic
fifo_data_ready logic /////////////////////////////// De-scrambling stage /////////////////////////////// Even on ECC error, progress through the stage normally
fifo_data_valid logic
mask_valid logic
fifo_data logic [DataWidth-1:0]
mask logic [DataWidth-1:0]
data_fifo_rdy logic
mask_fifo_rdy logic
descram logic
forward logic
hint_forward logic
hint_descram logic
data_err_q logic
alloc_q2 logic [NumBuf-1:0]
fifo_forward_pop logic storage for read outputs This storage element can be fully merged with the fifo below if the time it takes to do a read is matched to gf_mult. This is doable and should be considered. However it would create a dependency on constraints (multicycle) instead of being correct by construction.
In addition to potential different completion times, the mask storage may also be pushed even if it is not required (erase case). The solution for this issue is that the mask / data are always pushed, it is then selectively popped based on the forward / de-scrambling hints.
All these problems could be resolved if the timings matched exactly, however the user would need to correctly setup constraints on either flash / gf_mult timing change.
unused_rd_depth logic [1:0]
unused_mask_depth logic [1:0]
rd_and_mask_fifo_pop logic
descram_q logic
forward_q logic
flash_rsp_match logic /////////////////////////////// Response ///////////////////////////////
buf_rsp_match logic [NumBuf-1:0]
buf_rsp_data logic [DataWidth-1:0]


Type: always_ff

buffer enable cannot be changed unless the entire read pipeline is idle

Type: always_ff

Type: always_ff

generate the mask calculation request mask calculation is done in parallel to the read stage

Type: always_comb

select among the buffers


response order FIFO

TODO: Cleanup the FIFO popping a bit more

storage for mask calculations