Entity: keccak_round


int Width int W int L int MaxRound int RndW int DInWidth int DInEntry int DInAddr bit EnMasking int Share bit ReuseShare clk_i rst_ni valid_i [DInAddr-1:0] addr_i [DInWidth-1:0] data_i run_i rand_valid_i [Width-1:0] rand_data_i clear_i ready_o rand_consumed_o complete_o [Width-1:0] state_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Keccak full round logic based on given input Width e.g. Width 800 requires 22 rounds


Generic name Type Value Description
Width int 1600 b= {25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600}
W int Width/25 Derived
L int $clog2(W)
MaxRound int 12 + 2*L Keccak-f only
RndW int $clog2(MaxRound+1) Representing up to MaxRound-1
DInWidth int 64 currently only 64bit supported
DInEntry int Width / DInWidth
DInAddr int $clog2(DInEntry)
EnMasking bit 1'b0 Enable secure hardening
Share int EnMasking ? 2 : 1
ReuseShare bit 1'b0 Re-use adjacent share for entropy


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
valid_i input Message Feed
addr_i input [DInAddr-1:0]
data_i input [DInWidth-1:0]
ready_o output
run_i input Pulse signal to initiates Keccak full round
rand_valid_i input
rand_data_i input [Width-1:0]
rand_consumed_o output
complete_o output Indicates full round is done
state_o output [Width-1:0] State out. This can be used as Digest
clear_i input Clear internal state to '0


Name Type Description
update_storage logic /////////////////// Control signals // /////////////////// Update storage register
rst_storage logic Reset the storage to 0 to initiate new Hash operation
xor_message logic XOR message into storage register It only does based on the given DInWidth. If DInWidth < Width, it takes multiple cycles to XOR all message
sel_mux logic Select Keccak_p datapath 0: Select Phase1 (Theta -> Rho -> Pi) 1: Select Phase2 (Chi -> Iota) sel_mux need to be asserted until the Chi stage is consumed, It means sel_mux should be 1 until one cycle after rand_valid_i is asserted.
inc_rnd_num logic Increase/ Reset Round number
rst_rnd_num logic
rnd_eq_end logic Round reaches end This signal indicates the round reaches desired number, which is MaxRound -1. MaxRound is dependant on the Width. In case of SHA3/SHAKE, MaxRound is 24.
complete_d logic Complete of Keccak_f State machine asserts complete_d when it reaches at the end of round and operation (Phase3 if Masked). The the stage, the storage still doesn't have the valid states. So precisely it is not completed yet. State generated complete_d is latched with the clock and creates a pulse signal one cycle later. The signal is the indication of completion.
Intentionally removed any intermediate step (so called StComplete) in order to save a clock to proceeds next round.
keccak_out logic [Width-1:0] //////////////////// Datapath Signals // //////////////////// Single round keccak output data
round logic [RndW-1:0] Keccak Round indicator: range from 0 .. MaxRound
keccak_rand_valid logic Random value and valid signal used in Keccak_p There's plan to make random value generation configurable. 1. Tied to 0 in case of random value is not needed. It means the Keccak doesn't need to be masked and throughput is the most important thing. 2. Receive random value from entropy source. This requires to fill 1600b of entropy. It takes long time so generally it will have smaller bits from tru entropy source and expands to 1600b (Width). 3. Reuse Share. This option is to reuse the other part of share. Chi stage uses 3 sheets to create a sheet. (newX = X ^ (~(X+1) & (X+2))). So the other two shares (X-1, X-2) can be assumed as random values, and may be used as entropy source. It is weaker than the use of true entropy, but much faster.
keccak_rand_consumed logic Random value and valid signal used in Keccak_p There's plan to make random value generation configurable. 1. Tied to 0 in case of random value is not needed. It means the Keccak doesn't need to be masked and throughput is the most important thing. 2. Receive random value from entropy source. This requires to fill 1600b of entropy. It takes long time so generally it will have smaller bits from tru entropy source and expands to 1600b (Width). 3. Reuse Share. This option is to reuse the other part of share. Chi stage uses 3 sheets to create a sheet. (newX = X ^ (~(X+1) & (X+2))). So the other two shares (X-1, X-2) can be assumed as random values, and may be used as entropy source. It is weaker than the use of true entropy, but much faster.
keccak_rand_data logic [Width-1:0]
keccak_st keccak_st_e
keccak_st_d keccak_st_e
storage_d begin
end end


Name Type Value Description
W int Width/25 Derived
L int $clog2(W)
MaxRound int 12 + 2*L Keccak-f only
RndW int $clog2(MaxRound+1) Representing up to MaxRound-1
DInEntry int Width / DInWidth
DInAddr int $clog2(DInEntry)
Share int EnMasking ? 2 : 1


Name Type Description
keccak_st_e enum logic [2:0] {
StError }


Type: always_ff

Type: always_comb

Next state logic and output logic

Type: always_comb

Storage register input The incoming message is XORed with the existing storage registers. The logic can accept not a block size incoming message chunk but the size defined in DInWidth parameter with its position.

Type: always_ff

Round number

Type: always_ff

completion signal


Datapath //