Entity: keymgr
- File: keymgr.sv
Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Key manager top level
Generic name | Type | Value | Description |
NumAlerts | logic [NumAlerts-1:0] | undefined | |
KmacEnMasking | bit | 1'b1 | |
RndCnstLfsrSeed | lfsr_seed_t | RndCnstLfsrSeedDefault | |
RndCnstLfsrPerm | lfsr_perm_t | RndCnstLfsrPermDefault | |
RndCnstRandPerm | rand_perm_t | RndCnstRandPermDefault | |
RndCnstRevisionSeed | seed_t | RndCnstRevisionSeedDefault | |
RndCnstCreatorIdentitySeed | seed_t | RndCnstCreatorIdentitySeedDefault | |
RndCnstOwnerIntIdentitySeed | seed_t | RndCnstOwnerIntIdentitySeedDefault | |
RndCnstOwnerIdentitySeed | seed_t | RndCnstOwnerIdentitySeedDefault | |
RndCnstSoftOutputSeed | seed_t | RndCnstSoftOutputSeedDefault | |
RndCnstHardOutputSeed | seed_t | RndCnstHardOutputSeedDefault | |
RndCnstNoneSeed | seed_t | RndCnstNoneSeedDefault | |
RndCnstAesSeed | seed_t | RndCnstAesSeedDefault | |
RndCnstOtbnSeed | seed_t | RndCnstOtbnSeedDefault | |
RndCnstKmacSeed | seed_t | RndCnstKmacSeedDefault |
Port name | Direction | Type | Description |
clk_i | input | ||
rst_ni | input | ||
rst_shadowed_ni | input | ||
clk_edn_i | input | ||
rst_edn_ni | input | ||
tl_i | input | Bus Interface | |
tl_o | output | ||
aes_key_o | output | hw_key_req_t | key interface to crypto modules |
kmac_key_o | output | hw_key_req_t | |
otbn_key_o | output | otbn_key_req_t | |
kmac_data_o | output | data interface to/from crypto modules | |
kmac_data_i | input | ||
kmac_en_masking_i | input | whether kmac is masked Note this input is not driving ANY logic directly. Instead it is only used as part of assertions. This is done because if boundary optimization were ever disabled, it would provide a VERY obvious location for attacks. | |
lc_keymgr_en_i | input | the following signals should eventually be wrapped into structs from other modules | |
lc_keymgr_div_i | input | ||
otp_key_i | input | ||
otp_device_id_i | input | ||
flash_i | input | ||
edn_o | output | connection to edn | |
edn_i | input | ||
rom_digest_i | input | connection to rom_ctrl | |
intr_op_done_o | output | interrupts and alerts | |
alert_rx_i | input | [keymgr_reg_pkg::NumAlerts-1:0] | |
alert_tx_o | output | [keymgr_reg_pkg::NumAlerts-1:0] |
Name | Type | Description |
reg2hw | keymgr_reg2hw_t | Register module |
hw2reg | keymgr_hw2reg_t | |
regfile_intg_err | logic | |
shadowed_storage_err | logic | |
shadowed_update_err | logic | |
lc_keymgr_en | lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t [KeyMgrEnLast-1:0] | /////////////////////////////////// Synchronize lc_ctrl control inputs Data inputs are not synchronized and assumed quasi-static /////////////////////////////////// |
seed_en | logic | /////////////////////////////////// LFSR /////////////////////////////////// A farily large lfsr is used here as entropy in multiple places. - populate the default working state - generate random inputs when a bad input is selected The first case is sensitive, and thus the working state is constructed through multiple rounds of the Lfsr The second case is less sensitive and is applied directly. If the inputs have more bits than the lfsr output, the lfsr value is simply replicated |
seed | logic [LfsrWidth-1:0] | |
reseed_req | logic | |
reseed_ack | logic | |
lfsr | logic [63:0] | |
ctrl_lfsr_en | logic | |
data_lfsr_en | logic | |
sideload_lfsr_en | logic | |
ctrl_rand | logic [Shares-1:0][RandWidth-1:0] | |
data_rand | logic [Shares-1:0][RandWidth-1:0] | |
stage_sel | keymgr_stage_e | /////////////////////////////////// Key Manager Control /////////////////////////////////// |
key_sel | keymgr_gen_out_e | |
adv_en | logic | |
id_en | logic | |
gen_en | logic | |
wipe_key | logic | |
kmac_key | hw_key_req_t | |
op_done | logic | |
init | logic | |
data_valid | logic | |
data_en | logic | |
kmac_done | logic | |
kmac_input_invalid | logic | |
kmac_cmd_err | logic | |
kmac_fsm_err | logic | |
kmac_op_err | logic | |
kmac_data | logic [Shares-1:0][kmac_pkg::AppDigestW-1:0] | |
kmac_data_truncated | logic [Shares-1:0][KeyWidth-1:0] | |
err_code | logic [ErrLastPos-1:0] | |
fault_code | logic [FaultLastPos-1:0] | |
sw_binding_unlock | logic | |
cdi_sel | logic [CdiWidth-1:0] | |
cfg_regwen | logic | |
sw_binding_set | logic | |
sw_binding_clr | logic | |
sw_binding_regwen | logic | |
rom_digest_vld | logic | /////////////////////////////////// Key Manager Input Construction /////////////////////////////////// The various arrays of inputs for each operation |
adv_matrix | logic [2**StageWidth-1:0][AdvDataWidth-1:0] | |
adv_dvalid | logic [2**StageWidth-1:0] | |
id_matrix | logic [2**StageWidth-1:0][IdDataWidth-1:0] | |
gen_in | logic [GenDataWidth-1:0] | |
max_key_versions | logic [2**StageWidth-1:0][31:0] | The max key version for each stage |
creator_seed_vld | logic | input checking |
owner_seed_vld | logic | |
devid_vld | logic | |
health_state_vld | logic | |
key_version_vld | logic | |
sw_binding | logic [SwBindingWidth-1:0] | software binding |
creator_seed | logic [KeyWidth-1:0] | Advance to creator_root_key The values coming from otp_ctrl / lc_ctrl are treat as quasi-static for CDC purposes |
owner_seed | logic [KeyWidth-1:0] | Advance to owner_intermediate_key |
output_key | logic [KeyWidth-1:0] | Generate output operation input construction |
cipher_sel | keymgr_key_dest_e | |
cipher_seed | logic [KeyWidth-1:0] | |
key_vld | logic | General module for checking inputs |
invalid_data | logic [3:0] | /////////////////////////////////// KMAC Control /////////////////////////////////// |
fault_errs | logic | There are two types of alerts - alerts for hardware errors, these could not have been generated by software. - alerts for errors that may have been generated by software. |
fault_err_req_q | logic | There are two types of alerts - alerts for hardware errors, these could not have been generated by software. - alerts for errors that may have been generated by software. |
fault_err_req_d | logic | There are two types of alerts - alerts for hardware errors, these could not have been generated by software. - alerts for errors that may have been generated by software. |
fault_err_ack | logic | There are two types of alerts - alerts for hardware errors, these could not have been generated by software. - alerts for errors that may have been generated by software. |
op_errs | logic | |
op_err_req_q | logic | |
op_err_req_d | logic | |
op_err_ack | logic | |
fault_alert_test | logic | |
op_err_alert_test | logic | |
unused_kmac_en_masking | logic | kmac parameter consistency Both modules must be consistent with regards to masking assumptions |
Name | Type | Value | Description |
AdvLfsrCopies | int | AdvDataWidth / 32 | Number of times the lfsr output fits into the inputs |
IdLfsrCopies | int | IdDataWidth / 32 | |
GenLfsrCopies | int | GenDataWidth / 32 |
- unnamed: ( @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) )
Type: always_ff
- u_reg: keymgr_reg_top
- u_lc_keymgr_en_sync: prim_lc_sync
- u_reseed_ctrl: keymgr_reseed_ctrl
- u_lfsr: prim_lfsr
- u_ctrl: keymgr_ctrl
- u_cfgen: keymgr_cfg_en
key manager registers cannot be changed once an operation starts
- u_sw_binding_regwen: keymgr_cfg_en
software clears the enable
hardware restores it upon successful advance
- u_checks: keymgr_input_checks
- u_kmac_if: keymgr_kmac_if
- u_sideload_ctrl: keymgr_sideload_key_ctrl
Side load key storage
- u_intr_op_done: prim_intr_hw
Alerts and Interrupts
- u_fault_alert: prim_alert_sender
- u_op_err_alert: prim_alert_sender