Entity: keymgr


logic [NumAlerts-1:0] NumAlerts bit KmacEnMasking lfsr_seed_t RndCnstLfsrSeed lfsr_perm_t RndCnstLfsrPerm rand_perm_t RndCnstRandPerm seed_t RndCnstRevisionSeed seed_t RndCnstCreatorIdentitySeed seed_t RndCnstOwnerIntIdentitySeed seed_t RndCnstOwnerIdentitySeed seed_t RndCnstSoftOutputSeed seed_t RndCnstHardOutputSeed seed_t RndCnstNoneSeed seed_t RndCnstAesSeed seed_t RndCnstOtbnSeed seed_t RndCnstKmacSeed clk_i rst_ni rst_shadowed_ni clk_edn_i rst_edn_ni tl_i kmac_data_i kmac_en_masking_i lc_keymgr_en_i lc_keymgr_div_i otp_key_i otp_device_id_i flash_i edn_i rom_digest_i [keymgr_reg_pkg::NumAlerts-1:0] alert_rx_i tl_o hw_key_req_t aes_key_o hw_key_req_t kmac_key_o otbn_key_req_t otbn_key_o kmac_data_o edn_o intr_op_done_o [keymgr_reg_pkg::NumAlerts-1:0] alert_tx_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Key manager top level


Generic name Type Value Description
NumAlerts logic [NumAlerts-1:0] undefined
KmacEnMasking bit 1'b1
RndCnstLfsrSeed lfsr_seed_t RndCnstLfsrSeedDefault
RndCnstLfsrPerm lfsr_perm_t RndCnstLfsrPermDefault
RndCnstRandPerm rand_perm_t RndCnstRandPermDefault
RndCnstRevisionSeed seed_t RndCnstRevisionSeedDefault
RndCnstCreatorIdentitySeed seed_t RndCnstCreatorIdentitySeedDefault
RndCnstOwnerIntIdentitySeed seed_t RndCnstOwnerIntIdentitySeedDefault
RndCnstOwnerIdentitySeed seed_t RndCnstOwnerIdentitySeedDefault
RndCnstSoftOutputSeed seed_t RndCnstSoftOutputSeedDefault
RndCnstHardOutputSeed seed_t RndCnstHardOutputSeedDefault
RndCnstNoneSeed seed_t RndCnstNoneSeedDefault
RndCnstAesSeed seed_t RndCnstAesSeedDefault
RndCnstOtbnSeed seed_t RndCnstOtbnSeedDefault
RndCnstKmacSeed seed_t RndCnstKmacSeedDefault


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
rst_shadowed_ni input
clk_edn_i input
rst_edn_ni input
tl_i input Bus Interface
tl_o output
aes_key_o output hw_key_req_t key interface to crypto modules
kmac_key_o output hw_key_req_t
otbn_key_o output otbn_key_req_t
kmac_data_o output data interface to/from crypto modules
kmac_data_i input
kmac_en_masking_i input whether kmac is masked Note this input is not driving ANY logic directly. Instead it is only used as part of assertions. This is done because if boundary optimization were ever disabled, it would provide a VERY obvious location for attacks.
lc_keymgr_en_i input the following signals should eventually be wrapped into structs from other modules
lc_keymgr_div_i input
otp_key_i input
otp_device_id_i input
flash_i input
edn_o output connection to edn
edn_i input
rom_digest_i input connection to rom_ctrl
intr_op_done_o output interrupts and alerts
alert_rx_i input [keymgr_reg_pkg::NumAlerts-1:0]
alert_tx_o output [keymgr_reg_pkg::NumAlerts-1:0]


Name Type Description
reg2hw keymgr_reg2hw_t Register module
hw2reg keymgr_hw2reg_t
regfile_intg_err logic
shadowed_storage_err logic
shadowed_update_err logic
lc_keymgr_en lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t [KeyMgrEnLast-1:0] /////////////////////////////////// Synchronize lc_ctrl control inputs Data inputs are not synchronized and assumed quasi-static ///////////////////////////////////
seed_en logic /////////////////////////////////// LFSR /////////////////////////////////// A farily large lfsr is used here as entropy in multiple places. - populate the default working state - generate random inputs when a bad input is selected
The first case is sensitive, and thus the working state is constructed through multiple rounds of the Lfsr The second case is less sensitive and is applied directly. If the inputs have more bits than the lfsr output, the lfsr value is simply replicated
seed logic [LfsrWidth-1:0]
reseed_req logic
reseed_ack logic
lfsr logic [63:0]
ctrl_lfsr_en logic
data_lfsr_en logic
sideload_lfsr_en logic
ctrl_rand logic [Shares-1:0][RandWidth-1:0]
data_rand logic [Shares-1:0][RandWidth-1:0]
stage_sel keymgr_stage_e /////////////////////////////////// Key Manager Control ///////////////////////////////////
key_sel keymgr_gen_out_e
adv_en logic
id_en logic
gen_en logic
wipe_key logic
kmac_key hw_key_req_t
op_done logic
init logic
data_valid logic
data_en logic
kmac_done logic
kmac_input_invalid logic
kmac_cmd_err logic
kmac_fsm_err logic
kmac_op_err logic
kmac_data logic [Shares-1:0][kmac_pkg::AppDigestW-1:0]
kmac_data_truncated logic [Shares-1:0][KeyWidth-1:0]
err_code logic [ErrLastPos-1:0]
fault_code logic [FaultLastPos-1:0]
sw_binding_unlock logic
cdi_sel logic [CdiWidth-1:0]
cfg_regwen logic
sw_binding_set logic
sw_binding_clr logic
sw_binding_regwen logic
rom_digest_vld logic /////////////////////////////////// Key Manager Input Construction /////////////////////////////////// The various arrays of inputs for each operation
adv_matrix logic [2**StageWidth-1:0][AdvDataWidth-1:0]
adv_dvalid logic [2**StageWidth-1:0]
id_matrix logic [2**StageWidth-1:0][IdDataWidth-1:0]
gen_in logic [GenDataWidth-1:0]
max_key_versions logic [2**StageWidth-1:0][31:0] The max key version for each stage
creator_seed_vld logic input checking
owner_seed_vld logic
devid_vld logic
health_state_vld logic
key_version_vld logic
sw_binding logic [SwBindingWidth-1:0] software binding
creator_seed logic [KeyWidth-1:0] Advance to creator_root_key The values coming from otp_ctrl / lc_ctrl are treat as quasi-static for CDC purposes
owner_seed logic [KeyWidth-1:0] Advance to owner_intermediate_key
output_key logic [KeyWidth-1:0] Generate output operation input construction
cipher_sel keymgr_key_dest_e
cipher_seed logic [KeyWidth-1:0]
key_vld logic General module for checking inputs
invalid_data logic [3:0] /////////////////////////////////// KMAC Control ///////////////////////////////////
fault_errs logic There are two types of alerts - alerts for hardware errors, these could not have been generated by software. - alerts for errors that may have been generated by software.
fault_err_req_q logic There are two types of alerts - alerts for hardware errors, these could not have been generated by software. - alerts for errors that may have been generated by software.
fault_err_req_d logic There are two types of alerts - alerts for hardware errors, these could not have been generated by software. - alerts for errors that may have been generated by software.
fault_err_ack logic There are two types of alerts - alerts for hardware errors, these could not have been generated by software. - alerts for errors that may have been generated by software.
op_errs logic
op_err_req_q logic
op_err_req_d logic
op_err_ack logic
fault_alert_test logic
op_err_alert_test logic
unused_kmac_en_masking logic kmac parameter consistency Both modules must be consistent with regards to masking assumptions


Name Type Value Description
AdvLfsrCopies int AdvDataWidth / 32 Number of times the lfsr output fits into the inputs
IdLfsrCopies int IdDataWidth / 32
GenLfsrCopies int GenDataWidth / 32


Type: always_ff


key manager registers cannot be changed once an operation starts

software clears the enable
hardware restores it upon successful advance

Side load key storage

Alerts and Interrupts