Entity: keymgr_ctrl


bit KmacEnMasking clk_i rst_ni en_i regfile_intg_err_i shadowed_update_err_i shadowed_storage_err_i op_start_i keymgr_ops_e op_i [CdiWidth-1:0] op_cdi_sel_i root_key_i kmac_done_i kmac_input_invalid_i kmac_fsm_err_i kmac_op_err_i kmac_cmd_err_i [Shares-1:0][KeyWidth-1:0] kmac_data_i [Shares-1:0][RandWidth-1:0] entropy_i prng_reseed_ack_i op_done_o keymgr_op_status_e status_o [ErrLastPos-1:0] error_o [FaultLastPos-1:0] fault_o data_en_o data_valid_o wipe_key_o keymgr_working_state_e working_state_o sw_binding_unlock_o init_o keymgr_gen_out_e hw_sel_o keymgr_stage_e stage_sel_o [CdiWidth-1:0] cdi_sel_o adv_en_o id_en_o gen_en_o hw_key_req_t key_o prng_reseed_req_o prng_en_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Key manager top level


Generic name Type Value Description
KmacEnMasking bit 1'b1


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
en_i input lifecycle enforcement
regfile_intg_err_i input faults that can occur outside of operations
shadowed_update_err_i input
shadowed_storage_err_i input
op_start_i input Software interface
op_i input keymgr_ops_e
op_cdi_sel_i input [CdiWidth-1:0]
op_done_o output
status_o output keymgr_op_status_e
error_o output [ErrLastPos-1:0]
fault_o output [FaultLastPos-1:0]
data_en_o output
data_valid_o output
wipe_key_o output
working_state_o output keymgr_working_state_e
sw_binding_unlock_o output
init_o output
root_key_i input Data input
hw_sel_o output keymgr_gen_out_e
stage_sel_o output keymgr_stage_e
cdi_sel_o output [CdiWidth-1:0]
adv_en_o output KMAC ctrl interface
id_en_o output
gen_en_o output
key_o output hw_key_req_t
kmac_done_i input
kmac_input_invalid_i input asserted when selected data fails criteria check
kmac_fsm_err_i input asserted when kmac fsm reaches unexpected state
kmac_op_err_i input asserted when kmac itself reports an error
kmac_cmd_err_i input asserted when more than one command given to kmac
kmac_data_i input [Shares-1:0][KeyWidth-1:0]
entropy_i input [Shares-1:0][RandWidth-1:0] prng control interface
prng_reseed_ack_i input
prng_reseed_req_o output
prng_en_o output


Name Type Description
state_q keymgr_ctrl_state_e
state_d keymgr_ctrl_state_e
op_state_q keymgr_op_state_e
op_state_d keymgr_op_state_e
key_state_q logic [CDIs-1:0][Shares-1:0][EntropyRounds-1:0][EntropyWidth-1:0] There are two versions of the key state, one for sealing one for attestation Among each version, there are multiple shares Each share is a fixed multiple of the entropy width
key_state_d logic [CDIs-1:0][Shares-1:0][EntropyRounds-1:0][EntropyWidth-1:0] There are two versions of the key state, one for sealing one for attestation Among each version, there are multiple shares Each share is a fixed multiple of the entropy width
cnt logic [CntWidth-1:0]
cdi_cnt logic [CdiWidth-1:0]
invalid_kmac_out logic error conditions
invalid_op logic
cnt_err logic
state_intg_err_q logic states fall out of sparsely encoded range
state_intg_err_d logic states fall out of sparsely encoded range
adv_op logic ///////////////////////// General operation decode /////////////////////////
dis_op logic ///////////////////////// General operation decode /////////////////////////
gen_id_op logic ///////////////////////// General operation decode /////////////////////////
gen_sw_op logic ///////////////////////// General operation decode /////////////////////////
gen_hw_op logic ///////////////////////// General operation decode /////////////////////////
gen_op logic ///////////////////////// General operation decode /////////////////////////
advance_sel logic ///////////////////////// interaction between software and main fsm ///////////////////////// disable is treated like an advanced call
disable_sel logic
gen_out_hw_sel logic
op_req logic ///////////////////////// interaction between main control fsm and operation fsm ///////////////////////// req/ack interface with op handling fsm
op_ack logic
op_update logic
op_busy logic
disabled logic
adv_req logic
dis_req logic
id_req logic
gen_req logic
sync_err logic [SyncErrLastIdx-1:0] ///////////////////////// interaction between operation fsm and software ///////////////////////// categories of keymgr errors
async_err logic [AsyncErrLastIdx-1:0]
sync_fault logic [SyncFaultLastIdx-1:0]
async_fault logic [AsyncFaultLastIdx-1:0]
op_err logic
op_fault_err logic
update_sel keymgr_key_update_e
op_update_sel keymgr_key_update_e
wipe_req logic req from main control fsm to key update controls
random_req logic
random_ack logic
prng_en logic ///////////////////////// interaction between main fsm and prng /////////////////////////
state_raw_q logic [StateWidth-1:0] //////////////////////// Main Control FSM ////////////////////////
root_key_valid_q logic root key valid sync
adv_state logic There are 3 possibilities advance to next state (software command) advance to disabled state (software command) advance to invalid state (detected fault)
dis_state logic
inv_state logic
last_working_st keymgr_working_state_e always_comb Current working state provided for software read Certain states are collapsed for simplicity
state_update logic
sync_err_q logic[SyncErrLastIdx-1:0] Advance calls are made up of multiple rounds of kmac operations. Any sync error that occurs is treated as an error of the entire call. Therefore sync errors that happen before the end of the call must be latched.
sync_err_d logic[SyncErrLastIdx-1:0] Advance calls are made up of multiple rounds of kmac operations. Any sync error that occurs is treated as an error of the entire call. Therefore sync errors that happen before the end of the call must be latched.
sync_fault_q logic[SyncFaultLastIdx-1:0]
sync_fault_d logic[SyncFaultLastIdx-1:0]
err_vld logic
data_st_d keymgr_ctrl_data_state_e
data_st_q keymgr_ctrl_data_state_e


Name Type Value Description
EntropyWidth int LfsrWidth / 2
EntropyRounds int KeyWidth / EntropyWidth
EntropyRndWidth int prim_util_pkg::vbits(EntropyRounds)
CntWidth int EntropyRounds > CDIs ? EntropyRndWidth : CdiWidth
StateWidth int 10 Enumeration for working state Encoding generated with: $ ./util/design/sparse-fsm-encode.py -d 5 -m 11 -n 10 \ -s 4101887575 --language=sv
Hamming distance histogram:
0: -- 1: -- 2: -- 3: -- 4: -- 5:


Name Type Description
keymgr_ctrl_state_e enum logic [StateWidth-1:0] {
StCtrlReset = 10'b1101100001,
StCtrlEntropyReseed = 10'b1110010010,
StCtrlRandom = 10'b0011110100,
StCtrlRootKey = 10'b0110101111,
StCtrlInit = 10'b0100000100,
StCtrlCreatorRootKey = 10'b1000011101,
StCtrlOwnerIntKey = 10'b0001001010,
StCtrlOwnerKey = 10'b1101111110,
StCtrlDisabled = 10'b1010101000,
StCtrlWipe = 10'b0000110011,
StCtrlInvalid = 10'b1011000111 }
keymgr_op_state_e enum logic [1:0] {
StWait }
Enumeration for operation handling
keymgr_ctrl_data_state_e enum logic [1:0] {
StCtrlDataWait }
///////////////////////////// Suppress kmac return data ///////////////////////////// This is a separate data path from the FSM used to control the data_en_o output


unclear what this is supposed to be yet
right now just check to see if it not all 0's and not all 1's


Type: always_ff

Type: always_ff

key state is intentionally not reset

Type: always_comb

Type: always_comb

Type: always_ff

Type: always_comb

Type: always_ff

/////////////////////// Operateion state, handle advance and generate ///////////////////////

Type: always_comb

Type: always_ff

Type: always_ff

Type: always_comb

Type: always_ff

Type: always_comb

The below control path is used for modulating the datapath to sideload and sw keys. This path is separate from the data_valid_o path, thus creating two separate attack points. The data is only enabled when a non-advance operation is invoked. When an advance operation is called, the data is disabled. It will stay disabled until an entire completion sequence is seen (op_done_o assert -> start_i de-assertion). When a generate operation is called, the data is enabled. However, any indication of this supposedly being an advance call will force the path to disable again.
