Entity: keymgr_kmac_if
- File: keymgr_kmac_if.sv
Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Key manager interface to kmac
Port name | Direction | Type | Description |
clk_i | input | ||
rst_ni | input | ||
adv_data_i | input | [AdvDataWidth-1:0] | data input interfaces |
id_data_i | input | [IdDataWidth-1:0] | |
gen_data_i | input | [GenDataWidth-1:0] | |
inputs_invalid_i | input | [3:0] | |
inputs_invalid_o | output | ||
adv_en_i | input | keymgr control to select appropriate inputs | |
id_en_i | input | ||
gen_en_i | input | ||
done_o | output | ||
data_o | output | [Shares-1:0] | |
kmac_data_o | output | actual connection to kmac | |
kmac_data_i | input | ||
prng_en_o | output | entropy input | |
entropy_i | input | [Shares-1:0][RandWidth-1:0] | |
fsm_error_o | output | error outputs | |
kmac_error_o | output | ||
cmd_error_o | output |
Name | Type | Description |
id_data | logic [MaxRounds-1:0][KmacDataIfWidth-1:0] | |
gen_data | logic [MaxRounds-1:0][KmacDataIfWidth-1:0] | |
cnt | logic [CntWidth-1:0] | |
rounds | logic [CntWidth-1:0] | |
decoy_data | logic [KmacDataIfWidth-1:0] | |
valid | logic | |
last | logic | |
strb | logic [IfBytes-1:0] | |
cnt_clr | logic | |
cnt_set | logic | |
cnt_en | logic | |
start | logic | |
inputs_invalid_d | logic [3:0] | |
inputs_invalid_q | logic [3:0] | |
clr_err | logic | |
state_q | data_state_e | |
state_d | data_state_e | |
cnt_err | logic | |
state_raw_q | logic [StateWidth-1:0] | This primitive is used to place a size-only constraint on the flops in order to prevent FSM state encoding optimizations. |
adv_sel | logic [CntWidth-1:0] | |
id_sel | logic [CntWidth-1:0] | |
gen_sel | logic [CntWidth-1:0] | |
enables | logic [2:0] | the enables must be 1 hot |
enables_sub | logic [2:0] | the enables must be 1 hot |
one_hot_err_q | logic | if a one hot error occurs, latch onto it permanently |
one_hot_err_d | logic | if a one hot error occurs, latch onto it permanently |
Name | Type | Value | Description |
StateWidth | int | 10 | Encoding generated with: $ ./util/design/sparse-fsm-encode.py -d 5 -m 6 -n 10 \ -s 2292624416 --language=sv Hamming distance histogram: 0: -- 1: -- 2: -- 3: -- 4: -- 5: |
AdvRem | int | AdvDataWidth % KmacDataIfWidth | |
IdRem | int | IdDataWidth % KmacDataIfWidth | |
GenRem | int | GenDataWidth % KmacDataIfWidth | |
AdvRounds | int | KmacDataIfWidth | Number of kmac transactions required |
IdRounds | int | KmacDataIfWidth | |
GenRounds | int | KmacDataIfWidth | |
MaxRounds | int | KDFMaxWidth / KmacDataIfWidth | |
CntWidth | int | $clog2(MaxRounds) | calculated parameters for number of roudns and interface width |
IfBytes | int | KmacDataIfWidth / 8 | |
DecoyCopies | int | KmacDataIfWidth / 32 | |
DecoyOutputCopies | int | Shares | |
LastAdvRoundInt | int unsigned | AdvRounds - 1 | |
LastIdRoundInt | int unsigned | IdRounds - 1 | |
LastGenRoundInt | int unsigned | GenRounds - 1 | |
LastAdvRound | bit [CntWidth-1:0] | undefined | |
LastIdRound | bit [CntWidth-1:0] | undefined | |
LastGenRound | bit [CntWidth-1:0] | undefined | |
AdvByteMask | logic [IfBytes-1:0] | undefined | byte mask for the last transfer |
IdByteMask | logic [IfBytes-1:0] | undefined | |
GenByteMask | logic [IfBytes-1:0] | logic [MaxRounds-1:0][KmacDataIfWidth-1:0] |
Name | Type | Description |
data_state_e | enum logic [StateWidth-1:0] { StIdle = 10'b1110100010, StTx = 10'b0010011011, StTxLast = 10'b0101000000, StOpWait = 10'b1000101001, StClean = 10'b1111111101, StError = 10'b0011101110 } |
- unnamed: ( @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) )
Type: always_ff
- unnamed: ( )
Type: always_comb
- unnamed: ( )
Type: always_comb
The input invalid check is done whenever transactions are ongoing with kmac once set, it cannot be unset until transactions are fully complete
- unnamed: ( )
Type: always_comb
- unnamed: ( @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) )
Type: always_ff
- u_cnt: keymgr_cnt
- u_state_regs: prim_flop