Entity: kmac


bit EnMasking bit ReuseShare lfsr_perm_t RndCnstLfsrPerm logic [NumAlerts-1:0] NumAlerts clk_i rst_ni clk_edn_i rst_edn_ni tl_i [NumAlerts-1:0] alert_rx_i keymgr_key_i [NumAppIntf-1:0] app_i entropy_i tl_o [NumAlerts-1:0] alert_tx_o [NumAppIntf-1:0] app_o entropy_o intr_kmac_done_o intr_fifo_empty_o intr_kmac_err_o en_masking_o idle_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0



Generic name Type Value Description
EnMasking bit 1 EnMasking: Enable masking security hardening inside keccak_round If it is enabled, the result digest will be two set of 1600bit.
ReuseShare bit 0 ReuseShare: If set, keccak_round logic only consumes small portion of entropy, not 1600bit of entropy at every round. It uses adjacent shares as entropy inside Domain-Oriented Masking AND logic. This parameter only affects when EnMasking is set.
RndCnstLfsrPerm lfsr_perm_t RndCnstLfsrPermDefault
NumAlerts logic [NumAlerts-1:0] undefined


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
clk_edn_i input
rst_edn_ni input
tl_i input
tl_o output
alert_rx_i input [NumAlerts-1:0] Alerts
alert_tx_o output [NumAlerts-1:0]
keymgr_key_i input KeyMgr sideload (secret key) interface
app_i input [NumAppIntf-1:0] KeyMgr KDF data path
app_o output [NumAppIntf-1:0]
entropy_o output EDN interface
entropy_i input
intr_kmac_done_o output interrupts
intr_fifo_empty_o output
intr_kmac_err_o output
en_masking_o output parameter consistency check with keymgr
idle_o output Idle signal


Name Type Description
kmac_st kmac_st_e
kmac_st_d kmac_st_e
reg2hw kmac_reg2hw_t /////////// Signals // ///////////
hw2reg kmac_hw2reg_t
devmode logic devmode ties to 1 as KMAC should be operated at the beginning for ROM_CTRL.
tl_win_h2d tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t
tl_win_d2h tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t
sha3_start logic SHA3 core control signals and its response. Sequence: start --> process(multiple) --> get absorbed event --> {run -->} done
sha3_run logic SHA3 core control signals and its response. Sequence: start --> process(multiple) --> get absorbed event --> {run -->} done
sha3_done logic SHA3 core control signals and its response. Sequence: start --> process(multiple) --> get absorbed event --> {run -->} done
sha3_absorbed logic SHA3 core control signals and its response. Sequence: start --> process(multiple) --> get absorbed event --> {run -->} done
unused_sha3_squeeze logic SHA3 core control signals and its response. Sequence: start --> process(multiple) --> get absorbed event --> {run -->} done
sha3_block_processed logic Indicate one block processed
entropy_in_keyblock logic EStatus for entropy
event_absorbed logic KeyMgr interface logic generates event_absorbed from sha3_absorbed. It is active only if SW initiates the hashing engine.
sha3_fsm sha3_pkg::sha3_st_e
reg_ns_prefix logic [sha3_pkg::NSRegisterSize*8-1:0] Prefix: kmac_pkg defines Prefix based on N size and S size. Then computes left_encode(len(N)) size and left_encode(len(S)) For given default value 32, 256 bits, the max encode_string(N)
ns_prefix logic [sha3_pkg::NSRegisterSize*8-1:0]
state_valid logic Output state: this is used to redirect the digest to KeyMgr or Software depends on the configuration.
state logic [sha3_pkg::StateW-1:0]
unused_reg_state_valid logic state is de-muxed in keymgr interface logic. the output from keymgr logic goes into staterd module to be visible to SW
reg_state logic [sha3_pkg::StateW-1:0]
sha3_rand_valid logic SHA3 Entropy interface
sha3_rand_consumed logic SHA3 Entropy interface
sha3_rand_data logic [sha3_pkg::StateW-1:0]
msgfifo_empty logic FIFO related signals
msgfifo_full logic FIFO related signals
msgfifo_depth logic [kmac_pkg::MsgFifoDepthW-1:0]
msgfifo_valid logic
msgfifo_data logic [kmac_pkg::MsgWidth-1:0]
msgfifo_strb logic [kmac_pkg::MsgStrbW-1:0]
msgfifo_ready logic
tlram_req logic TL-UL Adapter(MSG_FIFO) signals
tlram_gnt logic
tlram_we logic
tlram_addr logic [8:0] NOT_READ
tlram_wdata logic [31:0]
tlram_wmask logic [31:0]
tlram_rdata logic [31:0]
tlram_rvalid logic
tlram_rerror logic [1:0]
tlram_wdata_endian logic [31:0]
tlram_wmask_endian logic [31:0]
sw_msg_valid logic
sw_msg_data logic [kmac_pkg::MsgWidth-1:0]
sw_msg_mask logic [kmac_pkg::MsgWidth-1:0]
sw_msg_ready logic
mux2fifo_valid logic KeyMgr interface to MSG_FIFO
mux2fifo_data logic [kmac_pkg::MsgWidth-1:0]
mux2fifo_mask logic [kmac_pkg::MsgWidth-1:0]
mux2fifo_ready logic
msg_valid logic KMAC to SHA3 core
msg_data logic [kmac_pkg::MsgWidth-1:0]
msg_strb logic [kmac_pkg::MsgStrbW-1:0]
msg_ready logic
reg2msgfifo_process logic Process control signals Process pulse propagates from register to SHA3 engine one by one. Each module (MSG_FIFO, KMAC core, SHA3 core) generates the process pulse after flushing internal data to the next module.
msgfifo2kmac_process logic Process control signals Process pulse propagates from register to SHA3 engine one by one. Each module (MSG_FIFO, KMAC core, SHA3 core) generates the process pulse after flushing internal data to the next module.
kmac2sha3_process logic Process control signals Process pulse propagates from register to SHA3 engine one by one. Each module (MSG_FIFO, KMAC core, SHA3 core) generates the process pulse after flushing internal data to the next module.
sw_key_data logic [MaxKeyLen-1:0] Secret Key signals
sw_key_len key_len_e
key_data logic [MaxKeyLen-1:0]
key_len key_len_e
reg_kmac_en logic SHA3 Mode, Strength, KMAC enable for app interface
app_kmac_en logic SHA3 Mode, Strength, KMAC enable for app interface
reg_sha3_mode sha3_pkg::sha3_mode_e
app_sha3_mode sha3_pkg::sha3_mode_e
reg_keccak_strength sha3_pkg::keccak_strength_e
app_keccak_strength sha3_pkg::keccak_strength_e
app_active logic Indicating AppIntf is active. This signal is used to check SW error
sw_cmd kmac_cmd_e
checked_sw_cmd kmac_cmd_e
kmac_cmd kmac_cmd_e
wait_timer_prescaler logic [9:0] Entropy configurations
wait_timer_limit logic [15:0]
entropy_seed_update logic
unused_entropy_seed_upper_qe logic
entropy_seed_data logic [63:0]
entropy_refresh_req logic
entropy_hash_threshold logic [HashCntW-1:0]
entropy_hash_cnt logic [HashCntW-1:0]
entropy_hash_clr logic
entropy_ready logic
entropy_mode entropy_mode_e
entropy_fast_process logic
sha3_err sha3_pkg::err_t SHA3 Error response
app_err kmac_pkg::err_t KeyMgr Error response
entropy_err kmac_pkg::err_t Entropy Generator Error
errchecker_err kmac_pkg::err_t Error checker
err_processed logic
engine_stable logic Configuration Register
else end
idle_o begin
end end
event_msgfifo_empty logic ///////////// Interrupt // /////////////
msgfifo_empty_q logic ///////////// Interrupt // /////////////
event_error logic Error As of now, only SHA3 error exists. More error codes will be added.
gen_empty_entropy else
unused_entropy_input edn_pkg::edn_rsp_t
unused_entropy_mode entropy_mode_e
unused_entropy_fast_process logic
unused_sha3_rand_consumed logic
unused_seed_update logic
unused_seed_data logic [63:0]
unused_refresh_period logic [31:0]
unused_entropy_refresh_req logic
unused_entropy_hash logic
unused_entropy_status logic [1:0]
logic [NumAlerts-1:0] end


Name Type Description
kmac_st_e enum logic [2:0] {
KmacDigest }
/////////////// Definitions // /////////////// This state machine is to track the current process based on SW input and KMAC operation.
tl_window_e enum int {
WinState = 0,
WinMsgFifo = 1 }


Type: always_comb

//////////////////////////////////// Connecting Register IF to logics // //////////////////////////////////// Function-name N and Customization input string S

Type: always_comb

Type: always_ff

Secret Key Secret key is defined as external register. So the logic latches when SW writes to KEY_SHARE0 , KEY_SHARE1 registers.

Type: always_ff

Type: always_comb


Hash process absorbed interrupt