Entity: kmac_errchk


clk_i rst_ni sha3_mode_e cfg_mode_i keccak_strength_e cfg_strength_i kmac_en_i [47:0] cfg_prefix_6B_i kmac_cmd_e sw_cmd_i app_active_i sha3_absorbed_i keccak_done_i kmac_cmd_e sw_cmd_o err_t error_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

KMAC Error Checking logic

kmac_err module checks the SW introduced errors.

  1. SW command sequencing error.
  2. SW configuration error.

SW Command Sequencing Error

KMAC assumes the application interface and the SW register interface to follow the specific sequence. It expects the requester to send the Start command then push the message body. The Process command follows the message body. The SW may issue Run command if it needs the digest result more than a block rate. Then SW completes the hash operation with Done command.

This kmac_err module checks if the SW issues the correct command. If not, it reports the error via ERR_CODE register.

However, the logic does not prevent the error-ed command to be propagated. The unexpected commands are filtered by each individual submodule.

st := { Idle, MsgFeed, Processing, Absorbed, Squeeze}

allowed := { Idle : { Start }, MsgFeed: { Process }, Processing: { None }, Absorbed: { Run, Done }, Squeeze: { None } }

SW Configuration Error

kmac_errchk module checks if SW configured correct combinations of the configuration registers when the hashing operation begins.

  1. Mode & Strength combinations
  2. Kmac Prefix
  • sideload & key_valid -> Checker in kmac_core


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
cfg_mode_i input sha3_mode_e Configurations
cfg_strength_i input keccak_strength_e
kmac_en_i input
cfg_prefix_6B_i input [47:0] first 6B of PREFIX
sw_cmd_i input kmac_cmd_e SW commands: Only valid command is sent out to the rest of the modules
sw_cmd_o output kmac_cmd_e
app_active_i input Status from KMAC_APP
sha3_absorbed_i input Status from SHA3 core
keccak_done_i input
error_o output err_t


Name Type Description
st st_e
st_d st_e
err_swsequence logic /////////// Signals // /////////// err_swsequence occurs when SW issues wrong command
err_modestrength logic err_modestrength occcurs when Mode & Strength combinations are not allowed. This error does not block the hashing operation.
err_prefix logic err_prefix occurs when the first 6B of !!PREFIX is not encode_string("KMAC") and kmac is enabled. This error does not block the KMAC operation.
check_modestrength end
err err_t Return error code


Name Type Description
st_e enum logic [2:0] {
StSqueezing }
/////////////// Definitions // ///////////////


Type: always_comb

///////////////// Error Checker // ///////////////// SW sequence Error info field: Current state, Received command

Type: always_ff

sw_cmd_o latch To reduce the command path delay, sw_cmd is latched here

Type: always_comb

Mode & Strength

Type: always_comb

Type: always_comb