Entity: lc_ctrl


logic [NumAlerts-1:0] NumAlerts logic [31:0] IdcodeValue lc_keymgr_div_t RndCnstLcKeymgrDivInvalid lc_keymgr_div_t RndCnstLcKeymgrDivTestDevRma lc_keymgr_div_t RndCnstLcKeymgrDivProduction clk_i rst_ni clk_kmac_i rst_kmac_ni tl_i jtag_i scan_rst_ni lc_tx_t scanmode_i [NumAlerts-1:0] alert_rx_i esc_scrap_state0_tx_i esc_scrap_state1_tx_i pwr_lc_i lc_otp_vendor_test_i lc_otp_program_i kmac_data_i otp_lc_data_i lc_tx_t lc_clk_byp_ack_i lc_tx_t lc_flash_rma_ack_i otp_device_id_i otp_manuf_state_i tl_o jtag_o [NumAlerts-1:0] alert_tx_o esc_scrap_state0_rx_o esc_scrap_state1_rx_o pwr_lc_o lc_otp_vendor_test_o lc_otp_program_o kmac_data_o lc_tx_t lc_dft_en_o lc_tx_t lc_nvm_debug_en_o lc_tx_t lc_hw_debug_en_o lc_tx_t lc_cpu_en_o lc_tx_t lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en_o lc_tx_t lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en_o lc_tx_t lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en_o lc_tx_t lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en_o lc_tx_t lc_seed_hw_rd_en_o lc_tx_t lc_keymgr_en_o lc_tx_t lc_escalate_en_o lc_tx_t lc_check_byp_en_o lc_tx_t lc_clk_byp_req_o lc_flash_rma_seed_t lc_flash_rma_seed_o lc_tx_t lc_flash_rma_req_o lc_keymgr_div_t lc_keymgr_div_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Life cycle controller top.


Generic name Type Value Description
NumAlerts logic [NumAlerts-1:0] undefined Enable asynchronous transitions on alerts.
IdcodeValue logic [31:0] 32'h00000001 Idcode value for the JTAG.
RndCnstLcKeymgrDivInvalid lc_keymgr_div_t LcKeymgrDivWidth'(0) Random netlist constants
RndCnstLcKeymgrDivTestDevRma lc_keymgr_div_t LcKeymgrDivWidth'(1)
RndCnstLcKeymgrDivProduction lc_keymgr_div_t LcKeymgrDivWidth'(2)


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input Life cycle controller clock
rst_ni input
clk_kmac_i input Clock for KMAC interface
rst_kmac_ni input
tl_i input Bus Interface (device)
tl_o output
jtag_i input JTAG TAP.
jtag_o output
scan_rst_ni input This bypasses the clock inverter inside the JTAG TAP for scanmmode.
scanmode_i input lc_tx_t
alert_rx_i input [NumAlerts-1:0] Alert outputs.
alert_tx_o output [NumAlerts-1:0]
esc_scrap_state0_tx_i input Escalation inputs (severity 1 and 2). These need not be synchronized since the alert handler is in the same clock domain as the LC controller.
esc_scrap_state0_rx_o output
esc_scrap_state1_tx_i input
esc_scrap_state1_rx_o output
pwr_lc_i input Power manager interface (inputs are synced to lifecycle clock domain).
pwr_lc_o output
lc_otp_vendor_test_o output Macro-specific test registers going to lifecycle TAP
lc_otp_vendor_test_i input
lc_otp_program_o output Life cycle transition command interface. No sync required since LC and OTP are in the same clock domain.
lc_otp_program_i input
kmac_data_i input Life cycle hashing interface for raw unlock Synchronized in the life cycle controller.
kmac_data_o output
otp_lc_data_i input OTP broadcast outputs No sync required since LC and OTP are in the same clock domain.
lc_dft_en_o output lc_tx_t Life cycle broadcast outputs (all of them are registered).
lc_nvm_debug_en_o output lc_tx_t
lc_hw_debug_en_o output lc_tx_t
lc_cpu_en_o output lc_tx_t
lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en_o output lc_tx_t
lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en_o output lc_tx_t
lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en_o output lc_tx_t
lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en_o output lc_tx_t
lc_seed_hw_rd_en_o output lc_tx_t
lc_keymgr_en_o output lc_tx_t
lc_escalate_en_o output lc_tx_t
lc_check_byp_en_o output lc_tx_t
lc_clk_byp_req_o output lc_tx_t Request and feedback to/from clock manager and AST. The ack is synced to the lc clock domain using prim_lc_sync.
lc_clk_byp_ack_i input lc_tx_t
lc_flash_rma_seed_o output lc_flash_rma_seed_t Request and feedback to/from flash controller. The ack is synced to the lc clock domain using prim_lc_sync.
lc_flash_rma_req_o output lc_tx_t
lc_flash_rma_ack_i input lc_tx_t
lc_keymgr_div_o output lc_keymgr_div_t State group diversification value for keymgr.
otp_device_id_i input Hardware config input, needed for the DEVICE_ID field.
otp_manuf_state_i input Hardware config input, needed for the MANUF_STATE field.


Name Type Description
reg2hw lc_ctrl_reg_pkg::lc_ctrl_reg2hw_t /////////// Regfile // ///////////
hw2reg lc_ctrl_reg_pkg::lc_ctrl_hw2reg_t
fatal_bus_integ_error_q logic
fatal_bus_integ_error_d logic
tap_tl_h2d tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t ////////////////// Life Cycle TAP // //////////////////
tap_tl_d2h tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t
tap_reg2hw lc_ctrl_reg_pkg::lc_ctrl_reg2hw_t
tap_hw2reg lc_ctrl_reg_pkg::lc_ctrl_hw2reg_t
dmi_req dm::dmi_req_t This reuses the JTAG DTM and DMI from the RISC-V external debug v0.13 specification to read and write the lc_ctrl CSRs: https://github.com/riscv/riscv-debug-spec/blob/release/riscv-debug-release.pdf The register addresses correspond to the byte offsets of the lc_ctrl CSRs, divided by 4. Note that the DMI reset does not affect the LC controller in any way.
dmi_req_valid logic
dmi_req_ready logic
dmi_resp dm::dmi_resp_t
dmi_resp_ready logic
dmi_resp_valid logic
scanmode logic
tck_muxed logic
trst_n_muxed logic
req_ready logic
unused_tap_tl_d2h logic unused inside dmi_jtag These signals are unused
trans_success_d logic ///////////////////////////////////// Transition Interface and HW Mutex // ///////////////////////////////////// All registers are HWext
trans_success_q logic ///////////////////////////////////// Transition Interface and HW Mutex // ///////////////////////////////////// All registers are HWext
trans_cnt_oflw_error_d logic
trans_cnt_oflw_error_q logic
trans_invalid_error_d logic
trans_invalid_error_q logic
token_invalid_error_d logic
token_invalid_error_q logic
flash_rma_error_d logic
flash_rma_error_q logic
otp_prog_error_d logic
fatal_prog_error_q logic
state_invalid_error_d logic
fatal_state_error_q logic
otp_part_error_q logic
sw_claim_transition_if_d logic [7:0]
sw_claim_transition_if_q logic [7:0]
tap_claim_transition_if_d logic [7:0]
tap_claim_transition_if_q logic [7:0]
transition_cmd logic
transition_token_d lc_token_t
transition_token_q lc_token_t
transition_target_d dec_lc_state_e
transition_target_q dec_lc_state_e
dec_lc_state dec_lc_state_e No need to register these.
dec_lc_cnt dec_lc_cnt_t
dec_lc_id_state dec_lc_id_state_e
lc_idle_d logic
use_ext_clock_d logic OTP Vendor control bits
use_ext_clock_q logic OTP Vendor control bits
otp_vendor_test_ctrl_d logic [CsrOtpTestCtrlWidth-1:0]
otp_vendor_test_ctrl_q logic [CsrOtpTestCtrlWidth-1:0]
otp_vendor_test_status logic [CsrOtpTestStatusWidth-1:0]
lc_raw_test_rma lc_tx_t Gate the the vendor specific test ctrl/status bits to zero in production states. Buffer the enable signal to prevent optimization of the multibit signal.
lc_raw_test_rma_buf lc_tx_t [1:0]
alerts logic [NumAlerts-1:0] //////////////// Alert Sender // ////////////////
alert_test logic [NumAlerts-1:0]
tap_alert_test logic [NumAlerts-1:0]
esc_scrap_state0 logic //////////////////////// Escalation Receivers // //////////////////////// We still have two escalation receivers here for historical reasons. The two actions "wipe secrets" and "scrap lifecycle state" have been combined in order to simplify both DV and the design, as otherwise this separation of very intertwined actions would have caused too many unnecessary corner cases. The escalation receivers are now redundant and trigger both actions at once. This escalation action moves the life cycle state into a temporary "SCRAP" state named "ESCALATE", and asserts the lc_escalate_en life cycle control signal.
esc_scrap_state1 logic This escalation action moves the life cycle state into a temporary "SCRAP" state named "ESCALATE".
lc_init logic ////////////////////////// Synchronization of IOs // ////////////////////////// Signals going to and coming from power manager.
lc_done_d logic
lc_done_q logic
lc_idle_q logic
token_hash_req logic ////////////////// KMAC Interface // //////////////////
token_hash_req_chk logic ////////////////// KMAC Interface // //////////////////
token_hash_ack logic ////////////////// KMAC Interface // //////////////////
token_hash_err logic ////////////////// KMAC Interface // //////////////////
hashed_token lc_token_t


Type: always_comb

Type: always_comb

Type: always_ff

Type: always_ff


DMI to TL-UL transducing
