Entity: lc_ctrl_fsm
- File: lc_ctrl_fsm.sv
Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Main Life Cycle Controller FSM.
Generic name | Type | Value | Description |
RndCnstLcKeymgrDivInvalid | lc_keymgr_div_t | LcKeymgrDivWidth'(0) | Random netlist constants |
RndCnstLcKeymgrDivTestDevRma | lc_keymgr_div_t | LcKeymgrDivWidth'(1) | |
RndCnstLcKeymgrDivProduction | lc_keymgr_div_t | LcKeymgrDivWidth'(2) |
Port name | Direction | Type | Description |
clk_i | input | This module is combinational, but we need the clock and reset for the assertions. | |
rst_ni | input | ||
init_req_i | input | Initialization request from power manager. | |
init_done_o | output | ||
idle_o | output | ||
esc_scrap_state0_i | input | Escalatio input | |
esc_scrap_state1_i | input | ||
lc_state_valid_i | input | Life cycle state vector from OTP. | |
lc_state_i | input | lc_state_e | |
lc_cnt_i | input | lc_cnt_e | |
secrets_valid_i | input | lc_tx_t | |
use_ext_clock_i | input | Defines whether we switch to an external clock when initiating a transition. | |
test_unlock_token_i | input | lc_token_t | Token input from OTP (these are all hash post-images). |
test_exit_token_i | input | lc_token_t | |
test_tokens_valid_i | input | lc_tx_t | |
rma_token_i | input | lc_token_t | |
rma_token_valid_i | input | lc_tx_t | |
trans_cmd_i | input | Transition trigger interface. | |
trans_target_i | input | dec_lc_state_e | |
dec_lc_state_o | output | dec_lc_state_e | Decoded life cycle state for CSRs. |
dec_lc_cnt_o | output | dec_lc_cnt_t | |
dec_lc_id_state_o | output | dec_lc_id_state_e | |
token_hash_req_o | output | Token hashing interface | |
token_hash_req_chk_o | output | ||
token_hash_ack_i | input | ||
token_hash_err_i | input | ||
hashed_token_i | input | lc_token_t | |
otp_prog_req_o | output | OTP programming interface | |
otp_prog_lc_state_o | output | lc_state_e | |
otp_prog_lc_cnt_o | output | lc_cnt_e | |
otp_prog_ack_i | input | ||
otp_prog_err_i | input | ||
trans_success_o | output | Error outputs going to CSRs | |
trans_cnt_oflw_error_o | output | ||
trans_invalid_error_o | output | ||
token_invalid_error_o | output | ||
flash_rma_error_o | output | ||
otp_prog_error_o | output | ||
state_invalid_error_o | output | ||
lc_raw_test_rma_o | output | lc_tx_t | Local life cycle signal |
lc_dft_en_o | output | lc_tx_t | Life cycle broadcast outputs. |
lc_nvm_debug_en_o | output | lc_tx_t | |
lc_hw_debug_en_o | output | lc_tx_t | |
lc_cpu_en_o | output | lc_tx_t | |
lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en_o | output | lc_tx_t | |
lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en_o | output | lc_tx_t | |
lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en_o | output | lc_tx_t | |
lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en_o | output | lc_tx_t | |
lc_seed_hw_rd_en_o | output | lc_tx_t | |
lc_keymgr_en_o | output | lc_tx_t | |
lc_escalate_en_o | output | lc_tx_t | |
lc_check_byp_en_o | output | lc_tx_t | |
lc_clk_byp_req_o | output | lc_tx_t | Request and feedback to/from clock manager and AST. |
lc_clk_byp_ack_i | input | lc_tx_t | |
lc_flash_rma_req_o | output | lc_tx_t | Request and feedback to/from flash controller |
lc_flash_rma_ack_i | input | lc_tx_t | |
lc_keymgr_div_o | output | lc_keymgr_div_t | State group diversification value for keymgr |
Name | Type | Description |
lc_clk_byp_ack | lc_tx_t [2:0] | /////////////////////////// Synchronizers / Buffers // /////////////////////////// We use multiple copies of these signals in the FSM checks below. |
lc_flash_rma_ack | lc_tx_t [1:0] | |
fsm_state_d | fsm_state_e | |
fsm_state_q | fsm_state_e | |
lc_state_valid_d | logic | Continuously feed in valid signal for LC state. |
lc_state_valid_q | logic | Continuously feed in valid signal for LC state. |
lc_state_d | lc_state_e | |
lc_state_q | lc_state_e | |
next_lc_state | lc_state_e | |
lc_cnt_d | lc_cnt_e | |
lc_cnt_q | lc_cnt_e | |
next_lc_cnt | lc_cnt_e | |
lc_clk_byp_req | lc_tx_t | |
lc_flash_rma_req | lc_tx_t | |
lc_check_byp_en | lc_tx_t | |
hashed_token_valid_mux | logic | Hashed token to compare against. |
hashed_token_mux | lc_token_t | |
state_invalid_error | logic [5:0] | Multibit state error from state decoder |
fsm_state_raw_q | logic [FsmStateWidth-1:0] | /////////////// State Flops // /////////////// This primitive is used to place a size-only constraint on the flops in order to prevent FSM state encoding optimizations. |
lc_state_raw_q | logic [LcStateWidth-1:0] | |
lc_cnt_raw_q | logic [LcCountWidth-1:0] | |
hashed_tokens | lc_token_t [2**TokenIdxWidth-1:0] | ///////////// Token mux // ///////////// This indexes the correct token, based on the transition arc. Note that we always perform a token comparison, even in case of unconditional transitions. In the case of unconditional tokens we just pass an all-zero constant through the hashing function. |
hashed_tokens_valid | logic [2**TokenIdxWidth-1:0] | |
token_idx | logic [TokenIdxWidth-1:0] |
- p_fsm: ( )
Type: always_comb
- p_regs: ( @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) )
Type: always_ff
- p_token_assign: ( )
Type: always_comb
- u_prim_lc_sync_clk_byp_ack: prim_lc_sync
- u_prim_lc_sync_flash_rma_ack: prim_lc_sync
- u_fsm_state_regs: prim_flop
- u_state_regs: prim_flop
- u_cnt_regs: prim_flop
- u_lc_ctrl_state_decode: lc_ctrl_state_decode
Decoding and transition logic for redundantly encoded LC state //
This decodes the state into a format that can be exposed in the CSRs,
and flags any errors in the state encoding. Errors will move the
main FSM into INVALID right away.
- u_lc_ctrl_state_transition: lc_ctrl_state_transition
LC transition checker logic and next state generation.
- u_lc_ctrl_signal_decode: lc_ctrl_signal_decode
LC signal decoder and broadcasting logic.
- u_prim_lc_sender_clk_byp_req: prim_lc_sender
Conditional signals set by main FSM.
- u_prim_lc_sender_flash_rma_req: prim_lc_sender
- u_prim_lc_sender_check_byp_en: prim_lc_sender