Entity: lc_ctrl_kmac_if


clk_i rst_ni clk_kmac_i rst_kmac_ni kmac_data_i lc_token_t transition_token_i token_hash_req_i token_hash_req_chk_i kmac_data_o token_hash_ack_o token_hash_err_o lc_token_t hashed_token_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Synchronization interface between LC FSM and KMAC.


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input Life cycle controller clock
rst_ni input
clk_kmac_i input Clock for KMAC interface
rst_kmac_ni input
kmac_data_i input Life cycle hashing interface for raw unlock Synchronized in the life cycle controller.
kmac_data_o output
transition_token_i input lc_token_t Token hashing interface to LC FSM'
token_hash_req_i input
token_hash_req_chk_i input Used for gating assertions inside CDC primitives.
token_hash_ack_o output
token_hash_err_o output
hashed_token_o output lc_token_t


Name Type Description
kmac_req logic //////////////////////////////////// Data and Handshake Synchronizers // ////////////////////////////////////
kmac_ack logic //////////////////////////////////// Data and Handshake Synchronizers // ////////////////////////////////////
kmac_transition_token lc_token_t
token_hash_req logic
token_hash_ack_d logic Second synchronizer instance for handshake and return data synchronization.
token_hash_ack_q logic Second synchronizer instance for handshake and return data synchronization.
token_hash_err_q logic
token_hash_err_d logic
hashed_token_q lc_token_t
hashed_token_d lc_token_t
unused_sigs logic
state_d state_e
state_q state_e
state_raw_q logic [StateWidth-1:0] This primitive is used to place a size-only constraint on the flops in order to prevent FSM state encoding optimizations.


Name Type Value Description
StateWidth int 8 /////////////////////////////////////////// Serialization FSM Running on KMAC Clock // /////////////////////////////////////////// Encoding generated with: $ ./util/design/sparse-fsm-encode.py -d 5 -m 4 -n 8 \ -s 3343913945 --language=sv
Hamming distance histogram:
0: -- 1: -- 2: -- 3: -- 4: -- 5:


Name Type Description
state_e enum logic [StateWidth-1:0] {
FirstSt = 8'b00000001,
SecondSt = 8'b11110011,
WaitSt = 8'b10111100,
DoneSt = 8'b01001110 }


Type: always_comb

Serialize the 128bit token into two 64bit beats.


The transition_token_i register is guaranteed to remain stable once a life cycle
transition has been initiated.
Hence no further synchronization registers are required on the outgoing data.
We just instantiate this synchronizer instance to facilitate CDC tooling (i.e., we
make sure the CDC paths go through a prim_sync_reqack_data instance).