Entity: lc_ctrl_state_transition


lc_state_e lc_state_i lc_cnt_e lc_cnt_i fsm_state_e fsm_state_i dec_lc_state_e dec_lc_state_i dec_lc_state_e trans_target_i lc_state_e next_lc_state_o lc_cnt_e next_lc_cnt_o trans_cnt_oflw_error_o trans_invalid_error_o


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Life cycle state transition function. Checks whether a transition is valid and computes the target state. This module is purely combinational.


Port name Direction Type Description
lc_state_i input lc_state_e Life cycle state vector.
lc_cnt_i input lc_cnt_e
fsm_state_i input fsm_state_e Main FSM state.
dec_lc_state_i input dec_lc_state_e Decoded lc state input
trans_target_i input dec_lc_state_e Transition target.
next_lc_state_o output lc_state_e Updated state vector.
next_lc_cnt_o output lc_cnt_e
trans_cnt_oflw_error_o output If the transition counter is maxed out
trans_invalid_error_o output


Type: always_comb

//////////////////////// Signal Decoder Logic // //////////////////////// The decoder logic below checks whether a given transition edge is valid and computes the next lc counter ans state vectors.