Entity: otbn_core


regfile_e RegFile int ImemSizeByte int DmemSizeByte urnd_lfsr_seed_t RndCnstUrndLfsrSeed urnd_chunk_lfsr_perm_t RndCnstUrndChunkLfsrPerm int ImemAddrWidth int DmemAddrWidth clk_i rst_ni start_i [ImemAddrWidth-1:0] start_addr_i [31:0] imem_rdata_i imem_rvalid_i imem_rerror_i [ExtWLEN-1:0] dmem_rdata_i dmem_rvalid_i dmem_rerror_i edn_rnd_ack_i [EdnDataWidth-1:0] edn_rnd_data_i edn_urnd_ack_i [EdnDataWidth-1:0] edn_urnd_data_i illegal_bus_access_i lifecycle_escalation_i done_o err_bits_t err_bits_o imem_req_o [ImemAddrWidth-1:0] imem_addr_o [31:0] imem_wdata_o dmem_req_o dmem_write_o [DmemAddrWidth-1:0] dmem_addr_o [ExtWLEN-1:0] dmem_wdata_o [ExtWLEN-1:0] dmem_wmask_o [BaseWordsPerWLEN-1:0] dmem_rmask_o edn_rnd_req_o edn_urnd_req_o [31:0] insn_cnt_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 *


Generic name Type Value Description
RegFile regfile_e RegFileFF Register file implementation selection, see otbn_pkg.sv.
ImemSizeByte int 4096 Size of the instruction memory, in bytes
DmemSizeByte int 4096 Size of the data memory, in bytes
RndCnstUrndLfsrSeed urnd_lfsr_seed_t RndCnstUrndLfsrSeedDefault Default seed and permutation for URND LFSR
RndCnstUrndChunkLfsrPerm urnd_chunk_lfsr_perm_t RndCnstUrndChunkLfsrPermDefault
ImemAddrWidth int prim_util_pkg::vbits(ImemSizeByte)
DmemAddrWidth int prim_util_pkg::vbits(DmemSizeByte)


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
start_i input start the operation
done_o output operation done
err_bits_o output err_bits_t valid when done_o is asserted
start_addr_i input [ImemAddrWidth-1:0] start byte address in IMEM
imem_req_o output Instruction memory (IMEM)
imem_addr_o output [ImemAddrWidth-1:0]
imem_wdata_o output [31:0]
imem_rdata_i input [31:0]
imem_rvalid_i input
imem_rerror_i input
dmem_req_o output Data memory (DMEM)
dmem_write_o output
dmem_addr_o output [DmemAddrWidth-1:0]
dmem_wdata_o output [ExtWLEN-1:0]
dmem_wmask_o output [ExtWLEN-1:0]
dmem_rmask_o output [BaseWordsPerWLEN-1:0]
dmem_rdata_i input [ExtWLEN-1:0]
dmem_rvalid_i input
dmem_rerror_i input
edn_rnd_req_o output Entropy distribution network (EDN) connections One for RND, the other for URND
edn_rnd_ack_i input
edn_rnd_data_i input [EdnDataWidth-1:0]
edn_urnd_req_o output
edn_urnd_ack_i input
edn_urnd_data_i input [EdnDataWidth-1:0]
insn_cnt_o output [31:0]
illegal_bus_access_i input Asserted by system when bus tries to access OTBN memories whilst OTBN is active. Results in a fatal error.
lifecycle_escalation_i input Indicates an incoming escalation from the life cycle manager. Results in a fatal error.


Name Type Description
insn_fetch_req_addr logic [ImemAddrWidth-1:0] Fetch request (the next instruction)
insn_fetch_req_valid logic
insn_fetch_resp_valid logic Fetch response (the current instruction before it is decoded)
insn_fetch_resp_addr logic [ImemAddrWidth-1:0]
insn_fetch_resp_data logic [31:0]
insn_fetch_err logic
insn_valid logic The currently executed instruction.
insn_illegal logic
insn_addr logic [ImemAddrWidth-1:0]
insn_dec_base insn_dec_base_t
insn_dec_bignum insn_dec_bignum_t
insn_dec_shared insn_dec_shared_t
rf_base_wr_addr logic [4:0]
rf_base_wr_en logic
rf_base_wr_commit logic
rf_base_wr_data_no_intg logic [31:0]
rf_base_wr_data_intg logic [BaseIntgWidth-1:0]
rf_base_wr_data_intg_sel logic
rf_base_rd_addr_a logic [4:0]
rf_base_rd_en_a logic
rf_base_rd_data_a_intg logic [BaseIntgWidth-1:0]
rf_base_rd_addr_b logic [4:0]
rf_base_rd_en_b logic
rf_base_rd_data_b_intg logic [BaseIntgWidth-1:0]
rf_base_rd_commit logic
rf_base_call_stack_err logic
rf_base_rd_data_err logic
alu_base_operation alu_base_operation_t
alu_base_comparison alu_base_comparison_t
alu_base_operation_result logic [31:0]
alu_base_comparison_result logic
lsu_load_req logic
lsu_store_req logic
lsu_req_subset insn_subset_e
lsu_addr logic [DmemAddrWidth-1:0]
lsu_base_wdata logic [BaseIntgWidth-1:0]
lsu_bignum_wdata logic [ExtWLEN-1:0]
lsu_base_rdata logic [BaseIntgWidth-1:0]
lsu_bignum_rdata logic [ExtWLEN-1:0]
lsu_rdata_err logic
rf_bignum_wr_addr logic [WdrAw-1:0]
rf_bignum_wr_en logic [1:0]
rf_bignum_wr_data_no_intg logic [WLEN-1:0]
rf_bignum_wr_data_intg logic [ExtWLEN-1:0]
rf_bignum_wr_data_intg_sel logic
rf_bignum_rd_addr_a logic [WdrAw-1:0]
rf_bignum_rd_en_a logic
rf_bignum_rd_data_a_intg logic [ExtWLEN-1:0]
rf_bignum_rd_addr_b logic [WdrAw-1:0]
rf_bignum_rd_en_b logic
rf_bignum_rd_data_b_intg logic [ExtWLEN-1:0]
rf_bignum_rd_data_err logic
alu_bignum_operation alu_bignum_operation_t
alu_bignum_operation_result logic [WLEN-1:0]
alu_bignum_selection_flag logic
mac_bignum_operation mac_bignum_operation_t
mac_bignum_operation_result logic [WLEN-1:0]
mac_bignum_operation_flags flags_t
mac_bignum_operation_flags_en flags_t
mac_bignum_en logic
ispr_addr ispr_e
ispr_base_wdata logic [31:0]
ispr_base_wr_en logic [BaseWordsPerWLEN-1:0]
ispr_bignum_wdata logic [WLEN-1:0]
ispr_bignum_wr_en logic
ispr_rdata logic [WLEN-1:0]
ispr_acc logic [WLEN-1:0]
ispr_acc_wr_data logic [WLEN-1:0]
ispr_acc_wr_en logic
ispr_init logic
rnd_req logic
rnd_prefetch_req logic
rnd_valid logic
rnd_data logic [WLEN-1:0]
urnd_reseed_req logic
urnd_reseed_busy logic
urnd_advance logic
urnd_data logic [WLEN-1:0]
controller_start logic
controller_start_addr logic [ImemAddrWidth-1:0]
state_reset logic
insn_cnt logic [31:0]


Name Type Value Description
ImemAddrWidth int prim_util_pkg::vbits(ImemSizeByte)
DmemAddrWidth int prim_util_pkg::vbits(DmemSizeByte)


Start stop control start OTBN execution when requested and deals with any pre start or post
stop actions.

Instruction fetch unit

Instruction decoder

Controller: coordinate between functional units, prepare their inputs (e.g. by muxing between
operand sources), and post-process their outputs as needed.

Load store unit: read and write data from data memory

Base Instruction Subset =======================================================================