Package: otbn_pkg
- File:
Copyright lowRISC contributors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Name | Type | Value | Description |
WLEN | int | 256 | |
ExtWLEN | int | WLEN * 39 / 32 | "Extended" WLEN: the size of the datapath with added integrity bits |
BaseIntgWidth | int | 39 | Width of base (32b) data path with added integrity bits |
BaseWordsPerWLEN | int | WLEN / 32 | Number of 32-bit words per WLEN |
NFlagGroups | int | 2 | Number of flag groups |
GprAw | int | 5 | Width of the GPR index/address |
NGpr | int | 2 ** GprAw | Number of General Purpose Registers (GPRs) |
WdrAw | int | 5 | Width of the WDR index/address |
NWdr | int | 2 ** WdrAw | Number of Wide Data Registers (WDRs) |
EdnDataWidth | int | 256 | Width of entropy input |
AlertFatal | int | 0 | Toplevel constants ============================================================================ |
AlertRecov | int | 1 | |
CsrNumWidth | int | 12 | Control and Status Registers (CSRs) |
NWsr | int | 4 | Number of WSRs |
WsrNumWidth | int | $clog2(NWsr) | |
NIspr | int | 5 | Internal Special Purpose Registers (ISPRs) CSRs and WSRs have some overlap into what they map into. ISPRs are the actual registers in the design which CSRs and WSRs are mapped on to. |
IsprNumWidth | int | $clog2(NIspr) | |
FlagsWidth | int | $bits(flags_t) | |
UrndLfsrWidth | int | 256 | URNG PRNG default LFSR seed and permutation A single default seed is split into 64 bit chunks, a separate LFSR is used for each chunk. All LFSR chunks use the same permutation. These LFSR parameters have been generated with $ ./util/design/ --width 256 --seed 2840984437 --prefix "Urnd" |
urnd_lfsr_seed_t | urnd_lfsr_seed_t | 256'h84ddfadaf7e1134d70aa1c59de6197ff25a4fe335d095f1e2cba89acbe4a07e9 | |
UrndChunkLfsrWidth | int | 64 | These LFSR parameters have been generated with $ ./util/design/ --width 64 --seed 2840984437 --prefix "UrndChunk" |
urnd_chunk_lfsr_perm_t | urnd_chunk_lfsr_perm_t | ||
otp_ctrl_pkg | otp_ctrl_pkg::otbn_key_t | 128'h14e8cecae3040d5e12286bb3cc113298 | |
otp_ctrl_pkg | otp_ctrl_pkg::otbn_nonce_t | 64'hf79780bc735f3843 |
Name | Type | Description |
regfile_e | enum integer { RegFileFF = 0, RegFileFPGA = 1 } |
Register file implementation selection enum. |
cmd_e | enum logic [7:0] { CmdExecute = 8'h01, CmdSecWipeDmem = 8'h02, CmdSecWipeImem = 8'h03 } |
Command to execute. See the CMD register description in otbn.hjson for details. |
status_e | enum logic [7:0] { StatusIdle = 8'h00, StatusBusyExecute = 8'h01, StatusBusySecWipeDmem = 8'h02, StatusBusySecWipeImem = 8'h03, StatusLocked = 8'hFF } |
Status register values. See the STATUS register description in otbn.hjson for details. |
err_bits_t | struct packed { logic fatal_lifecycle_escalation; logic fatal_illegal_bus_access; logic fatal_reg; logic fatal_dmem; logic fatal_imem; logic loop; logic illegal_insn; logic call_stack; logic bad_insn_addr; logic bad_data_addr; } |
Error bits Note: These errors are duplicated in other places. If updating them here, update those too. |
insn_subset_e | enum logic { InsnSubsetBase = 1'b0, InsnSubsetBignum = 1'b1 } |
Constants ===================================================================================== |
insn_opcode_e | enum logic [6:0] { InsnOpcodeBaseLoad = 7'h03, InsnOpcodeBaseMemMisc = 7'h0f, InsnOpcodeBaseOpImm = 7'h13, InsnOpcodeBaseAuipc = 7'h17, InsnOpcodeBaseStore = 7'h23, InsnOpcodeBaseOp = 7'h33, InsnOpcodeBaseLui = 7'h37, InsnOpcodeBaseBranch = 7'h63, InsnOpcodeBaseJalr = 7'h67, InsnOpcodeBaseJal = 7'h6f, InsnOpcodeBaseSystem = 7'h73, InsnOpcodeBignumMisc = 7'h0B, InsnOpcodeBignumArith = 7'h2B, InsnOpcodeBignumMulqacc = 7'h3B, InsnOpcodeBignumBaseMisc = 7'h7B } |
Opcodes (field [6:0] in the instruction), matching the RISC-V specification for the base instruction subset. |
alu_op_base_e | enum logic [3:0] { AluOpBaseAdd, AluOpBaseSub, AluOpBaseXor, AluOpBaseOr, AluOpBaseAnd, AluOpBaseNot, AluOpBaseSra, AluOpBaseSrl, AluOpBaseSll } |
alu_op_bignum_e | enum logic [3:0] { AluOpBignumAdd, AluOpBignumAddc, AluOpBignumAddm, AluOpBignumSub, AluOpBignumSubb, AluOpBignumSubm, AluOpBignumRshi, AluOpBignumXor, AluOpBignumOr, AluOpBignumAnd, AluOpBignumNot } |
TODO: Can we arrange this to simplify decoding logic? |
comparison_op_base_e | enum logic { ComparisonOpBaseEq, ComparisonOpBaseNeq } |
op_a_sel_e | enum logic [1:0] { OpASelRegister = 'd0, OpASelZero = 'd1, OpASelCurrPc = 'd2 } |
Operand a source selection |
op_b_sel_e | enum logic { OpBSelRegister = 'd0, OpBSelImmediate = 'd1 } |
Operand b source selection |
imm_b_sel_base_e | enum logic [2:0] { ImmBaseBI, ImmBaseBS, ImmBaseBB, ImmBaseBU, ImmBaseBJ, ImmBaseBL, ImmBaseBX } |
Immediate b selection for base ISA |
shamt_sel_bignum_e | enum logic [1:0] { ShamtSelBignumA, ShamtSelBignumS, ShamtSelBignumZero } |
Shift amount select for bignum ISA |
rf_wd_sel_e | enum logic [2:0] { RfWdSelEx, RfWdSelNextPc, RfWdSelLsu, RfWdSelIspr, RfWdSelIncr, RfWdSelMac, RfWdSelMovSel } |
Regfile write data selection |
csr_e | enum logic [CsrNumWidth-1:0] { CsrFg0 = 12'h7C0, CsrFg1 = 12'h7C1, CsrFlags = 12'h7C8, CsrMod0 = 12'h7D0, CsrMod1 = 12'h7D1, CsrMod2 = 12'h7D2, CsrMod3 = 12'h7D3, CsrMod4 = 12'h7D4, CsrMod5 = 12'h7D5, CsrMod6 = 12'h7D6, CsrMod7 = 12'h7D7, CsrRndPrefetch = 12'h7D8, CsrRnd = 12'hFC0, CsrUrnd = 12'hFC1 } |
wsr_e | enum logic [WsrNumWidth-1:0] { WsrMod = 'd0, WsrRnd = 'd1, WsrUrnd = 'd2, WsrAcc = 'd3 } |
ispr_e | enum logic [IsprNumWidth-1:0] { IsprMod = 'd0, IsprRnd = 'd1, IsprAcc = 'd2, IsprFlags = 'd3, IsprUrnd = 'd4 } |
flag_group_t | logic [$clog2(NFlagGroups)-1:0] | |
flags_t | struct packed { logic Z; logic L; logic M; logic C; } |
flag_e | enum logic [$clog2(FlagsWidth)-1:0] { FlagC = 'd0, FlagM = 'd1, FlagL = 'd2, FlagZ = 'd3 } |
insn_dec_shared_t | struct packed { insn_subset_e subset; logic ecall_insn; logic ld_insn; logic st_insn; logic branch_insn; logic jump_insn; logic loop_insn; logic ispr_rd_insn; logic ispr_wr_insn; logic ispr_rs_insn; } |
TODO: Figure out how to add assertions for the enum type width; initial blocks, as produced by ASSERT_INIT, aren't allowed in packages. `ASSERT_INIT(WsrESizeMatchesParameter_A, $bits(wsr_e) == WsrNumWidth) Structures for decoded instructions, grouped into three: - insn_dec_shared_t - Anything that applies to both bignum and base microarchitecture - insn_dec_base_t - Anything that only applies to the base side microarchitecture - insn_dec_bignum_t - Anything that only applies to bignum side microarchitecture TODO: The variable names are rather short, especially "i" is confusing. Think about renaming. |
insn_dec_base_t | struct packed { logic [4:0] d; logic [4:0] a; logic [4:0] b; logic [31:0] i; alu_op_base_e alu_op; comparison_op_base_e comparison_op; op_a_sel_e op_a_sel; op_b_sel_e op_b_sel; logic rf_ren_a; logic rf_ren_b; logic rf_we; rf_wd_sel_e rf_wdata_sel; logic [11:0] loop_bodysize; logic loop_immediate; } |
insn_dec_bignum_t | struct packed { logic [WdrAw-1:0] d; logic [WdrAw-1:0] a; logic [WdrAw-1:0] b; logic [WLEN-1:0] i; logic rf_a_indirect; logic rf_b_indirect; logic rf_d_indirect; logic d_inc; logic a_inc; logic a_wlen_word_inc; logic b_inc; logic [$clog2(WLEN)-1:0] alu_shift_amt; logic alu_shift_right; flag_group_t alu_flag_group; flag_e alu_sel_flag; logic alu_flag_en; logic mac_flag_en; alu_op_bignum_e alu_op; op_b_sel_e alu_op_b_sel; logic [1:0] mac_op_a_qw_sel; logic [1:0] mac_op_b_qw_sel; logic mac_wr_hw_sel_upper; logic [1:0] mac_pre_acc_shift; logic mac_zero_acc; logic mac_shift_out; logic mac_en; logic rf_we; rf_wd_sel_e rf_wdata_sel; logic rf_ren_a; logic rf_ren_b; logic sel_insn; } |
alu_base_operation_t | struct packed { alu_op_base_e op; logic [31:0] operand_a; logic [31:0] operand_b; } |
alu_base_comparison_t | struct packed { comparison_op_base_e op; logic [31:0] operand_a; logic [31:0] operand_b; } |
alu_bignum_operation_t | struct packed { alu_op_bignum_e op; logic [WLEN-1:0] operand_a; logic [WLEN-1:0] operand_b; logic shift_right; logic [$clog2(WLEN)-1:0] shift_amt; flag_group_t flag_group; flag_e sel_flag; logic alu_flag_en; logic mac_flag_en; } |
mac_bignum_operation_t | struct packed { logic [WLEN-1:0] operand_a; logic [WLEN-1:0] operand_b; logic [1:0] operand_a_qw_sel; logic [1:0] operand_b_qw_sel; logic wr_hw_sel_upper; logic [1:0] pre_acc_shift_imm; logic zero_acc; logic shift_acc; } |
otbn_state_e | enum logic [1:0] { OtbnStateHalt, OtbnStateUrndRefresh, OtbnStateRun, OtbnStateStall } |
States for controller state machine |
otbn_start_stop_state_e | enum logic [1:0] { OtbnStartStopStateHalt, OtbnStartStopStateUrndRefresh, OtbnStartStopStateRunning } |
urnd_lfsr_seed_t | logic [UrndLfsrWidth-1:0] | |
urnd_chunk_lfsr_perm_t | logic [UrndChunkLfsrWidth-1:0][$clog2(UrndChunkLfsrWidth)-1:0] | |
otbn_dmem_nonce_t | logic [63:0] | |
otbn_imem_nonce_t | logic [63:0] |