Entity: otbn_top_sim
- File: otbn_top_sim.sv
Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Generic name | Type | Value | Description |
ImemSizeByte | int | otbn_reg_pkg::OTBN_IMEM_SIZE | Size of the instruction memory, in bytes |
DmemSizeByte | int | otbn_reg_pkg::OTBN_DMEM_SIZE | Size of the data memory, in bytes |
ImemStartAddr | int | 32'h0 | Start address of first instruction in IMem |
Port name | Direction | Type | Description |
IO_CLK | input | ||
IO_RST_N | input |
Name | Type | Description |
otbn_done_d | logic | |
otbn_done_q | logic | |
otbn_err_bits_d | err_bits_t | |
otbn_err_bits_q | err_bits_t | |
otbn_start | logic | |
otbn_start_done | logic | Intialise otbn_start_done to 1 so that we only signal otbn_start after we have seen a reset. If you don't do this, we start OTBN before the reset, which can generate confusing trace messages. |
imem_req | logic | Instruction memory (IMEM) signals |
imem_addr | logic [ImemAddrWidth-1:0] | |
imem_rdata | logic [38:0] | |
imem_rvalid | logic | |
imem_rerror | logic | |
dmem_req | logic | Data memory (DMEM) signals |
dmem_write | logic | |
dmem_addr | logic [DmemAddrWidth-1:0] | |
dmem_wdata | logic [ExtWLEN-1:0] | |
dmem_wmask | logic [ExtWLEN-1:0] | |
dmem_rdata | logic [ExtWLEN-1:0] | |
dmem_rvalid | logic | |
dmem_rerror | logic | |
edn_rnd_req | logic | Entropy Distribution Network (EDN) |
edn_urnd_req | logic | Entropy Distribution Network (EDN) |
edn_rnd_ack | logic | |
edn_urnd_ack | logic | |
edn_rnd_data | logic [EdnDataWidth-1:0] | |
edn_urnd_data | logic [EdnDataWidth-1:0] | |
edn_rnd_data_valid | logic | |
edn_urnd_data_valid | logic | |
insn_cnt | logic [31:0] | Instruction counter (feeds into otbn.INSN_CNT in full block) |
unused_imem_top_rdata | logic | The top bits of IMEM rdata aren't currently used (they will eventually be used for integrity checks both on the bus and within the core) |
dmem_index | logic [DmemIndexWidth-1:0] | |
unused_dmem_addr | logic [DmemAddrWidth-DmemIndexWidth-1:0] | |
imem_index | logic [ImemIndexWidth-1:0] | |
unused_imem_addr | logic [1:0] | |
finish_counter | logic [1:0] | When OTBN is done let a few more cycles run then finish simulation |
otbn_model_done | logic | |
otbn_model_err_bits | err_bits_t | |
otbn_model_insn_cnt | bit [31:0] | |
otbn_model_err | bit | |
done_mismatch_latched | bit | |
err_bits_mismatch_latched | bit | |
cnt_mismatch_latched | bit | |
model_err_latched | bit | |
loop_warp_model_err | bit |
Name | Type | Value | Description |
ImemAddrWidth | int | prim_util_pkg::vbits(ImemSizeByte) | |
DmemAddrWidth | int | prim_util_pkg::vbits(DmemSizeByte) | |
TestScrambleKey | logic [127:0] | 128'h48ecf6c738f0f108a5b08620695ffd4d | Fixed key and nonce for scrambling in verilator environment |
TestScrambleNonce | logic [63:0] | 64'hf88c2578fa4cd123 | |
FixedEdnVal | logic [WLEN-1:0] | undefined | |
DmemSizeWords | int | DmemSizeByte | |
DmemIndexWidth | int | prim_util_pkg::vbits(DmemSizeWords) | |
ImemSizeWords | int | ImemSizeByte / 4 | |
ImemIndexWidth | int | prim_util_pkg::vbits(ImemSizeWords) | |
DesignScope | string | "..u_otbn_core" | The model This runs in parallel with the real core above, with consistency checks between the two. |
- otbn_base_call_stack_get_size () return (int unsigned)
- otbn_base_call_stack_get_element (int) return (int unsigned)
- otbn_base_reg_get (int) return (int unsigned)
- otbn_bignum_reg_get (int index,
int) return (int unsigned)
- otbn_err_get () return (bit)
- unnamed: ( @(posedge IO_CLK or negedge IO_RST_N) )
Type: always
- unnamed: ( @(posedge IO_CLK or negedge IO_RST_N) )
Type: always
- unnamed: ( @(posedge IO_CLK or negedge IO_RST_N) )
Type: always_ff
- unnamed: ( @(negedge IO_CLK or negedge IO_RST_N) )
Type: always
- u_otbn_core: otbn_core
- u_mock_rnd_edn: otbn_mock_edn
- u_mock_urnd_edn: otbn_mock_edn
- u_dmem: prim_ram_1p_scr
- u_imem: prim_ram_1p_scr
- u_otbn_core_model: otbn_core_model