Entity: otp_ctrl


logic [NumAlerts-1:0] NumAlerts lfsr_seed_t RndCnstLfsrSeed lfsr_perm_t RndCnstLfsrPerm MemInitFile clk_i rst_ni clk_edn_i rst_edn_ni edn_i core_tl_i prim_tl_i [NumAlerts-1:0] alert_rx_i otp_ast_rsp_t otp_ast_pwr_seq_h_i pwr_otp_i lc_otp_vendor_test_req_t lc_otp_vendor_test_i lc_otp_program_req_t lc_otp_program_i lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en_i lc_seed_hw_rd_en_i lc_dft_en_i lc_escalate_en_i lc_check_byp_en_i flash_otp_key_req_t flash_otp_key_i [NumSramKeyReqSlots-1:0] sram_otp_key_i otbn_otp_key_req_t otbn_otp_key_i scan_en_i scan_rst_ni scanmode_i edn_o core_tl_o prim_tl_o intr_otp_operation_done_o intr_otp_error_o [NumAlerts-1:0] alert_tx_o otp_ast_req_t otp_ast_pwr_seq_o otp_alert_o pwr_otp_o lc_otp_vendor_test_rsp_t lc_otp_vendor_test_o lc_otp_program_rsp_t lc_otp_program_o otp_lc_data_t otp_lc_data_o otp_keymgr_key_t otp_keymgr_key_o flash_otp_key_rsp_t flash_otp_key_o [NumSramKeyReqSlots-1:0] sram_otp_key_o otbn_otp_key_rsp_t otbn_otp_key_o otp_hw_cfg_t otp_hw_cfg_o wire otp_ext_voltage_h_io [OtpTestVectWidth-1:0] cio_test_o [OtpTestVectWidth-1:0] cio_test_en_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

OTP Controller top.


Generic name Type Value Description
NumAlerts logic [NumAlerts-1:0] undefined Enable asynchronous transitions on alerts.
RndCnstLfsrSeed lfsr_seed_t RndCnstLfsrSeedDefault Compile time random constants, to be overriden by topgen.
RndCnstLfsrPerm lfsr_perm_t RndCnstLfsrPermDefault
MemInitFile "" Hexfile file to initialize the OTP macro. Note that the hexdump needs to account for ECC.


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input OTP clock
rst_ni input
clk_edn_i input EDN clock and interface
rst_edn_ni input
edn_o output
edn_i input
core_tl_i input Bus Interface
core_tl_o output
prim_tl_i input
prim_tl_o output
intr_otp_operation_done_o output Interrupt Requests
intr_otp_error_o output
alert_rx_i input [NumAlerts-1:0] Alerts
alert_tx_o output [NumAlerts-1:0]
otp_ast_pwr_seq_o output otp_ast_req_t Macro-specific power sequencing signals to/from AST.
otp_ast_pwr_seq_h_i input otp_ast_rsp_t
otp_alert_o output AST alerts
pwr_otp_i input Power manager interface (inputs are synced to OTP clock domain)
pwr_otp_o output
lc_otp_vendor_test_i input lc_otp_vendor_test_req_t Macro-specific test registers going to lifecycle TAP
lc_otp_vendor_test_o output lc_otp_vendor_test_rsp_t
lc_otp_program_i input lc_otp_program_req_t Lifecycle transition command interface
lc_otp_program_o output lc_otp_program_rsp_t
lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en_i input Lifecycle broadcast inputs
lc_seed_hw_rd_en_i input
lc_dft_en_i input
lc_escalate_en_i input
lc_check_byp_en_i input
otp_lc_data_o output otp_lc_data_t OTP broadcast outputs
otp_keymgr_key_o output otp_keymgr_key_t
flash_otp_key_i input flash_otp_key_req_t Scrambling key requests
flash_otp_key_o output flash_otp_key_rsp_t
sram_otp_key_i input [NumSramKeyReqSlots-1:0]
sram_otp_key_o output [NumSramKeyReqSlots-1:0]
otbn_otp_key_i input otbn_otp_key_req_t
otbn_otp_key_o output otbn_otp_key_rsp_t
otp_hw_cfg_o output otp_hw_cfg_t Hardware config bits
otp_ext_voltage_h_io inout wire External voltage for OTP
scan_en_i input Scan
scan_rst_ni input
scanmode_i input
cio_test_o output [OtpTestVectWidth-1:0] Test-related GPIO output
cio_test_en_o output [OtpTestVectWidth-1:0]


Name Type Description
intg_error logic [1:0] /////////// Regfile // /////////// We have one CSR node and one functional TL-UL window.
tl_win_h2d tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t
tl_win_d2h tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t
reg2hw otp_ctrl_reg_pkg::otp_ctrl_core_reg2hw_t
hw2reg otp_ctrl_reg_pkg::otp_ctrl_core_hw2reg_t
lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t ///////////////////////////////////// Life Cycle Signal Synchronization // /////////////////////////////////////
lc_seed_hw_rd_en lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t ///////////////////////////////////// Life Cycle Signal Synchronization // /////////////////////////////////////
lc_check_byp_en lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t ///////////////////////////////////// Life Cycle Signal Synchronization // /////////////////////////////////////
lc_dft_en lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t [2:0]
lc_escalate_en lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t [NumAgentsIdx+1:0] NumAgents + lfsr timer and scrambling datapath.
lc_escalate_en_synced lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t [NumAgentsIdx+1:0] NumAgents + lfsr timer and scrambling datapath.
lc_escalate_en_any logic Single wire for gating assertions in arbitration and CDC primitives.
tlul_req logic /////////////////////////////////// TL-UL SW partition select logic // /////////////////////////////////// The SW partitions share the same TL-UL adapter.
tlul_gnt logic /////////////////////////////////// TL-UL SW partition select logic // /////////////////////////////////// The SW partitions share the same TL-UL adapter.
tlul_rvalid logic /////////////////////////////////// TL-UL SW partition select logic // /////////////////////////////////// The SW partitions share the same TL-UL adapter.
tlul_addr logic [SwWindowAddrWidth-1:0]
tlul_rerror logic [1:0]
tlul_rdata logic [31:0]
tlul_part_sel_oh logic [NumPart-1:0]
tlul_part_idx logic [NumPartWidth-1:0]
tlul_oob_err_d logic
tlul_oob_err_q logic
part_tlul_req logic [NumPart-1:0]
part_tlul_gnt logic [NumPart-1:0]
part_tlul_rvalid logic [NumPart-1:0]
part_tlul_addr logic [SwWindowAddrWidth-1:0]
part_tlul_rerror logic [NumPart-1:0][1:0]
part_tlul_rdata logic [NumPart-1:0][31:0]
unused_digest logic [ScrmblBlockWidth-1:0] ///////////////////////////// Digests and LC State CSRs // /////////////////////////////
part_digest logic [NumPart-1:0][ScrmblBlockWidth-1:0]
part_access_csrs part_access_t [NumPart-1:0] //////////////////////////// Access Defaults and CSRs // ////////////////////////////
dai_idle logic //////////////////// DAI-related CSRs // ////////////////////
dai_req logic
dai_cmd dai_cmd_e
dai_addr logic [OtpByteAddrWidth-1:0]
dai_wdata logic [NumDaiWords-1:0][31:0]
dai_rdata logic [NumDaiWords-1:0][31:0]
dai_prog_idle logic The DAI and the LCI can initiate write transactions, which are critical and we must not power down if such transactions are pending. Hence, we signal the LCI/DAI idle state to the power manager. This signal is flopped here as it has to cross a clock boundary to the power manager.
lci_prog_idle logic The DAI and the LCI can initiate write transactions, which are critical and we must not power down if such transactions are pending. Hence, we signal the LCI/DAI idle state to the power manager. This signal is flopped here as it has to cross a clock boundary to the power manager.
otp_idle_d logic The DAI and the LCI can initiate write transactions, which are critical and we must not power down if such transactions are pending. Hence, we signal the LCI/DAI idle state to the power manager. This signal is flopped here as it has to cross a clock boundary to the power manager.
otp_idle_q logic The DAI and the LCI can initiate write transactions, which are critical and we must not power down if such transactions are pending. Hence, we signal the LCI/DAI idle state to the power manager. This signal is flopped here as it has to cross a clock boundary to the power manager.
part_error otp_err_e [NumPart+1:0] //////////////////////////////////// Ctrl/Status CSRs, Errors, Alerts // //////////////////////////////////// Status and error reporting CSRs, error interrupt generation and alerts.
part_errors_reduced logic [NumPart+1:0]
otp_operation_done logic
otp_error logic
fatal_macro_error_d logic
fatal_macro_error_q logic
fatal_check_error_d logic
fatal_check_error_q logic
fatal_bus_integ_error_d logic
fatal_bus_integ_error_q logic
chk_pending logic
chk_timeout logic
lfsr_fsm_err logic
key_deriv_fsm_err logic
scrmbl_fsm_err logic
interrupt_triggers_d logic [$bits(part_errors_reduced)+4-1:0] If we got an error, we trigger an interrupt.
interrupt_triggers_q logic [$bits(part_errors_reduced)+4-1:0] If we got an error, we trigger an interrupt.
alerts logic [NumAlerts-1:0]
alert_test logic [NumAlerts-1:0]
integ_chk_trig logic ////////////////////////////// LFSR Timer and CSR mapping // //////////////////////////////
cnsty_chk_trig logic ////////////////////////////// LFSR Timer and CSR mapping // //////////////////////////////
integ_chk_req logic [NumPart-1:0]
integ_chk_ack logic [NumPart-1:0]
cnsty_chk_req logic [NumPart-1:0]
cnsty_chk_ack logic [NumPart-1:0]
lfsr_edn_req logic
lfsr_edn_ack logic
edn_data logic [EdnDataWidth-1:0]
edn_req logic ///////////////////////////////////// EDN Arbitration, Request and Sync // ///////////////////////////////////// Both the key derivation and LFSR reseeding are low bandwidth, hence they can share the same EDN interface.
edn_ack logic ///////////////////////////////////// EDN Arbitration, Request and Sync // ///////////////////////////////////// Both the key derivation and LFSR reseeding are low bandwidth, hence they can share the same EDN interface.
key_edn_req logic
key_edn_ack logic
part_otp_arb_req logic [NumAgents-1:0]
part_otp_arb_gnt logic [NumAgents-1:0]
part_otp_arb_bundle otp_bundle_t
otp_arb_valid logic
otp_arb_ready logic
otp_arb_idx logic [vbits(NumAgents)-1:0]
otp_arb_bundle otp_bundle_t
part_otp_err prim_otp_pkg::err_e
part_otp_rdata logic [OtpIfWidth-1:0]
otp_rvalid logic
prim_tl_h2d_gated tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t
prim_tl_d2h_gated tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t
otp_test_vect logic [OtpTestVectWidth-1:0] Test-related GPIOs.
otp_fifo_valid logic
otp_part_idx logic [vbits(NumAgents)-1:0]
part_otp_rvalid logic [NumAgents-1:0]
part_scrmbl_mtx_req logic [NumAgents-1:0]
part_scrmbl_mtx_gnt logic [NumAgents-1:0]
part_scrmbl_req_bundle scrmbl_bundle_t
scrmbl_req_bundle scrmbl_bundle_t
scrmbl_mtx_idx logic [vbits(NumAgents)-1:0]
scrmbl_mtx_valid logic
part_scrmbl_rsp_data logic [ScrmblBlockWidth-1:0]
scrmbl_arb_req_ready logic
scrmbl_arb_rsp_valid logic
part_scrmbl_req_ready logic [NumAgents-1:0]
part_scrmbl_rsp_valid logic [NumAgents-1:0]
part_init_req logic /////////////////////////// Direct Access Interface // ///////////////////////////
part_init_done logic [NumPart-1:0]
part_access_dai part_access_t [NumPart-1:0]
pwr_otp_req_synced logic The init request comes from the power manager, which lives in the AON clock domain.
pwr_otp_rsp_d logic Register this signal as it has to cross a clock boundary.
pwr_otp_rsp_q logic Register this signal as it has to cross a clock boundary.
lc_otp_program_data logic [PartInfo[LifeCycleIdx].size-1:0][7:0] ////////////////////////////////// Lifecycle Transition Interface // //////////////////////////////////
unused_lci_scrmbl_sigs logic This stops lint from complaining about unused signals.
scrmbl_key_seed_valid logic ////////////////////////////////// Key Derivation Interface (KDI) // //////////////////////////////////
sram_data_key_seed logic [SramKeySeedWidth-1:0]
flash_data_key_seed logic [FlashKeySeedWidth-1:0]
flash_addr_key_seed logic [FlashKeySeedWidth-1:0]
unused_kdi_otp_sigs logic This stops lint from complaining about unused signals.
part_buf_data logic [$bits(PartInvDefault)/8-1:0][7:0] /////////////////////// Partition Instances // ///////////////////////
test_tokens_valid logic [lc_ctrl_pkg::TxWidth-1:0]
rma_token_valid logic [lc_ctrl_pkg::TxWidth-1:0]
secrets_valid logic [lc_ctrl_pkg::TxWidth-1:0]
test_tokens_valid_buf logic [lc_ctrl_pkg::TxWidth-1:0] Buffer these constants in order to ensure that synthesis does not try to optimize the encoding.
rma_token_valid_buf logic [lc_ctrl_pkg::TxWidth-1:0] Buffer these constants in order to ensure that synthesis does not try to optimize the encoding.
secrets_valid_buf logic [lc_ctrl_pkg::TxWidth-1:0] Buffer these constants in order to ensure that synthesis does not try to optimize the encoding.
unused_buf_data logic Not all bits of part_buf_data are used here.


Name Type Description
otp_bundle_t struct packed {
prim_otp_pkg::cmd_e cmd;
logic [OtpSizeWidth-1:0] size;
logic [OtpIfWidth-1:0] wdata;
logic [OtpAddrWidth-1:0] addr;
///////////////////////////// OTP Macro and Arbitration // /////////////////////////////
scrmbl_bundle_t struct packed {
otp_scrmbl_cmd_e cmd;
digest_mode_e mode;
logic [ConstSelWidth-1:0] sel;
logic [ScrmblBlockWidth-1:0] data;
logic valid;
/////////////////////////////////////// Scrambling Datapath and Arbitration // /////////////////////////////////////// Note: as opposed to the OTP arbitration above, we do not perform cycle-wise arbitration, but transaction-wise arbitration. This is implemented using a RR arbiter that acts as a mutex. I.e., each agent (e.g. the DAI or a partition) can request a lock on the mutex. Once granted, the partition can keep the the lock as long as needed for the transaction to complete. The partition must yield its lock by deasserting the request signal for the arbiter to proceed. Since this scheme does not have built-in preemtion, it must be ensured that the agents eventually release their locks for this to be fair.
See also https://docs.opentitan.org/hw/ip/otp_ctrl/doc/index.html#block-diagram for details.


Type: always_comb

Type: always_ff

Type: always_comb

Type: always_ff

Type: always_comb

Type: always_ff

Type: always_comb

Steer response back to the partition where this request originated.

Type: always_comb

Since the ready_i signal of the arbiter is statically set to 1'b0 above, we are always in a "backpressure" situation, where the RR arbiter will automatically advance the internal RR state to give the current winner max priority in subsequent cycles in order to keep the decision stable. Rearbitration occurs once the winning agent deasserts its request.

Type: always_comb

steer back responses

Type: always_ff


Interrupts and Alert Senders //

This synchronizes the data coming from EDN and stacks the
32bit EDN words to achieve an internal entropy width of 64bit.