Entity: otp_ctrl_kdi
- File: otp_ctrl_kdi.sv
Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Scrambling key derivation module for OTP.
Port name | Direction | Type | Description |
clk_i | input | ||
rst_ni | input | ||
kdi_en_i | input | Pulse to enable this module after OTP partitions have been initialized. | |
escalate_en_i | input | Escalation input. This moves the FSM into a terminal state. | |
fsm_err_o | output | FSM is in error state | |
scrmbl_key_seed_valid_i | input | Key seed inputs from OTP | |
flash_data_key_seed_i | input | [FlashKeySeedWidth-1:0] | |
flash_addr_key_seed_i | input | [FlashKeySeedWidth-1:0] | |
sram_data_key_seed_i | input | [SramKeySeedWidth-1:0] | |
edn_req_o | output | EDN interface for requesting entropy | |
edn_ack_i | input | ||
edn_data_i | input | [EdnDataWidth-1:0] | |
flash_otp_key_i | input | flash_otp_key_req_t | Scrambling key requests |
flash_otp_key_o | output | flash_otp_key_rsp_t | |
sram_otp_key_i | input | [NumSramKeyReqSlots-1:0] | |
sram_otp_key_o | output | [NumSramKeyReqSlots-1:0] | |
otbn_otp_key_i | input | otbn_otp_key_req_t | |
otbn_otp_key_o | output | otbn_otp_key_rsp_t | |
scrmbl_mtx_req_o | output | Scrambling mutex request | |
scrmbl_mtx_gnt_i | input | ||
scrmbl_cmd_o | output | otp_scrmbl_cmd_e | Scrambling datapath interface |
scrmbl_mode_o | output | digest_mode_e | |
scrmbl_sel_o | output | [ConstSelWidth-1:0] | |
scrmbl_data_o | output | [ScrmblBlockWidth-1:0] | |
scrmbl_valid_o | output | ||
scrmbl_ready_i | input | ||
scrmbl_valid_i | input | ||
scrmbl_data_i | input | [ScrmblBlockWidth-1:0] |
Name | Type | Description |
req | logic [NumReq-1:0] | |
gnt | logic [NumReq-1:0] | |
req_bundles | req_bundle_t | |
req_valid | logic | This arbitrates among incoming key derivation requests on a round robin basis to prevent deadlock. |
req_ready | logic | This arbitrates among incoming key derivation requests on a round robin basis to prevent deadlock. |
req_bundle | req_bundle_t | |
seed_cnt_clr | logic | //////////////////////////// Temporary Regs and Muxes // //////////////////////////// |
seed_cnt_en | logic | //////////////////////////// Temporary Regs and Muxes // //////////////////////////// |
entropy_cnt_clr | logic | //////////////////////////// Temporary Regs and Muxes // //////////////////////////// |
entropy_cnt_en | logic | //////////////////////////// Temporary Regs and Muxes // //////////////////////////// |
seed_cnt_d | logic [1:0] | |
seed_cnt_q | logic [1:0] | |
entropy_cnt_d | logic [1:0] | |
entropy_cnt_q | logic [1:0] | |
seed_valid_reg_en | logic | |
key_reg_en | logic | |
nonce_reg_en | logic | |
seed_valid_d | logic | |
seed_valid_q | logic | |
key_out_d | logic [ScrmblKeyWidth/ScrmblBlockWidth-1:0][ScrmblBlockWidth-1:0] | |
key_out_q | logic [ScrmblKeyWidth/ScrmblBlockWidth-1:0][ScrmblBlockWidth-1:0] | |
nonce_out_d | logic [NumNonceChunks-1:0][ScrmblBlockWidth-1:0] | |
nonce_out_q | logic [NumNonceChunks-1:0][ScrmblBlockWidth-1:0] | |
data_sel | data_sel_e | Select correct 64bit block. |
state_d | state_e | |
state_q | state_e | |
edn_req_d | logic | |
edn_req_q | logic | |
state_raw_q | logic [StateWidth-1:0] | ///////////// Registers // ///////////// This primitive is used to place a size-only constraint on the flops in order to prevent FSM state encoding optimizations. |
Name | Type | Value | Description |
NumReq | int | 3 + NumSramKeyReqSlots | ////////////////////// Integration Checks // ////////////////////// 2xFlash, OTBN + SRAM slots |
OtbnNonceSel | int | OtbnNonceWidth / ScrmblBlockWidth | |
FlashNonceSel | int | FlashKeyWidth / ScrmblBlockWidth | |
SramNonceSel | int | SramNonceWidth / ScrmblBlockWidth | |
StateWidth | int | 10 | /////////////// Control FSM // /////////////// Encoding generated with: $ ./sparse-fsm-encode.py -d 5 -m 11 -n 10 \ -s 2544133835 --language=sv Hamming distance histogram: 0: -- 1: -- 2: -- 3: -- 4: -- 5: |
Name | Type | Description |
req_bundle_t | struct packed { logic ingest_entropy; logic chained_digest; digest_sel_e digest_sel; logic fetch_nonce; logic [1:0] nonce_size; logic seed_valid; logic [3:0][ScrmblBlockWidth-1:0] seed; } |
///////////////////////////////// Input Mapping and Arbitration // ///////////////////////////////// The key derivation and token hashing functions are aligned such that 2 x 128bit key seeds / token blocks are processed in two subsequent steps using the digest primitive. This effectively compresses these blocks down into 2 x 64bit blocks, thereby creating one 128bit key or token output. The same FSM is shared among the different flavors of key derivation and token hashing functions, and the following configuration options are available: 1) ingest an additional 128bit entropy block after ingesting a 128bit key seed. 2) keep digest state after producing the first 64bit block instead of reverting to the IV. 3) netlist constant index. 4) fetch additional entropy for the nonce output. 5) whether or not the key seed is valid. if not, it will be defaulted to '0. 6) 256bit key seed / token input. The configuration options are set further below, depending on the request type. |
data_sel_e | enum logic { SeedData, EntropyData } |
state_e | enum logic [StateWidth-1:0] { ResetSt = 10'b0111100000, IdleSt = 10'b0001111101, DigClrSt = 10'b1101101011, DigLoadSt = 10'b0100011010, FetchEntropySt = 10'b0010001001, DigEntropySt = 10'b0110110111, DigFinSt = 10'b0001000110, DigWaitSt = 10'b1100000101, FetchNonceSt = 10'b1010101110, FinishSt = 10'b1111011100, ErrorSt = 10'b1011010011 } |
- p_outregs: ( )
Type: always_comb
- p_fsm: ( )
Type: always_comb
- p_regs: ( @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) )
Type: always_ff
- u_state_regs: prim_flop