Entity: otp_ctrl_lci


part_info_t Info clk_i rst_ni lci_en_i escalate_en_i lc_req_i [Info.size*8-1:0] lc_data_i otp_gnt_i otp_rvalid_i [ScrmblBlockWidth-1:0] otp_rdata_i otp_err_i lc_ack_o lc_err_o otp_err_e error_o lci_prog_idle_o otp_req_o otp_cmd_o [OtpSizeWidth-1:0] otp_size_o [OtpIfWidth-1:0] otp_wdata_o [OtpAddrWidth-1:0] otp_addr_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Life cycle interface for performing life cycle transitions in OTP.


Generic name Type Value Description
Info part_info_t PartInfoDefault Lifecycle partition information


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
lci_en_i input
escalate_en_i input Escalation input. This moves the FSM into a terminal state and locks down the partition.
lc_req_i input Life cycle transition request. In order to perform a state transition, the LC controller signals the new count and state. The OTP wrapper then only programs bits that have not been programmed before. Note that a transition request will fail if the request attempts to clear already programmed bits within OTP.
lc_data_i input [Info.size*8-1:0]
lc_ack_o output
lc_err_o output
error_o output otp_err_e Output error state of partition, to be consumed by OTP error/alert logic. Note that most errors are not recoverable and move the partition FSM into a terminal error state.
lci_prog_idle_o output
otp_req_o output OTP interface
otp_cmd_o output
otp_size_o output [OtpSizeWidth-1:0]
otp_wdata_o output [OtpIfWidth-1:0]
otp_addr_o output [OtpAddrWidth-1:0]
otp_gnt_i input
otp_rvalid_i input
otp_rdata_i input [ScrmblBlockWidth-1:0]
otp_err_i input


Name Type Description
cnt_clr logic
cnt_en logic
cnt_d logic [CntWidth-1:0]
cnt_q logic [CntWidth-1:0]
error_d otp_err_e
error_q otp_err_e
state_d state_e
state_q state_e
cnt_q [OtpByteAddrWidth-1:OtpAddrShift]
data logic [NumLcOtpWords-1:0][OtpWidth-1:0]
unused_rdata logic
state_raw_q logic [StateWidth-1:0] ///////////// Registers // ///////////// This primitive is used to place a size-only constraint on the flops in order to prevent FSM state encoding optimizations.


Name Type Value Description
NumLcOtpWords int int'(Info.size) >> OtpAddrShift
CntWidth int vbits(NumLcOtpWords)
LastLcOtpWordInt int unsigned NumLcOtpWords - 1
LastLcOtpWord bit [CntWidth-1:0] undefined
StateWidth int 9 ////////////////// Controller FSM // ////////////////// Encoding generated with ./sparse-fsm-encode.py -d 5 -m 5 -n 9 -s 558234734 Hamming distance histogram:
0: -- 1: -- 2: -- 3: -- 4: -- 5:


Name Type Description
state_e enum logic [StateWidth-1:0] {
ResetSt = 9'b010110111,
IdleSt = 9'b101010010,
WriteSt = 9'b111101110,
WriteWaitSt = 9'b100011101,
ErrorSt = 9'b010000000 }


Type: always_comb

Type: always_ff
