Entity: pinmux_strap_sampling


target_cfg_t TargetCfg clk_i rst_ni scanmode_i [NumIOs-1:0] in_padring_i [NumIOs-1:0] attr_core_i [NumIOs-1:0] out_core_i [NumIOs-1:0] oe_core_i strap_en_i lc_dft_en_i lc_hw_debug_en_i dft_hold_tap_sel_i lc_jtag_i rv_jtag_i dft_jtag_i [NumIOs-1:0] attr_padring_o [NumIOs-1:0] out_padring_o [NumIOs-1:0] oe_padring_o [NumIOs-1:0] in_core_o dft_strap_test_req_t dft_strap_test_o lc_jtag_o rv_jtag_o dft_jtag_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0


Generic name Type Value Description
TargetCfg target_cfg_t DefaultTargetCfg Taget-specific pinmux configuration passed down from the target-specific top-level.


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
scanmode_i input
attr_padring_o output [NumIOs-1:0] To padring side
out_padring_o output [NumIOs-1:0]
oe_padring_o output [NumIOs-1:0]
in_padring_i input [NumIOs-1:0]
attr_core_i input [NumIOs-1:0] To core side
out_core_i input [NumIOs-1:0]
oe_core_i input [NumIOs-1:0]
in_core_o output [NumIOs-1:0]
strap_en_i input Used for TAP qualification
lc_dft_en_i input
lc_hw_debug_en_i input
dft_strap_test_o output dft_strap_test_req_t Sampled values for DFT straps
dft_hold_tap_sel_i input Hold tap strap select
lc_jtag_o output Qualified JTAG signals for TAPs
lc_jtag_i input
rv_jtag_o output
rv_jtag_i input
dft_jtag_o output
dft_jtag_i input


Name Type Description
lc_hw_debug_en lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t [1:0] /////////////////////////////////// Life cycle signal synchronizers // ///////////////////////////////////
lc_dft_en lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t [1:0]
scanmode lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t [0:0]
dft_strap_valid_d logic //////////////////////// Strap Sampling Logic // ////////////////////////
dft_strap_valid_q logic //////////////////////// Strap Sampling Logic // ////////////////////////
lc_strap_sample_en logic
rv_strap_sample_en logic
dft_strap_sample_en logic
tap_strap_d logic [NTapStraps-1:0]
tap_strap_q logic [NTapStraps-1:0]
dft_strap_d logic [NDFTStraps-1:0]
dft_strap_q logic [NDFTStraps-1:0]
tap_sampling_en logic During dft enabled states, we continously sample all straps unless told not to do so by external dft logic
dft_hold_tap_sel logic
jtag_en logic ///////////////////// TAP Selection Mux // /////////////////////
tap_strap tap_strap_t
jtag_req jtag_pkg::jtag_req_t
lc_jtag_req jtag_pkg::jtag_req_t
rv_jtag_req jtag_pkg::jtag_req_t
dft_jtag_req jtag_pkg::jtag_req_t
jtag_rsp jtag_pkg::jtag_rsp_t
lc_jtag_rsp jtag_pkg::jtag_rsp_t
rv_jtag_rsp jtag_pkg::jtag_rsp_t
dft_jtag_rsp jtag_pkg::jtag_rsp_t


Type: always_comb

Type: always_ff

Type: always_comb


Insert hand instantiated buffers for
these signals to prevent further optimization.

Note that this resets the selected TAP controller in
scanmode. If the TAP controller needs to be active during
reset, this reset bypass needs to be adapted accordingly.