Entity: prim_arbiter_tree


int N int DW bit EnDataPort int IdxW clk_i rst_ni req_chk_i [ N-1:0] req_i [DW-1:0] data_i ready_i [ N-1:0] gnt_o [IdxW-1:0] idx_o valid_o [DW-1:0] data_o


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N:1 arbiter module

Verilog parameter N: Number of request ports DW: Data width DataPort: Set to 1 to enable the data port. Otherwise that port will be ignored.

This is a tree implementation of a round robin arbiter. It has the same behavior as the PPC implementation in prim_arbiter_ppc, and also uses a prefix summing approach to determine the next request to be granted. The main difference with respect to the PPC arbiter is that the leading 1 detection and the prefix summation are performed with a binary tree instead of a sequential loop. Also, if the data port is enabled, the data is muxed based on the local arbitration decisions at each node of the arbiter tree. This means that the data can propagate through the tree simultaneously with the requests, instead of waiting for the arbitration to determine the winner index first. As a result, this design has a shorter critical path than other implementations, leading to better ovberall timing.

Note that the currently winning request is held if the data sink is not ready. This behavior is required by some interconnect protocols (AXI, TL). The module contains an assertion that checks this behavior.

Also, this module contains a request stability assertion that checks that requests stay asserted until they have been served. This assertion can be gated by driving the req_chk_i low. This is a non-functional input and does not affect the designs behavior.

See also: prim_arbiter_ppc


Generic name Type Value Description
N int 8
DW int 32
EnDataPort bit 1 Configurations EnDataPort: {0, 1}, if 0, input data will be ignored
IdxW int $clog2(N) Derived parameters


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
req_chk_i input Used for gating assertions. Drive to 1 during normal
req_i input [ N-1:0] operation.
data_i input [DW-1:0]
gnt_o output [ N-1:0]
idx_o output [IdxW-1:0]
valid_o output
data_o output [DW-1:0]
ready_i input


Name Type Description
unused_req_chk logic req_chk_i is used for gating assertions only.
k int unsigned symbolic variables
ReadyIsStable bit
ReqsAreStable bit


Name Type Value Description
IdxW int $clog2(N) Derived parameters