Entity: prim_dom_and_2share


int DW int EnNegedge clk_i rst_ni [DW-1:0] a0_i [DW-1:0] a1_i [DW-1:0] b0_i [DW-1:0] b1_i c_valid_i [DW-1:0] c0_i [DW-1:0] c1_i [DW-1:0] q0_o [DW-1:0] q1_o


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Domain-Oriented Masking GF(2) Multiplier with 2-shares ref: Higher-Order Side-Channel Protected Implementations of Keccak https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/395.pdf

q0 = a0 & b0 + (a0 & b1 + z) q1 = a1 & b1 + (a1 & b0 + z) () ==> registered

all input should be stable for two clocks as the output is valid after a clock For z, it can use other slice from the state as it is fairly random w.r.t the current inputs. General formula of Q in the paper Qi = t{i,i} + Sig(j>i,d)(t{i,j}+Z{i+j(j-1)/2}) + Sig(j(i-1)/2}) for d=1 (NumShare 2 for first order protection) Q0 = t{0,0} + Sig(j>0,1)(t{0,j}+Z{j(j-1)/2}) + Sig(j<0,d)(..) = a0&b0 + (a0&b1 + z0 + 0) Q1 = t{1,1} + sig(j>1,1)(…) + sig(j<1,1)(t{1,j} + Z{j}) = a1&b1 + (0 + a1&b0 + z0)


Generic name Type Value Description
DW int 64 Input width
EnNegedge int 0 Enable negedge of clk for register


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
a0_i input [DW-1:0] share0 of a
a1_i input [DW-1:0] share1 of a
b0_i input [DW-1:0] share0 of b
b1_i input [DW-1:0] share1 of b
c_valid_i input random number input validity
c0_i input [DW-1:0] share0 of random number
c1_i input [DW-1:0] share1 of random number
q0_o output [DW-1:0] share0 of q
q1_o output [DW-1:0] share1 of q


Name Type Description
t0_d logic [DW-1:0]
t0_q logic [DW-1:0]
t1_d logic [DW-1:0]
t1_q logic [DW-1:0]
t_a0b1 logic [DW-1:0]
t_a1b0 logic [DW-1:0]
t_a0b0 logic [DW-1:0]
t_a1b1 logic [DW-1:0]