Entity: prim_esc_receiver


int N_ESC_SEV int PING_CNT_DW int MarginFactor int NumWaitCounts int NumTimeoutCounts int TimeoutCntDw clk_i rst_ni esc_tx_t esc_tx_i esc_en_o esc_rx_t esc_rx_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

This module decodes escalation enable pulses that have been encoded using the prim_esc_sender module.

The module supports in-band ping testing of the escalation wires. This is accomplished by the sender module that places a single-cycle, differentially encoded pulse on esc_p/n which will be interpreted as a ping request by the receiver module. The receiver module responds by sending back the response pattern "1010".

Native escalation enable pulses are differentiated from ping requests by making sure that these pulses are always longer than 1 cycle.

See also: prim_esc_sender, prim_diff_decode, alert_handler


Generic name Type Value Description
N_ESC_SEV int 4 The number of escalation severities. Should be set to the Alert Handler's N_ESC_SEV when this primitive is instantiated.
PING_CNT_DW int 16 The width of the Alert Handler's ping counter. Should be set to the Alert Handler's PING_CNT_DW when this primitive is instantiated.
MarginFactor int 4 This counter monitors incoming ping requests and auto-escalates if the alert handler ceases to send them regularly. The maximum number of cycles between subsequent ping requests is N_ESC_SEV x (2 x 2 x 2**PING_CNT_DW), see also implementation of the ping timer (alert_handler_ping_timer.sv). The timeout counter below uses a timeout that is 4x larger than that in order to incorporate some margin.
Do NOT modify this counter value, when instantiating it in the design. It is only exposed to reduce the state space in the FPV testbench.
NumWaitCounts int 2
NumTimeoutCounts int 2
TimeoutCntDw int $clog2(Marg


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
esc_en_o output escalation enable
esc_rx_o output esc_rx_t escalation / ping response
esc_tx_i input esc_tx_t escalation output diff pair


Name Type Description
esc_level logic /////////////////////////////// decode differential signals // ///////////////////////////////
esc_p logic /////////////////////////////// decode differential signals // ///////////////////////////////
esc_n logic /////////////////////////////// decode differential signals // ///////////////////////////////
sigint_detected logic /////////////////////////////// decode differential signals // ///////////////////////////////
ping_en logic ////////////////////////////////////////// Ping Monitor Counter / Auto Escalation // //////////////////////////////////////////
esc_en logic ////////////////////////////////////////// Ping Monitor Counter / Auto Escalation // //////////////////////////////////////////
cnt_q logic [1:0][TimeoutCntDw-1:0]
state_d state_e
state_q state_e
resp_pd logic
resp_pq logic
resp_nd logic
resp_nq logic
resp_p esc_tx_i


Name Type Value Description
MarginFactor int 4 This counter monitors incoming ping requests and auto-escalates if the alert handler ceases to send them regularly. The maximum number of cycles between subsequent ping requests is N_ESC_SEV x (2 x 2 x 2**PING_CNT_DW), see also implementation of the ping timer (alert_handler_ping_timer.sv). The timeout counter below uses a timeout that is 4x larger than that in order to incorporate some margin.
Do NOT modify this counter value, when instantiating it in the design. It is only exposed to reduce the state space in the FPV testbench.
NumWaitCounts int 2
NumTimeoutCounts int 2


Name Type Description
state_e enum logic [2:0] {
/////////////// RX/TX Logic // ///////////////


Type: always_comb

Type: always_ff

///////////// Registers // /////////////


This prevents further tool optimizations of the differential signal.

This prevents further tool optimizations of the differential signal.