Entity: prim_generic_otp


int Width int Depth int SizeWidth int PwrSeqWidth int TlDepth int TestCtrlWidth int TestStatusWidth int TestVectWidth int AddrWidth int IfWidth MemInitFile int VendorTestOffset int VendorTestSize clk_i rst_ni [PwrSeqWidth-1:0] pwr_seq_h_i [TestCtrlWidth-1:0] test_ctrl_i test_tl_i scanmode_i scan_en_i scan_rst_ni valid_i [SizeWidth-1:0] size_i cmd_e cmd_i [AddrWidth-1:0] addr_i [IfWidth-1:0] wdata_i [PwrSeqWidth-1:0] pwr_seq_o wire ext_voltage_io [TestStatusWidth-1:0] test_status_o [TestVectWidth-1:0] test_vect_o test_tl_o otp_alert_src_o ready_o valid_o [IfWidth-1:0] rdata_o err_e err_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0


Generic name Type Value Description
Width int 16 Native OTP word size. This determines the size_i granule.
Depth int 1024
SizeWidth int 2 This determines the maximum number of native words that can be transferred accross the interface in one cycle.
PwrSeqWidth int 2 Width of the power sequencing signal.
TlDepth int 16 Number of Test TL-UL words
TestCtrlWidth int 32 Width of vendor-specific test control signal
TestStatusWidth int 32
TestVectWidth int 8
AddrWidth int prim_util_pkg::vbits(Depth) Derived parameters
IfWidth int 2*SizeWidthWidth
MemInitFile "" VMEM file to initialize the memory with
VendorTestOffset int undefined Vendor test partition offset and size (both in bytes)
VendorTestSize int undefined


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
pwr_seq_o output [PwrSeqWidth-1:0] Macro-specific power sequencing signals to/from AST
pwr_seq_h_i input [PwrSeqWidth-1:0]
ext_voltage_io inout wire External programming voltage
test_ctrl_i input [TestCtrlWidth-1:0] Test interfaces
test_status_o output [TestStatusWidth-1:0]
test_vect_o output [TestVectWidth-1:0]
test_tl_i input
test_tl_o output
scanmode_i input Scan Mode input
scan_en_i input Scan Shift
scan_rst_ni input Scan Reset
otp_alert_src_o output Alert indication
ready_o output Ready valid handshake for read/write command
valid_i input
size_i input [SizeWidth-1:0] #(Native words)-1, e.g. size == 0 for 1 native word.
cmd_i input cmd_e 00: read command, 01: write command, 11: init command
addr_i input [AddrWidth-1:0]
wdata_i input [IfWidth-1:0]
valid_o output Response channel
rdata_o output [IfWidth-1:0]
err_o output err_e


Name Type Description
unused_pwr_seq_h logic [PwrSeqWidth-1:0] Not supported in open-source emulation model.
unused_ext_voltage wire
unused_test_ctrl_i logic
unused_scan logic
tlul_req logic
tlul_rvalid_q logic
tlul_wren logic
tlul_regfile_q logic [TlDepth-1:0][31:0]
tlul_wdata logic [31:0]
tlul_rdata_q logic [31:0]
tlul_addr logic [TlAddrWidth-1:0]
state_d state_e
state_q state_e
err_d err_e
err_q err_e
valid_d logic
valid_q logic
req logic
wren logic
rvalid logic
rerror logic [1:0]
addr_q logic [AddrWidth-1:0]
size_q logic [SizeWidth-1:0]
cnt_d logic [SizeWidth-1:0]
cnt_q logic [SizeWidth-1:0]
cnt_clr logic
cnt_en logic
read_ecc_on logic
wdata_inconsistent logic
addr logic [AddrWidth-1:0] ///////////////////////////////////////// Emulate using ECC protected Block RAM // /////////////////////////////////////////
rdata_corr logic [Width-1:0]
rdata_d logic [Width+EccWidth-1:0]
wdata_ecc logic [Width+EccWidth-1:0]
rdata_ecc logic [Width+EccWidth-1:0]
wdata_rmw logic [Width+EccWidth-1:0]
wdata_q logic [2**SizeWidth-1:0][Width-1:0]
rdata_reshaped logic [2**SizeWidth-1:0][Width-1:0]
rdata_q logic [2**SizeWidth-1:0][Width+EccWidth-1:0]
state_raw_q logic [StateWidth-1:0] //////// Regs // //////// This primitive is used to place a size-only constraint on the flops in order to prevent FSM state encoding optimizations.


Name Type Value Description
AddrWidth int prim_util_pkg::vbits(Depth) Derived parameters
IfWidth int 2*SizeWidthWidth
EccWidth int 6 This is only restricted by the supported ECC poly further below, and is straightforward to extend, if needed.
TlAddrWidth int prim_util_pkg::vbits(TlDepth) ////////////////////////////////// TL-UL Test Interface Emulation // ////////////////////////////////// Put down a register that can be used to test the TL interface. TODO: this emulation may need to be adjusted, once closed source wrapper is implemented.
StateWidth int 10 ///////////////// Control logic // ///////////////// Encoding generated with ./sparse-fsm-encode.py -d 5 -m 8 -n 10 Hamming distance histogram:
0: -- 1: -- 2: -- 3: -- 4: -- 5:


Name Type Description
state_e enum logic [StateWidth-1:0] {
ResetSt = 10'b1100000011,
InitSt = 10'b1100110100,
IdleSt = 10'b1010111010,
ReadSt = 10'b0011100000,
ReadWaitSt = 10'b1001011111,
WriteCheckSt = 10'b0111010101,
WriteWaitSt = 10'b0000001100,
WriteSt = 10'b0110101111 }


Type: always_ff

Type: always_comb

Type: always_comb

Output data without ECC bits.

Type: always_ff


Use a standard Hamming ECC for OTP.