Entity: prim_generic_ram_1p


int Width int Depth int DataBitsPerMask MemInitFile int Aw clk_i req_i write_i [Aw-1:0] addr_i [Width-1:0] wdata_i [Width-1:0] wmask_i ram_1p_cfg_t cfg_i [Width-1:0] rdata_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Synchronous single-port SRAM model


Generic name Type Value Description
Width int 32 bit
Depth int 128
DataBitsPerMask int 1 Number of data bits per bit of write mask
MemInitFile "" VMEM file to initialize the memory with
Aw int $clog2(Depth) derived parameter


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
req_i input
write_i input
addr_i input [Aw-1:0]
wdata_i input [Width-1:0]
wmask_i input [Width-1:0]
rdata_o output [Width-1:0] Read data. Data is returned one cycle after req_i is high.
cfg_i input ram_1p_cfg_t


Name Type Description
unused_cfg logic
mem logic [Width-1:0]
wmask logic [MaskWidth-1:0]


Name Type Value Description
Aw int $clog2(Depth) derived parameter
MaskWidth int Width / DataBitsPerMask Width of internal write mask. Note wmask_i input into the module is always assumed to be the full bit mask


Type: always

using always instead of always_ff to avoid 'ICPD - illegal combination of drivers' error thrown when using $readmemh system task to backdoor load an image