Entity: prim_generic_ram_2p


int Width int Depth int DataBitsPerMask MemInitFile int Aw clk_a_i clk_b_i a_req_i a_write_i [Aw-1:0] a_addr_i [Width-1:0] a_wdata_i [Width-1:0] a_wmask_i b_req_i b_write_i [Aw-1:0] b_addr_i [Width-1:0] b_wdata_i [Width-1:0] b_wmask_i ram_2p_cfg_t cfg_i [Width-1:0] a_rdata_o [Width-1:0] b_rdata_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Synchronous dual-port SRAM register model This module is for simulation and small size SRAM. Implementing ECC should be done inside wrapper not this model.


Generic name Type Value Description
Width int 32 bit
Depth int 128
DataBitsPerMask int 1 Number of data bits per bit of write mask
MemInitFile "" VMEM file to initialize the memory with
Aw int $clog2(Depth) derived parameter


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_a_i input
clk_b_i input
a_req_i input
a_write_i input
a_addr_i input [Aw-1:0]
a_wdata_i input [Width-1:0]
a_wmask_i input [Width-1:0]
a_rdata_o output [Width-1:0]
b_req_i input
b_write_i input
b_addr_i input [Aw-1:0]
b_wdata_i input [Width-1:0]
b_wmask_i input [Width-1:0]
b_rdata_o output [Width-1:0]
cfg_i input ram_2p_cfg_t


Name Type Description
unused_cfg logic
mem logic [Width-1:0]
a_wmask logic [MaskWidth-1:0]
b_wmask logic [MaskWidth-1:0]
mem end
end end
MaskWidth i
end end
else end
b_rdata_o begin


Name Type Value Description
Aw int $clog2(Depth) derived parameter
MaskWidth int Width / DataBitsPerMask Width of internal write mask. Note *_wmask_i input into the module is always assumed to be the full bit mask.