Entity: prim_lfsr_fpv


int unsigned EntropyDw int unsigned StateOutDw int unsigned GalXorMinLfsrDw int unsigned GalXorMaxLfsrDw int unsigned FibXnorMinLfsrDw int unsigned FibXnorMaxLfsrDw int unsigned MaxLenSVAThresh int unsigned GalMaxGtFibMax int unsigned MaxLfsrDw int unsigned NumDuts clk_i rst_ni [NumDuts-1:0] load_ext_en_i [NumDuts-1:0][MaxLfsrDw-1:0] seed_ext_i [NumDuts-1:0] lfsr_en_i [NumDuts-1:0][EntropyDw-1:0] entropy_i [NumDuts-1:0] state_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Testbench module for prim_lfsr. Intended to be used with a formal tool.


Generic name Type Value Description
EntropyDw int unsigned 1 LFSR entropy and output bitwidths (set to 1 here as they are unused)
StateOutDw int unsigned 1
GalXorMinLfsrDw int unsigned 4 this specifies the range of differently parameterized LFSRs to instantiate and check
GalXorMaxLfsrDw int unsigned 64
FibXnorMinLfsrDw int unsigned 3
FibXnorMaxLfsrDw int unsigned 168
MaxLenSVAThresh int unsigned 10 LFSRs up to this bitwidth are checked for maximum length
GalMaxGtFibMax int unsigned GalXorMaxLfsrDw > FibXnorMaxLfsrDw derived params
MaxLfsrDw int unsigned GalXorMaxLfsrDw * GalMaxGtFibMax +
NumDuts int unsigned FibXnorMaxLfsrDw - FibXnorMinLfsrDw +


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
load_ext_en_i input [NumDuts-1:0]
seed_ext_i input [NumDuts-1:0][MaxLfsrDw-1:0]
lfsr_en_i input [NumDuts-1:0]
entropy_i input [NumDuts-1:0][EntropyDw-1:0]
state_o output [NumDuts-1:0]


Name Type Value Description
GalMaxGtFibMax int unsigned GalXorMaxLfsrDw > FibXnorMaxLfsrDw derived params
MaxLfsrDw int unsigned GalXorMaxLfsrDw * GalMaxGtFibMax +
NumDuts int unsigned FibXnorMaxLfsrDw - FibXnorMinLfsrDw +