Entity: prim_reg_cdc


int DataWidth logic [DataWidth-1:0] DataWidth logic [DataWidth-1:0] DataWidth clk_src_i rst_src_ni clk_dst_i rst_dst_ni src_update_i src_regwen_i src_we_i src_re_i [DataWidth-1:0] src_wd_i [DataWidth-1:0] dst_d_i src_busy_o [DataWidth-1:0] src_qs_o dst_we_o dst_re_o dst_regwen_o [DataWidth-1:0] dst_wd_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Component handling register CDC


Generic name Type Value Description
DataWidth int 32
DataWidth logic [DataWidth-1:0] 32'h0
DataWidth logic [DataWidth-1:0] 32'hFFFFFFFF


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_src_i input
rst_src_ni input
clk_dst_i input
rst_dst_ni input
src_update_i input
src_regwen_i input
src_we_i input
src_re_i input
src_wd_i input [DataWidth-1:0]
src_busy_o output
src_qs_o output [DataWidth-1:0]
dst_d_i input [DataWidth-1:0]
dst_we_o output
dst_re_o output
dst_regwen_o output
dst_wd_o output [DataWidth-1:0]


Name Type Description
src_ack logic
src_busy_q logic
src_q logic [DataWidth-1:0]
txn_bits_q logic [TxnWidth-1:0]
src_req logic
busy logic src_q acts as both the write holding register and the software read back register. When software performs a write, the write data is captured in src_q for CDC purposes. When not performing a write, the src_q periodically samples the destination domain using the src_update_i indication.
To resolve software and hardware conflicts, the process is as follows: When software issues a write, this module asserts "busy". While busy, src_q does not sample the destination value. Since the logic has committed to updating based on software command, there is an irreversible window from which hardware writes are ignored. Once the busy window completes, the cdc portion then begins sampling once more.
This is consistent with prim_subreg_arb where during software / hardware conflicts, software is always prioritized. The main difference is the conflict resolution window is now larger instead of just one destination clock cycle.
unused_wd logic reserved bits are not used
dst_req logic ////////////////////////// CDC handling //////////////////////////
async_flag logic


Name Type Value Description
TxnWidth int 3 ////////////////////////// Source domain //////////////////////////


Type: always_ff

busy indication back-pressures upstream if the register is accessed again. The busy indication is also used as a "commit" indication for resolving software and hardware write conflicts

Type: always_ff

Type: always_ff
