Entity: prim_sram_arbiter


int unsigned N int unsigned SramDw int unsigned SramAw ArbiterImpl bit EnMask clk_i rst_ni [ N-1:0] req_i [SramAw-1:0] req_addr_i [ N-1:0] req_write_i [SramDw-1:0] req_wdata_i [SramDw-1:0] req_wmask_i sram_rvalid_i [SramDw-1:0] sram_rdata_i [1:0] sram_rerror_i [ N-1:0] gnt_o [ N-1:0] rsp_rvalid_o [SramDw-1:0] rsp_rdata_o [ 1:0] rsp_error_o sram_req_o [SramAw-1:0] sram_addr_o sram_write_o [SramDw-1:0] sram_wdata_o [SramDw-1:0] sram_wmask_o


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

N:1 SRAM arbiter

Parameter N: Number of requst port DW: Data width (SECDED is not included) Aw: Address width ArbiterImpl: can be either PPC or BINTREE.


Generic name Type Value Description
N int unsigned 4
SramDw int unsigned 32
SramAw int unsigned 12
ArbiterImpl "PPC"
EnMask bit undefined Disable wmask if 0


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
req_i input [ N-1:0]
req_addr_i input [SramAw-1:0]
req_write_i input [ N-1:0]
req_wdata_i input [SramDw-1:0]
req_wmask_i input [SramDw-1:0]
gnt_o output [ N-1:0]
rsp_rvalid_o output [ N-1:0] Pulse
rsp_rdata_o output [SramDw-1:0]
rsp_error_o output [ 1:0]
sram_req_o output SRAM Interface
sram_addr_o output [SramAw-1:0]
sram_write_o output
sram_wdata_o output [SramDw-1:0]
sram_wmask_o output [SramDw-1:0]
sram_rvalid_i input
sram_rdata_i input [SramDw-1:0]
sram_rerror_i input [1:0]


Name Type Description
req_packed req_t
sram_packed req_t
steer logic [N-1:0] Steering sram_rvalid_i
sram_ack logic Ack for rvalid.


Name Type Value Description
ARB_DW int $bits(req_t)


Name Type Description
req_t struct packed {
logic write;
logic [SramAw-1:0] addr;
logic [SramDw-1:0] wdata;
logic [SramDw-1:0] wmask;


Request FIFO