Entity: prim_subreg_shadow


int DW sw_access_e SwAccess logic [DW-1:0] DW clk_i rst_ni rst_shadowed_ni re we [DW-1:0] wd de [DW-1:0] d qe [DW-1:0] q [DW-1:0] qs err_update err_storage


Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Shadowed register slice conforming to Comportibility guide.


Generic name Type Value Description
DW int 32
SwAccess sw_access_e SwAccessRW
DW logic [DW-1:0] '0 reset value


Port name Direction Type Description
clk_i input
rst_ni input
rst_shadowed_ni input
re input From SW: valid for RW, WO, W1C, W1S, W0C, RC. SW reads clear phase unless SwAccess is RO.
we input In case of RC, top connects read pulse to we.
wd input [DW-1:0]
de input From HW: valid for HRW, HWO.
d input [DW-1:0]
qe output Output to HW and Reg Read
q output [DW-1:0]
qs output [DW-1:0]
err_update output Error conditions
err_storage output


Name Type Description
phase_clear logic Subreg control signals
phase_q logic
staged_we logic
shadow_we logic
committed_we logic
staged_de logic
shadow_de logic
committed_de logic
committed_qe logic Subreg status and data signals
staged_q logic [DW-1:0]
shadow_q logic [DW-1:0]
committed_q logic [DW-1:0]
committed_qs logic [DW-1:0]
wr_en logic Effective write enable and write data signals. These depend on we, de and wd, d, q as well as SwAccess.
wr_data logic [DW-1:0]


Name Type Value Description
InvertedSwAccess sw_access_e SwAccessW0C :


Type: always_ff

Phase tracker: - Reads from SW clear the phase back to 0. - Writes have priority (can come from SW or HW).
