Entity: pwrmgr_fsm
- File: pwrmgr_fsm.sv
Copyright lowRISC contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Power Manager Fast FSM
Port name | Direction | Type | Description |
clk_i | input | ||
rst_ni | input | ||
clk_slow_i | input | ||
rst_slow_ni | input | ||
req_pwrup_i | input | interface with slow_fsm | |
pwrup_cause_i | input | pwrup_cause_e | |
ack_pwrup_o | output | ||
req_pwrdn_o | output | ||
ack_pwrdn_i | input | ||
low_power_entry_i | input | ||
main_pd_ni | input | ||
reset_reqs_i | input | [NumRstReqs:0] | |
wkup_o | output | generate wake interrupt | |
fall_through_o | output | ||
abort_o | output | ||
clr_hint_o | output | ||
clr_cfg_lock_o | output | ||
pwr_rst_o | output | pwr_rst_req_t | rstmgr |
pwr_rst_i | input | pwr_rst_rsp_t | |
ips_clk_en_o | output | clkmgr | |
clk_en_status_i | input | ||
otp_init_o | output | otp | |
otp_done_i | input | ||
otp_idle_i | input | ||
lc_init_o | output | lc | |
lc_done_i | input | ||
lc_idle_i | input | ||
flash_idle_i | input | flash | |
rom_ctrl_done_i | input | rom_ctrl | |
rom_ctrl_good_i | input | ||
strap_o | output | pinmux | |
low_power_o | output | ||
fetch_en_o | output | processing elements |
Name | Type | Description |
pd_n_rsts_asserted | logic | all powered down domains have resets asserted |
all_rsts_asserted | logic | all domains have resets asserted |
reset_valid | logic | resets are valid |
reset_cause_q | reset_cause_e | |
reset_cause_d | reset_cause_e | |
reset_req | logic | reset request |
strap_sampled | logic | strap sample should only happen on cold boot or when the the system goes through a reset cycle |
fetch_en_q | lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t | disable processing element fetching |
fetch_en_d | lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t | disable processing element fetching |
state_d | fast_pwr_state_e | |
state_q | fast_pwr_state_e | |
reset_ongoing_q | logic | |
reset_ongoing_d | logic | |
req_pwrdn_q | logic | |
req_pwrdn_d | logic | |
ack_pwrup_q | logic | |
ack_pwrup_d | logic | |
ip_clk_en_q | logic | |
ip_clk_en_d | logic | |
rst_lc_req_q | logic [PowerDomains-1:0] | |
rst_sys_req_q | logic [PowerDomains-1:0] | |
rst_lc_req_d | logic [PowerDomains-1:0] | |
rst_sys_req_d | logic [PowerDomains-1:0] | |
otp_init | logic | |
lc_init | logic | |
low_power_q | logic | |
low_power_d | logic | |
rst_sys_src_n | [PowerDomains-1:OffDomainSelStart] | |
slow_lc_done | logic | Life cycle broadcast may take time to propagate through the system. The sync below simulates that behavior using the slowest clock in the system. |
lc_done | logic |
Name | Type | Value | Description |
OffDomainSelStart | int | ALWAYS_ON_DOMAIN + 1 | when there are multiple on domains, the latter 1 should become another parameter |
- unnamed: ( @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) )
Type: always_ff
- unnamed: ( @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) )
Type: always_ff
- unnamed: ( )
Type: always_comb
- u_fetch_en: prim_lc_sender
- u_slow_sync_lc_done: prim_flop_2sync
- u_sync_lc_done: prim_flop_2sync
- u_reg_otp_init: prim_flop
- u_reg_lc_init: prim_flop